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Special Thanks to AfrazulMandal

Absolutely- I love my Beef so does my family- So we have evolved from generation to generation.
My Mothers and Fathers sides were pure Vegetarians.
This is one sad aspect about independence. The number of vegetarians has dwindled.

Mashallah, we agree for once !

Wut ? :what:

No idea about that, man :lol:

Now you're just being nasty and provocative.. why ?

We agree again. Hindu Undivided crap, Xtian inheritance laws.. they all have to go. Should be decided by decent judges, no mazhab etc allowed. 8-)

They already can and do. All they have to do is travel to Kerala and have at it with as much beef fry/porotta as the tummies will allow !

+1 again

Touchy cultural subject I don't know enough about. You're being nasty again though.



they already can.


The point was this. Most Hindus support UCC because they view it simply as a mechanism to cut another of the perceived benefits that Muslims in India enjoy, while ignoring the skeletons within their own closet.

If the existing laws were not perceived as a benefit for Muslims, Hindus would never be clamoring for a Uniform Civil Code. Own up to the reality.
I want a Uniform Civil Code where a Dalit cannot be prevented from visiting a temple.

Uniform, similar, equal...aren't these words anomaly in India. With so much diversity(read adversity) there in India how anything 'Uniform' is plausible and practical.

It will lead to further divisions related to regions and religions, further division in caste related discrimination, more alienation of Muslims and other minorities.

It seems as though Sangh is hardwired to do all these silly things, they can't help it... which will catapult India towards further chaos and into deeper abyss....
Thats my point- Why only 5 states- The whole of India should be able to eat Beef-Why is RSS/BJP beating up people with Beef?- Do they know how old the meat is or which species of cows or is it Ox/Bulls ets- No they dont.

Read carefully, I said all states allow beef with certain restrictions. There is no one going to kill you if you eat beef, atleast the law.
Now RSS,BJP killing people for beef is a blanket statement. Have you seen BJP/RSS workers killing for beef? I wont even go there where how many cattle owners have been killed while stealing cattle? Especially to be smuggled to BD? People taking law into hands are as bad as people pelting stones on health workers.

These bunches are every where, they need to be fixed.

Your state is fond of Jalikattu, SC banned it and centre passed an ordinance. I will say it was wrong? open for debate.
All states have some jurisdiction. and btw beef can travel between states, anyone wants to eat beef can eat beef.

Osiris - this is false equivalence.

Those that carried out lynchings, broke the law and committed a crime.

As far as I know, @AfrazulMandal has not broken any law, unless you know otherwise.

Which law he was breaking when he said he wants to carve a muslim nation out of this nation? Ask him to say this in public, and see what law does to him! This is sedition.
I am no religious expert, but I have friends who are.

I am quoting him - Hinduism STRICTLY forbids consumption of cow on the pain of death.
I did some reading and found the same too. If you go to the primary sources, that is what they say.

In the classical sense, that makes you a non Hindu, which is fine. Your culinary choices have anyway made you ... shall we say - civilized?
I am an Hindu- I dont need a Bhagvad Gita or a Pujari or RSS to tell me if I am a Hindu or not- I follow the way of life that suits me to be a better Human/Son/Husband/Father etc..."Do you know that people who go to Sabrimala can work as buthers as well- Its your job- the same way its cruel to kill an animal for fun, but if you are hungry and want to consume, there is nothing wrong with it- Thats my belief.
No body know everything- Hindus and Muslims started burning India since 1946.

There you are. Anyway you look like a really simple person who shouldnt even be here. I will let you carry on.
The point was this. Most Hindus support UCC because they view it simply as a mechanism to cut another of the perceived benefits that Muslims in India enjoy, while ignoring the skeletons within their own closet.

and I can only speak for myself.

If the existing laws were not perceived as a benefit for Muslims, Hindus would never be clamoring for a Uniform Civil Code. Own up to the reality.
"Civic Nationalism" makes me clamour (though not quite) for true secularism which the UCC will help usher in.

Just common sense.

All of society will benefit from a bit of population regulation/control and scrapping religious BS from the books.
There you are. Anyway you look like a really simple person who shouldnt even be here. I will let you carry on.
Whats the reason you are here for?- I am here to diversify my thought process by listening to others- This will help me grow as a person and be more receptive to different thought process and also to interact with a few sane Indians and Pakistanis. I joined in 2011 where discussions used to civil - well not so nowadays.
Osiris - this is false equivalence.

Those that carried out lynchings, broke the law and committed a crime.

As far as I know, @AfrazulMandal has not broken any law, unless you know otherwise.

Breaking unity of your motherland, sowing communal hatred is a crime, whether it is done by Indian Hindus or Indian Muslims or any one else for that matter.

It does not carry the same punishment as murder, as those insects, who lynch people who carry beef do. But it should.
Read carefully, I said all states allow beef with certain restrictions. There is no one going to kill you if you eat beef, atleast the law.
Now RSS,BJP killing people for beef is a blanket statement. Have you seen BJP/RSS workers killing for beef? I wont even go there where how many cattle owners have been killed while stealing cattle? Especially to be smuggled to BD? People taking law into hands are as bad as people pelting stones on health workers.

These bunches are every where, they need to be fixed.

Your state is fond of Jalikattu, SC banned it and centre passed an ordinance. I will say it was wrong? open for debate.
All states have some jurisdiction. and btw beef can travel between states, anyone wants to eat beef can eat beef.
First and foremost- Eating habits is no ones business- Including the state.
You give more power to the states-they will take more rights away, thats the way it works.

Eating beef should have not been an issue at all in the first place- BJP/RSS is just beating the gullible Janta like a drum to win elections and in the process riling up the masses like thugs on heat.

This is one sad aspect about independence. The number of vegetarians has dwindled.

Which is good- They get to taste the better things in life.
Whats the reason you are here for?- I am here to diversify my thought process by listening to others- This will help me grow as a person and be more receptive to different thought process and also to interact with a few sane Indians and Pakistanis. I joined in 2011 where discussions used to civil - well not so nowadays.

The forum became politics.pk from defence.pk
I think we need more discussions like these-@Afrazul is absolutely not one of them, with the little interactions I have had on this forum- He is dejected and feels let down by his fellow country men and rightly soo- Thats the problem with us we immediately blame a person/community- All of us are in this together, its time to evolve as humans.

He is not a kid. Should be able to see the difference, between individual acts of bigotry and blaming the entire nation and lashing out like a kids do.

Individuals who sow communal hatred in their own motherland, should be treated with equal amount of contempt, irrespective of their religion.
The forum became politics.pk from defence.pk
What can I say- No one wants to discuss Defense related topics anymore- Its become a dick measuring contest with a lot of abuses and only one side gets banned- No fun anymore.

He is not a kid. Should be able to see the difference, between individual acts of bigotry and blaming the entire nation and lashing out like a kids do.

Individuals who sow communal hatred in their own motherland, should be treated with equal amount of contempt, irrespective of their religion.
Totally agree- Individuals who sow communal hatred in their own motherland- Should be taken to task first- Lets say we start with RSS/BJP.
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