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So who still thinks Israel is the root of Middle East problems?

Who quoted me ? :unsure:

So @500 - What firearm is the lady in your avatar wielding ? :what:
Did you even bother to examine the authenticity of the Protocols? They're entirely phony! Cribbed together from a French satire written back in the 19th century. And that should tell you something very important: there being no true awful deeds that one can pin on the Jews, fake ones need to be invented and popularized instead.
Only Zionist Jews. I have not read or even looked at protocols of Zion. Just throwing some stuff as a basis for search. Up to you to determine what is real or not.
However, look up the history of money. How Mayor Rothschild built a financial empire by conning the masses. Check out history of federal reserve, Jekyll island, etc.
Join the dots and things become obvious. Also check out the fake holocaust or holohaux investigated by a Jew named David Porter (an eye opener).
Look in the US with its massive Jewish controlled lobbyists, congressman, and media, and you get my drift. Jews are committing genocide against Palestinians and the mainstream broadcasts nothing about it.
I see that my sarcasm (for whatever reason) obviously struck a nerve with you. I certainly hope & pray that I didn't ruin your day :)

However, I wasn't being sarcastic. :)
I'm sorry if I hurt you though...
However, I wasn't being sarcastic. :)
I'm sorry if I hurt you though...

lol Well, ok. It was you though that posted to me about something I had said to someone else. You had the issue, I didn't. Obviously what I had said bothered you for some reason. No hurt on my end, just a little amusement. Words are just words after all. A waste of energy to get riled up over things like that. Well at least for me anyway.
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anyone whom oppose USA and his puppy Israel become sub human terrorist brainless automatically .
Why became?

Who quoted me ? :unsure:

So @500 - What firearm is the lady in your avatar wielding ? :what:
No I did not. Tavor.


I am not holding them hostage on the point of a gun :angry: I didn't know you liked to act as a spokesperson as well in order to defend them from an innocent Lahori like me:lol:

Like a spokesperson - No ! :disagree:

I just don't care enough to have an opinion on the Arab-Israeli Issue anymore unless Pakistan has something to gain or loose from it ! :-)
Like a spokesperson - No ! :disagree:

I just don't care enough to have an opinion on the Arab-Israeli Issue anymore unless Pakistan has something to gain or loose from it ! :-)

Yeah i figured that much from some of your posts in the past.
Only Zionist Jews. I have not read or even looked at protocols of Zion. Just throwing some stuff as a basis for search. Up to you to determine what is real or not -
I will take this as an admission that you have no credibility. There is no reason for anybody to read further into your posts until you stop mouthing off and do your research before you throw out calumnies.
I expect you to act the same way ! :mad:

Or else I'm going to tell everyone about your secret stash of candies & Mars Bars & water bottles that you keep under your bed while telling everyone that you're dieting ! :whistle:

I am not a Kashmiri who can't even think of parting from food even during the time frame of the fast. Expect me to act in which way?? :undecided:
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