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Stop demeaning Indian soldiers

See below parts of your original post and you can understand where I disagree with you:

Here's where you talk about them being honorable:

Here's where you claim their disproportionate rapes and human rights abuses are equal to Pakistan's armed forces. An absolute vile claim I should add. Then you describe them as the Nazi mindset 'they are just following orders'

Here you go talking about their professionalism. Do you know armed forces professionalism includes not raping women and harming civilians?

Now the contradiction with this:
'I do not for a minute expect you to respect their character, honor or decency. I believe them to have none of those traits'

Let me clarify. When I write about professionalism , I speak of the non rapping Indian soldier deployed in other fronts. Not the ones committing atrocities in Kashmir. I am with you in calling out the war crimes of India in Kashmir.

Let me clarify. When I write about professionalism , I speak of the non rapping Indian soldier deployed in other fronts. Not the ones committing atrocities in Kashmir. I am with you in calling out the war crimes of India in Kashmir.


What about Indian Muslims, Dalits, Naxalites, and Christians?

Are Indian army's crimes against humanity, outside of Kashmir, ok with you?

what do you expect when you have people like Bipin and Duval leading from the front?

@Hakikat ve Hikmet @letsrock @manlion
Unbelievable you have written the above!!

Nazis were declared criminals. Criminals are not respected, they are criminals ... ! Crimes of Nazi soldiers is why Germany is still paying in millions annually to Jews!

Please get some therapy ... you seem to have completely gone off the track on this one!

you know that German tactics are still taught in most military academies. Ervin Rommel and his tactics in Africa are the building blocks of our defence in the desert

so yes the Germans were war criminals. We should not follow their warcrimes like the Indians are committing. Yet we should learn from their tactics that work in war

What about Indian Muslims, Dalits, Naxalites, and Christians?

Are Indian army's crimes against humanity, outside of Kashmir, ok with you?

what do you expect when you have people like Bipin and Duval leading from the front?

@Hakikat ve Hikmet @letsrock @manlion
It may be my lack of knowledge of the subject outside of the atrocities in Kashmir. Are you referring to operation blue star against the Sikhs, I was not aware of Indian armed forces action against Muslims, Christians and Delits outside of Kashmir? Please educate me.

To add further clarity, I am talking about the army to army Conflict only, not Indian army committing atrocities against innocent Kashmir’s

It may be my lack of knowledge of the subject outside of the atrocities in Kashmir. Are you referring to operation blue star against the Sikhs, I was not aware of Indian armed forces action against Muslims, Christians and Delits outside of Kashmir? Please educate me.

To add further clarity, I am talking about the army to army Conflict only, not Indian army committing atrocities against innocent Kashmir’s


Plenty is posted here on this forum of human rights abuses against minorities, and Indian army is hand in glove part of that draconian state.

At the present, RSS is in total control of the Indan military. Go do some research, you will be surprised how deep it goes.
To add further clarity, I am talking about the army to army Conflict only, not Indian army committing atrocities against innocent Kashmir’s

Same army shooting at Pakistani Kashmiri civilians and at Pakistani border posts, is the one which is abducting Kashmiris and raping, abusing, torturing them.

Why are you so surprised?
I feel we are being miopic in our thinking a lot like the Indians. There entire war strategy was based against one country Pakistan. This lead to miopic threat perception which left them with a limited capability to make war against any other enemy I.e. a superpower like China.

we on the other hand already know that our enemies are far greater, not just India. We need to prepare for the wider war against multiple enemies. By being miopic and single focused on India we do ourselves a disservice.

we need to prepare for the larger war, prepare our people, prepare our thinking, prepare Our economy, prepare our military trust me India will be no match for us.

we need to stop thinking of India as our only enemy and focus on the bigger picture. This why petulant name calling Does not help, as one loses the bigger perspective.

Plenty is posted here on this forum of human rights abuses against minorities, and Indian army is hand in glove part of that draconian state.

At the present, RSS is in total control of the Indan military. Go do some research, you will be surprised how deep it goes.
Will do

Same army shooting at Pakistani Kashmiri civilians and at Pakistani border posts, is the one which is abducting Kashmiris and raping, abusing, torturing them.

Why are you so surprised?

well brother this happens when they shell Pakistan

See the last 10 seconds

Let me clarify. When I write about professionalism , I speak of the non rapping Indian soldier deployed in other fronts. Not the ones committing atrocities in Kashmir. I am with you in calling out the war crimes of India in Kashmir.


Well that needs to be clarified as a blanket statement does not apply in this case. As an aside I am against all war crimes period, whether it be US in Iraq or India in Kashmir.
Individually there may well be brave soldiers and certainly, individuals warrant individual judgement on the basis of their own actions. For example, Abhinandan conducted himself professionally for the most part even though he is an enemy agent.

However, the connection of these individuals to the collective and the institution cannot be simply absolved. As an entity, taking taking the scope of their remit, their modus operandi, and the apparent consensus of unprofessional behaviour amongst their leadership into account, they are an abysmal and utter failure of an institution. Their leaders pander to a bollywood-ised media instead of daring to represent themselves in a professional manner (indeed, their senior officers frequently themselves constitute the bollywood-ised media on traditional and novel online platforms alike), hence they leave themselves wide open to retaliation and deserve whatever trolling they get.
They're very much like the Borg in fact. You may sympathise with the plight of an individual who has been assimilated by this collective, and you may well believe that were he to decouple and undergo some basic reversal of whatever brainwashing he has been exposed to that he may be salvageable outside of the collective. However, while he's a Borg, he is no different to the collective.
Thank you

You were right.

A lone man right has more moral authority than a pack that is wrong.

I also understand the pressure on you from a mob of excited fanatics. It is best you do not respond and let them say what they wish to say.
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