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So who still thinks Israel is the root of Middle East problems?

Most of the middle problems stem from corrupt dictatorships and religion. Israel should be given the entire middle east for the sake of peace, equality and rights.

Let us see how the Arabs do when the Jewish state is wiped off the face of the planet.

Everything else is just conjecture.

They will fare even worst off because with no enemy to hate they will fight among themselves
Lol, even without the Jews, you would see Iranians, Arabs, prob the Turks, etc poking each other every way they can.

Israelis are just a fun little state in the mix.

Though little, it has a clout just as big as the others.
Most of the middle problems stem from corrupt dictatorships and religion. Israel should be given the entire middle east for the sake of peace, equality and rights.

They will fare even worst off because with no enemy to hate they will fight among themselves

Israeli jews kill Palestinians with White Phosphorous. So no thanks.
Muslims kill each other with suicide bombs

Israeli Jews kill Palestinians with White Phosphorous, thus the desperate attempt to change the subject.

Israel: White Phosphorus Use Evidence of War Crimes | Human Rights Watch

Witness accounts and additional analysis of IDF use of white phosphorus
Rain of Fire: Israel’s Unlawful Use of White Phosphorus in Gaza
  • GazaVideoLandingIMG.jpg

    Video: White Phosphorus Use in Gaza
"For the needless civilian deaths caused by white phosphorus, senior commanders should be held to account."
Fred Abrahams, senior emergencies researcher at Human Rights Watch and co-author of the report
(Jerusalem) - Israel's repeated firing of white phosphorus shells over densely populated areas of Gaza during its recent military campaign was indiscriminate and is evidence of war crimes, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.

Poor Palestinians.

I guess Isreali jews bombed Palestinians with white phosphorous chemical weapons because Palestinians kids playing with stones were a potential threat.

Jew Israeli army sure showed those kids..
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Israeli jews kill Palestinians with White Phosphorous. So no thanks.
You've got it backwards. During the Gaza op a few years back Israel fired WP to shield its military during operations, whereas Hamas employed WP in an attempt to wantonly kill Israelis: link.

It is the Arab terrorists you sympathize with who have the mentality of exercising cruelty to others. That mentality is also applied to their political opponents so is it likely it will disappear if they succeed in their professed goal of slaying all Jews in the region? Doesn't the experience of Pakistan suggest instead that politicians will try to label their opponents "Jews" or "Zionists" in an attempt to dehumanize them or mark them for murder?
Most of the middle problems stem from corrupt dictatorships and religion. Israel should be given the entire middle east for the sake of peace, equality and rights.

They will fare even worst off because with no enemy to hate they will fight among themselves

Somebozo I usually like you but that is simply a dumb post.

How about we give all of Pakistan, Bangladesh and the remaining South Asia to India since they are the "world's biggest "democracy"."

What do you say to that?
Arabs themselves are the root of most of the problems in the middle east. Blaming Israelis for problems in Egypt or elsewhere is like me blaming backwater for no gas in the kitchen this morning.

As Muslims we should be strong enough to dig deep, see out faults and fix them. The blame game is the cowards "way out".
You've got it backwards. During the Gaza op a few years back Israel fired WP to shield its military during operations, whereas Hamas employed WP in an attempt to wantonly kill Israelis: link.

It is the Arab terrorists you sympathize with who have the mentality of exercising cruelty to others. That mentality is also applied to their political opponents so is it likely it will disappear if they succeed in their professed goal of slaying all Jews in the region? Doesn't the experience of Pakistan suggest instead that politicians will try to label their opponents "Jews" or "Zionists" in an attempt to dehumanize them or mark them for murder?

Did the isreali jews care they would dehumanize themselves when they were using chemical weapons on Palestinian children?

They didn't?

oh ok..

HRW and AI: Substituting Lex Ferenda for Lex Lata

In a brilliant monograph written by Asher Fredman for NGO Monitor and JCPA, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch's seemingly factual statements regarding the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) are examined - and found to be sorely lacking.

Fredman goes through the NGOs' writings concerning Operation Cast Lead and shows that their conclusions concerning the use of white phosphorus and UAVs do not reflect international law as it is (lex lata) , but rather how they would like international law to be (lex ferenda.)

Excerpts from the summary:

It is shown that the NGOs’ [1] descriptions of the means and methods of warfare contain numerous unwarranted assertions and unsubstantiated claims. In other cases, the NGOs present unrealistic depictions of the nature of modern combat, leading them to problematic evaluations of Israeli actions. It appears that these result at least in part from a lack of expertise in relevant areas.

From the legal perspective, it will be argued that the NGOs’ presentation of several key LOAC principles is inaccurate or incomplete. In other instances, AI and HRW present controversial interpretations of LOAC treaties as widely accepted customary law. This suggests that the NGOs may be engaged in “standard setting” [2] rather than in objective evaluations.

On white phosphorus (WP):

Among the findings are that:

LOAC, as reflected in state declarations and practice, recognizes the right of a commander to consider military needs, particularly force protection, when evaluating what actions and precautions are feasible in a given situation.

