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So who still thinks Israel is the root of Middle East problems?

I mean now i am sure you are a fake Kashmiri though you keep on trying to prove your authenticity by giving us a glimpse at your food consumption but thats just not enough to hide it any longer. Maybe that has more to do with you being settled in Lahore :lol:

I - a Fake Kashmiri - do you not fear the Almighty before uttering such blasphemy ! :mad:

I descend from an unbroken long line of geniuses who had the bright idea of calling themselves 'the Butts' ! :smokin:
Before Zionism Palestinians lived like this:





Since the beginning of Zionism Arab population of Palestine GREW more than 14 times. There is no any homeless Arabs in Palestine. Not a single one was killed by chemical weapons.

Again million times answered crap about phosphorus. Israel haters are pathetic.

Bullcrap, the professional deceiver is back. Palestine during 1918 excluding the Negev had a population density almost that of China at the time.

Even your Jewish virtual library claims a population of 300,000 during 1517.

You don't mention the ottoman laws in place that prevented Palestinians from developing land.

Back it up with statistics, during 1870-1940 Jewish population was experiencing an 11% increase rate yearly while Arab population was increasing at 2.5%.

Quit lying.
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I - a Fake Kashmiri - do you not fear the Almighty before uttering such blasphemy ! :mad:

I descend from an unbroken long line of geniuses who had the bright idea of calling themselves 'the Butts' ! :smokin:

Lolz the long line of geniuses has already been broken by you :lol:
Bullcrap, the professional deceiver is back. Palestine during 1918 excluding the Negev had a population density almost that of China at the time.

Even your Jewish virtual library claims a population of 300,000 during 1517.

You don't mention the ottoman laws in place that prevented Palestinians from developing land.

Back it up with statistics, during 1870-1940 Jewish population was experiencing an 11% increase rate yearly while Arab population was increasing at 2.5%.

Quit lying.
In 1881, when Zionism started:

Population 24.4 mln 130,000 sq km => density = 187 people sq km

Palestine - 450 k (including Jews), 27,000 sq km => density = less than 17 people sq km

So Palestines density was more then 10 times lower.

Average life expectation in 1881 England was 48 years, in Palestine - 24 years. Two times lower.
Israel didn't come out of nowhere , Europe created Israel , soviet union recognized it , USA protected it , that's why they are still alive
In 1881, when Zionism started:

Population 24.4 mln 130,000 sq km => density = 187 people sq km

Palestine - 450 k (including Jews), 27,000 sq km => density = less than 17 people sq km

So Palestines density was more then 10 times lower.

Average life expectation in 1881 England was 48 years, in Palestine - 24 years. Two times lower.

Where are you getting this information from? How about you source it and how does comparing England mean anything? You're supposed to compare it with average population density in the world at the time.

450k population with maximum 10,000 Jews which is minority. Not sure what you tried indicating there and as if Zionism has anything to do with population increase.

Mass Jewish immigration was the main reason Jewish population increased. So yet another bogus attempt at presenting another lie.

Source your information.
So how many Palestinians children do I need to kill with white phosphorus to fix my moral compass?
That won't work; it's more difficult than that. Your moral compass can be fixed by establishing a new hierarchy of values, not by inverting the set you already have.
Its like i start making claims that every Jew has the potential to harm any Arab or Muslim because its deeply ingrained in their mentality.
You're getting the idea. When a Jew is slain somewhere in the world by a Muslim no Pakistani will say such a thing is a crime. And when a Pakistani is slain in Pakistan people can excuse the deed if it's said the victim is a secret Jew or Zionist, yes? There you go.

What kind of a flawed logic is that?
What flaw? Just because something is true about Pakistanis doesn't mean the same thing applies to Jews.

Pakistanis are well aware of their issues they certainly aren't meddling in your business so why are you acting holier than thou as if you don't have enough of your issues to handle.
Thanks for your concern. I am a busy man. Yet I have had Pakistani classmates, neighbors, acquaintances - even physicians. I have met no doctor who exceeded in care and skill and bedside manner than the Pakistani radiologist (with his Indian student taking notes!) who succeeded in extending the life of a close relative for a few precious months. Most of these have told me they would like to return home, if they could. Perhaps I feel I'm giving something back this way.

Pakistanis are well aware of their issues -
If you're claiming as Pakistani the right to say whatever you want about anybody you want and act upon the claim regardless of its truth, isn't there great cause to doubt that "Pakistanis are well aware of their issues"? What proportion of your population is functionally illiterate? Over 50%, right? Their only way to see the forest through the trees is television and how unbiased a view can such people get of Pakistan, let alone the world beyond?
You're getting the idea. When a Jew is slain somewhere in the world by a Muslim no Pakistani will say such a thing is a crime. And when a Pakistani is slain in Pakistan people can excuse the deed if it's said the victim is a secret Jew or Zionist, yes? There you go.

What flaw? Just because something is true about Pakistanis doesn't mean the same thing applies to Jews.

Thanks for your concern. I am a busy man. Yet I have had Pakistani classmates, neighbors, acquaintances - even physicians. I have met no doctor who exceeded in care and skill and bedside manner than the Pakistani radiologist (with his Indian student taking notes!) who succeeded in extending the life of a close relative for a few precious months. Most of these have told me they would like to return home, if they could. Perhaps I feel I'm giving something back this way.

If you're claiming as Pakistani the right to say whatever you want about anybody you want and act upon the claim regardless of its truth, isn't there great cause to doubt that "Pakistanis are well aware of their issues"? What proportion of your population is functionally illiterate? Over 50%, right? Their only way to see the forest through the trees is television and how unbiased a view can such people get of Pakistan, let alone the world beyond?

When a Jew is slain?? Don't even try to go there because Jews have played the victim card for far too long to justify some of the most inhuman acts. I don't want to get into a religious debate since it isn't allowed on the forum and also because i respect all religions too much for that, especially not with someone who is clearly fixated on any and everything related to Israel and likes to see the world through the prism of his stereotypes. So no your assumptions only prove that you are no better than the illiterate men and women you are referring to though i have to say they are still better as they don't hold preconceived notions and neither are they self centered or act excessively self righteous like you are acting. Just because you claim to know some Pakistanis doesn't necessarily mean you have the authority to give your opinions on them. You know nothing about Pakistan firsthand and only a smart man would keep himself from talking about something he clearly has no idea about.
Israel is NOT the root cause of the middle east's problems. The root cause of the middle east's problems is that the majority of the people who live there follow a religion whose tenets and beliefs are debilitating to economic and cultural progress, as compared to the societies of Asia, the Americas and Europe.
half of the world still thinks illegal state of Israel is the root of Middle East + world problems:agree::agree::agree:
It's deeper than that. These Zionist Jews have been the cause of many conflicts throughout the ages as they profited. It's time they got a taste of their own medicine.
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