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Sub-continental sub: Another Indian submarine modernized in Russia


Apr 4, 2012
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Russia’s leading shipyard has finished deep modernization of yet another Indian submarine. Armed with latest multi-role missile system, radar and electronics, the sub promises to become the game-changing backbone of the Indian Navy.

The ceremony of signing the transfer and acceptance act of the diesel-electric submarine INS Sindhurakshak (Sea giant) SSK Kilo Class has been conducted on January 26 in Severodvinsk.
The submarine has been undergoing complete overhaul and upgrade in Russia’s leading Zvezdochka (Starlet) shipyard in the town of Severodvinsk in Russia’s north since August 2010.

According to open sources the works’ cost of US$80 million included overhaul of submarine’s hull structures, installation of upgraded electronic warfare and weapons control systems, mounting of Indian-made sonar USHUS and radio communication systems.


The most important upgrade made is incorporation of Russian state-of–the-art Club-S multi-role missile system capable of eliminating targets at the distance of over 250km (in export variant).

It is possible that later the submarine will be also armed with supersonic BrahMos cruise missile of Russian-Indian design.

INS Sindhurakshak (Type 877EKM in Russia, Sindhughosh-class in Indian Navy) was constructed in St. Petersburg’s Admiralteiskie Verfi shipyard in 1997. The submarine is designed to patrol and to protect naval communications, assault warships, enemy submarines, land targets and perform naval reconnaissance.

Overall 10 Kilo-class submarines were constructed in Russia’s shipyards for the Indian Navy from 1985-2000.

On January 29 the sub will start its long journey home. This is to be the first time an Indian Kilo-class sub will returning to its home naval base under the Arctic ice.

Since 1997, the Zvezdochka shipyard has already modernized four Soviet- and Russian-built Kilo-class submarines for the Indian Navy: Sinduvir, Sinduratna, Sindugosh and Sindhuvijay. INS Sindukirti, the fifth Kilo-class sub in India’s possession, is being repaired and modernized by Zvezdochka at her home base Vishakhapatnam, India.

Sea giant’s sword

From now on the primary weapon of the INS Sindhurakshak submarine, besides traditional torpedoes, will be a range of multi-purpose cruise missiles of the Club-S family (SS-N-27 Sizzler NATO classification) designed by the Novator missile design bureau in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg, in the Ural Mountains.

Club-S cruise missile complex is capable of hitting sea surface targets, targets underwater, or eliminate objects on land. The complex has various missiles for different tasks, all of which can be fired from standard torpedo tubes submerged from the depth of maximum 40m.

Club-S missiles are not stealth, but on the terminal stage of the attack they all approach target on skimming altitude of a mere 5-10m, making their way below the level a modern warship’s radar. This feature makes them deadly for any existing target, for example 3M-54E1 version is allegedly capable of dealing an aircraft carrier.


Sub-continental sub: Another Indian submarine modernized in Russia — RT
Sindhurakshak means "protector of the seas", not "sea giant" (which would be SindhurakshaS).
Interesting nugget of information there in the report:
"On January 29 the sub will start its long journey home. This is to be the first time an Indian Kilo-class sub will returning to its home naval base under the Arctic ice."

That will be an unique experience for the crew, navigating under ice- shades of USS Nautilus, Skate and then so many other nuclear subs. Unique distinction. :tup:
Interesting nugget of information there in the report:
"On January 29 the sub will start its long journey home. This is to be the first time an Indian Kilo-class sub will returning to its home naval base under the Arctic ice."

That will be an unique experience for the crew, navigating under ice- shades of USS Nautilus, Skate and then so many other nuclear subs. Unique distinction. :tup:

Sorry to ask you but i have been observing your posts ... are you a NAVY man ??
Interesting nugget of information there in the report:
"On January 29 the sub will start its long journey home. This is to be the first time an Indian Kilo-class sub will returning to its home naval base under the Arctic ice."

That will be an unique experience for the crew, navigating under ice- shades of USS Nautilus, Skate and then so many other nuclear subs. Unique distinction. :tup:

How do they undertake such a long journey, which ports would they replenish from?
How do they undertake such a long journey, which ports would they replenish from?

Well, Vietnam has given IN berthing rights + India has friendly relations with most of ASEAN & EA countries, i m sure replenishment is not an issue.
How do they undertake such a long journey, which ports would they replenish from?

I'm not sure which route exactly the sub will follow and which is her final destination. But that said, the transit below the ice will not be very long @16-20 kts. About storing, the sub has an endurance of about 45 days, even that is not likely to get tested on this cruise. In Europe there are ports within abt. 15-20 days sailing which are suitable for the purpose. And this cruise is likely to get used as "showing the flag" exercise like the INS Tabar did on her way home.
I'm not sure which route exactly the sub will follow and which is her final destination. But that said, the transit below the ice will not be very long @16-20 kts. About storing, the sub has an endurance of about 45 days, even that is not likely to get tested on this cruise. In Europe there are ports within abt. 15-20 days sailing which are suitable for the purpose. And this cruise is likely to get used as "showing the flag" exercise like the INS Tabar did on her way home.

But what about range? Even if the sub has an endurance of 45 days, what range does it have? After all, these are diesel-electric subs, right? If they can travel such long distances, what is the need for nuclear propulsion? I thought only nuke subs are capable of blue water ops, whereas diesel subs are limited to closer ranges.
But what about range? Even if the sub has an endurance of 45 days, what range does it have? After all, these are diesel-electric subs, right? If they can travel such long distances, what is the need for nuclear propulsion? I thought only nuke subs are capable of blue water ops, whereas diesel subs are limited to closer ranges.

The endurance of the subs are a factor of the fuel and the provisions etc that the sub can carry. In case of a boomer, the provisions and stores for the crew is the limiting factor, not fuel.
Sindhurakshak - Sea Protector, not Sea Giant.
haha,just read the first two lines..the "submarine is armed with latest missiles,radar and electronics...." where did you put a radar in a sub??? yellow journalism at its best :lol:

Looks like you do'nt know much about subs or about eqpt on warships. How does a sub navigate on the surface? What are all the uses/applications of Radar at sea whether surface warships, subs or even merchant ships.

Please read up a little at least before "shooting your bolt".
Club-S missiles are not stealth, but on the terminal stage of the attack they all approach target on skimming altitude of a mere 5-10m, making their way below the level a modern warship’s radar. This feature makes them deadly for any existing target, for example 3M-54E1 version is allegedly capable of dealing an aircraft carrier

This sounds interesting. There was a news about Brahmos cruising as low as 1m altitude. That means it will make Brahmos too stealthy.
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