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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

There is no solution for Indian doublespeak and passive-aggressive behaviors but bans.

Onna koi hal ni ey

People like him are far more dangerous than the Bakhts!

And as I said in this thread, us Pakistani members will be blamed for their failures. And this Indian just did that, and blatantly lied as well.

Look who has been 'tailgating' who ... never tagged or replied to in that thread until he did ... and how he plays victim :lol:

Screen Shot 2020-07-18 at 14.06.52.png
Sure thing, buddy. Here you go:
This is a voluntary code of conduct that participating Indian members have agreed to abide by. Indian members of PDF are not required to follow it as a rule; only those who find it relevant and progressive, and pertinent to our participation in a forum managed by citizens of another country, may do so.

There are no penalties; there are no strictures or admonitions. This code is an aspirational code, and is for those who wish to participate in a wholesome manner, devoid of hostile exchanges, without trolling other posts or thread, and without attacks on the personal attributes of other members.

The code has articles that are recommended. It has additional articles that are suggested. It will be circulated for comments, and for endorsement; once ten members have endorsed it, we who have endorsed it will seek to follow it.

  1. We will not abuse another member’s religion.
  2. We will not use unprintable language, referring to somebody’s post, to the person making the post, to the person’s views.
  3. We will not use abusive common labels for other Indian members such as
    1. Sanghi
    2. Bhakt
    3. Sickular
    4. Libtard
    5. Jihadi (for Muslims)
  4. We will not abuse women, the LGBT community or the mentally and physically handicapped.
  5. We will refrain from hostile remarks about people from different regions of India or from other countries.
  6. We will not quote from any publication or from electronic media without citing the source. We will give preference to published books, peer-reviewed articles or research papers from reputable think-tanks when originating a thread
  7. We will not question a member’s nationality without reasonable cause and without evidence greater than our personal suspicion.
In addition, it is suggested that members following the code avoid the following patterns of behaviour.
  1. We will not celebrate the death of another human being, even those who are killed by Indian security forces in the course of violent armed protests against the Indian state;
    1. It may be less abrasive to note the incident without adjectives or coloration of any kind.
  2. We will not celebrate any apparent success in war or armed conflict by India over any other, until the matter is concluded.
    1. On conclusion, we will try to use facts published by reliable print or electronic media.
    2. We will list unreliable sources from any reasonable point of view, and members will be requested not to cite these unreliable sources.
    3. We will respond to contrary claims by a simple statement of fact, and by mentioning that the matter is still in dispute.
  3. We will not report assumed superiority of Indian forces over others without evidence.
    1. The stronger the statement claiming superiority, the stronger ought to be the evidence and its sources.
  4. We will not respond to provocation by another member, Indian or other.
    1. The provocation will be reported to the Moderators using the report button immediately.
    2. In case of grave provocation, a common effort will be made to bring it to the immediate notice of the Moderators.
  5. We will not enter into arguments about the wars and armed conflicts between India and any other country without sufficient information on the subject, and will ask other Indian members for factual support wherever necessary.
The initial set of members to agree to subscribe to this code voluntarily will elect a three-person group to remind subscribing members about violations of the recommendations, or violations of the suggestions. The member concerned may decide how to react to these reminders.

Subscription to the code is open to all known Indian members.

Amended and updated on the 15th July at 20:00 HRS.

how many have agreed? like 5?
The sad thing is, the one who started this (Joe) has the backing of admins here. Not mods, but admins.

Yes, but no member is above the law. Even partiality can run its course if things get out of control.

I suppose this thread was supposed to be a way of alleviating those issues.

We will see what becomes of it.
Aman ki Asha is dead and buried. We don't expect anything from you lot anymore. Sorry to be direct and kurt, but this is the reality now.

The ship has sailed. Kashmir, as always, was the litmus test, as they are Pakistanis living under Indian occupation.

Exactly brother.

Never again this Aman ki Tamasha

This picture perfectly captures these shrewd Hindu mentality.


People like him are far more dangerous than the Bakhts!

And as I said in this thread, us Pakistani members will be blamed for their failures. And this Indian just did that, and blatantly lied as well.

Look who has been 'tailgating' who ... never tagged or replied to in that thread until he did ... and how he plays victim :lol:

Bhakats are low IQ idiots. They will blabber ad nauseam but deliver nothing. They are more useful to us as they project worst image of theirs to the world.

But these CoC Aman ki tamasha folks are shrewd. They project the good guy picture and propaganda to the world while pulling the rug under our feet.

Never trust and give space these Aman ki tamasha snakes.

Actually let me correct myself. if you come across a snake and a CoC type, Kill the CoC Hindus and leave the snake alone.
@X-ray Papa

Folks, it's up to us to keep to topic. This was not nice, forcing someone else to clean up. I take full and equal responsibility.
I agree it's our joint responsibility to stick to the code of conduct. Henceforth, I propose a small amendment to iur code.

Any Pakistani poster that tries to derail Indian internal threads with irrelevant nonsense will be named here. 1-2 irrelevant posts are fine, but consistent derailment as done by @Verve are unacceptable to us.

No action will be taken against them/no report button for posts that follow forum rules because we are guests here.

But these posters will need to be reminded that they're acting against the brotherly/friendly spirit by derailing important discussions which are useful for us Indians. Especially where Pakistan is not even mentioned one.

It's like foreign tourists come to Pakistan and you want to peek into their bedrooms to see what they're doing. Not cool! I am sure none of you do that - why can't we have the same etiquette here.

No bad blood against ANY Pakistani brothers here, including the ones for whom I have hit the IGNORE button. I have no animosity towards you. Just chill. This is a great forum, and we all love it equally.

Who is half moon?

Apparently he's a Pakistani troll posting under Indian flags. I have put him on IGNORE for his consistently annoying derailments.


What would you call a Jew who had sided with Nazi Germany?

Too simplistic. Please open a new thread on that (as long as there is no flaming). I will be happy to respond.
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