HRW’s claim that Israel could feasibly have used a different type of smoke obscurant to the same effect as WP is contradicted on several counts by military sources and weapons experts.

AI and HRW's arguments regarding the feasibility of using other means and methods to deliver WP are unsubstantiated and based upon information unavailable to the NGOs. Suggested alternatives may, in fact, have posed a greater danger to civilians.

Contrary to the claim that Israel’s use of WP was indiscriminate and hence unlawful per se, its use was “directed at a specific military objective” and therefore lawful under LOAC.​

On the use of UAVs:

Among the findings are that:

The evidence AI and HRW present to establish their claims regarding the weapons platforms and munitions allegedly used is rendered questionable by military and defense industry sources. In a number of instances, the witness testimony relied upon heavily by the NGOs is contradicted by widely published media reports or the NGOs themselves.

AI and HRW present an unrealistic depiction of the factors influencing targeting decisions on the modern battlefield. They fall prey to the “allure of precision” that leads “those beyond the battlefield [to] impose unreasonable demands on the military or postulate norms that go beyond treaty or custom” (Schmitt, 2004, p. 466).

Israeli actions are judged based on hindsight, in contrast to LOAC standards as affirmed by the declarations of 13 countries when ratifying Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions.
The NGOs misrepresent LOAC definitions of legitimate military objectives. On the basis of this misrepresentation, they presume the absence of legitimate military objectives in the vicinity of a strike.

Once presuming the absence of legitimate military objectives, the NGOs assume that civilians injured in a strike were deliberately targeted. This allows them to ignore LOAC’s recognition of the possibility and lawfulness of proportional collateral damage in attacks on military objectives.​


The findings of this study indicate that at least in their reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, AI and HRW’s reports contain many factual inaccuracies and problematic presentations of international law. It is therefore suggested that AI and HRW, as well as other NGOs dealing with similar issues, carefully evaluate their areas of competency, and ensure that factual and legal assertions are made with the proper degree of expertise. It is further suggested that the NGOs take steps to maintain standards of objectivity and ensure that ideological predilections do not color their analyses. When claiming to evaluate the lawfulness of a party’s actions, the NGOs must not conflate lex lata (the law as it exists) with their preferred lex ferenda (what the law should be).
As I showed in AI's contradictory and HRW's bogus definitions of "occupation."

Policy-makers, diplomats, and journalists should more carefully scrutinize NGO-generated information. Subjecting NGO reports and statements to careful analysis will help ensure that these documents are produced at the highest standards. This would enable NGOs such as AI and HRW to most effectively fulfill their mission of promoting and protecting human rights.
Don't expect HRW or AI to respond in any substantial way. As we have seen, NGOs tend to get veryshrill and defensive when light is shined on them.
What business is that of anybody if we do or do not consider Israel the root of all problems in the Middle East??
Did the isreali jews care they would dehumanize themselves when they were using chemical weapons on Palestinian children?

They didn't?

oh ok..
Sorry, RangerPK, but there isn't always going to be a Jew around to correct mistaken impressions or misleading, phony propaganda. If you care about the truth - really care - you're going to have to make more of an effort to winkle it out.

After all, you've lived long enough to know that your textbooks and religious leaders lie to you, because you can see the contradictions between what they claim and life in Pakistan. Why would you think they would restrain from lying about peoples far away from you if they thought it would serve their purposes?

What business is that of anybody if we do or do not consider Israel the root of all problems in the Middle East??
I swear, Aamna14 is not my sock puppet, either!

LOAC, as reflected in state declarations and practice, recognizes the right of a commander to consider military needs, particularly force protection, when evaluating what actions and precautions are feasible in a given situation.​

I guess in a situation in which Palestinian children are sighted, it is feasible to use white phosphorus chemical weapons to kill them as per Isreali Military wants... ops I meant needs.

Policy-makers, diplomats, and journalists should more carefully scrutinize NGO-generated information. Subjecting NGO reports and statements to careful analysis will help ensure that these documents are produced at the highest standards. This would enable NGOs such as AI and HRW to most effectively fulfill their mission of promoting and protecting human rights.

Yes, NGOs should be more careful what they report about Israeli jews crimes against humanity, or else they might be bull dozed to death like the American peace activist Rachel Corrie.

Photostory: Israeli bulldozer driver murders American peace activist | The Electronic Intifada

On 16 March 2003 in Rafah, occupied Gaza, 23-year-old American peace activist Rachel Corrie from Olympia, Washington, was murdered by an Israeli bulldozer driver. Rachel was in Gaza opposing the bulldozing of a Palestinian home as a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement.

Rachel and seven other ISM activists were in the Hi Es Salam area of Rafah, Gaza, trying to prevent the razing of Palestinian land and property. Present were two Israeli occupation army bulldozers and a tank. For a period of two hours, the activists played ‘cat and mouse’, attempting to prevent the illegal demolitions by physically blocking the passage of the two bulldozers.

RIP Rachel Corrie. You sure were scrutinized by Israeli jews thoroughly.
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