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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

You are not improving the image of Pakistan for myself when inspite of people speaking courteously with you, you still talk about them negatively.

Aman ki Asha is dead and buried. We don't expect anything from you lot anymore. Sorry to be direct and kurt, but this is the reality now.

The ship has sailed. Kashmir, as always, was the litmus test, as they are Pakistanis living under Indian occupation.

But fortunately there are people like @saiyan0321 who give a good representation of Pakistan.

Indian state has been using its Abdul Kalam Azad, Abul Kalam, AR Rehman, Shahrukh Khan, and Mehbooba Muftis from as long as independence to silence Muslim voices.

I see you are doing the same here.

It is not the prerogative, right or any business WHATSOEVER for indians to comment on the heritage and racial origins of Pakistani people.

For them it is Fard Kifaya, which means that atleast one of them is obligated to put down Pakistani identity if they witness it discussed on this forum.

Do you have any credible, verifiable proof of that?

Did you see the Ayasofya thread? Literally every thread on this forum is infected. I have discussed it with mods and made many threads on that topic.

@Joe Shearer Did you report my clarification on a poster erroneously declaring Ghazwa e Hind Ahadith as 'weak' in that Bengali Pakistan anthem thread?

That is kind of low.
Aman ki Asha is dead and buried. We don't expect anything from you lot anymore. Sorry to be direct and kurt, but this is the reality now.

The ship has sailed. Kashmir, as always, was the litmus test, as they are Pakistanis living under Indian occupation.

We note your personal views. We note that many Pakistanis differ. So we will go with the evidence, thank you very much.
Aman ki Asha is dead and buried. We don't expect anything from you lot anymore. Sorry to be direct and kurt, but this is the reality now.

The ship has sailed. Kashmir, as always, was the litmus test, as they are Pakistanis living under Indian occupation.

Indian state has been using its Abdul Kalam Azad, Abul Kalam, AR Rehman, Shahrukh Khan, and Mehbooba Muftis from as long as independence to silence Muslim voices.

I see you are doing the same here.

For them it is Fard Kifaya, which means that atleast one of them is obligated to put down Pakistani identity if they witness it discussed on this forum.

Did you see the Ayasofya thread? Literally every thread on this forum is infected. I have discussed it with mods and made many threads on that topic.

@Joe Shearer Did you report my clarification on a poster erroneously declaring Ghazwa e Hind Ahadith as 'weak' in that Bengali Pakistan anthem thread?

That is kind of low.

I have witnessed indians on PDF claiming to be expert authorities on the heritage and racial origins of Pakistani people. A lot of them even claimed that Pakistanis are exactly the same as indians apart from religion, i.e. they are insinuating that us Pakistanis are indian Muslims........:disagree:When I presented the genetic and anthropological evidence which proves that Pakistanis are racially different to indians, I have been met which a tirade of anti-Pakistani and anti-Muslim racial abuse............:disagree:
Indian state has been using its Abdul Kalam Azad, Abul Kalam, AR Rehman, Shahrukh Khan, and Mehbooba Muftis from as long as independence to silence Muslim voices.

I see you are doing the same here.

Which Muslim voices are being silenced? The only Muslim voices from India are each of them capable of speaking for themselves, and have shown no hesitation in criticising the Indian state whenever they felt it was deserved. I fully support their freedom of speech, and wish it was as readily available in real life, as it is here.

However, it is difficult to understand your analogy.

@TheGreatMaratha cited a Pakistani member whose views differed from yours. How does that silence the Muslim Indians who are members here? How does the situation resemble what you mentioned, even remotely?
For them it is Fard Kifaya, which means that atleast one of them is obligated to put down Pakistani identity if they witness it discussed on this forum.

I don't think anybody is bothered to do more than correct an egregious error, or to rebuff any racism towards Indians.

Again, a reference to examples would strengthen your case. As it is, it is a bald, rootless assertion.

The statement made by your friend very conveniently glosses over the horrible remarks that he himself makes about Indians. What he said applies in reverse as well, but I am sure he will avoid that admission altogether.
Indian state has been using its Abdul Kalam Azad, Abul Kalam, AR Rehman, Shahrukh Khan, and Mehbooba Muftis .

Are you implying that these persons are any less Muslim than you just because they side with the Indian State?

That's a nonsense logic. There are 55 Muslim majority countries in the world, and India only has problems with Pakistan (Not excusing any blame for the Indian State, it has its share of demons).

Dude, I have lived in Muslim majority countries? You need to have a balanced perspective, and change this wrong mindset that all Indians have a genocidal outlook towards Pakistanis. It's not true.

You have too much xenophobia towards Indians. We are here to help you precisely overcome these bad feelings. Discuss everything about what made you feel this way, I am a patient listener.
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Of course, I failed to adhere to the code w.r.t. you. Regret the failure. The other Indian posters are doing remarkably fine.

Now you've been blocked by me. Problem solved. You had been an annoying pest for last two days. Tailgating all of my posts with irrelevant nonsense. Derailing the entire thread on Rahul Gandhi where I was discussing political points. But I agree the fault is not yours alone.

Anyway, I will not be hearing from you anymore because of the "Ignore" button provided by the site owners.

@Joe Shearer
To be honest except @Shantanu_Left, the other guys are really following the code. But yes, you can feel free to post your grievances here whenever you feel that you are being harassed.

And don't hesitate in using the Report button. It's there for a reason.

LOL, an Indian and a Pakistani weasel joining hands to "report" me to the mod's. Who says India and Pakistan can't have unity? :cheesy: I really like it.
Tailgating all of my posts with irrelevant nonsense. Derailing the entire thread on Rahul Gandhi where I was discussing political points. But I agree the fault is not yours alone.

Anyway, I will not be hearing from you anymore because of the "Ignore" button provided by the site owners.

Oh cry baby and LIAR. I didn't tag you in my posts. You've been the one tailing me, and quoting. Check your history PROPERLY!
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