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So who still thinks Israel is the root of Middle East problems?

When a Jew is slain?? Don't even try to go there because Jews have played the victim card for far too long to justify some of the most inhuman acts.
This is circular logic: I'm pointing out the calumnies, you're saying I can't do that because you nonetheless hold the calumnies dear. Tell yourself why your words should have more credibility than mine.

Just because you claim to know some Pakistanis doesn't necessarily mean you have the authority to give your opinions on them.
It's a free country.

...only a smart man would keep himself from talking about something he clearly has no idea about.
What, aren't there a lot of people here who argue that I'm stupid?
Yes, and, by definition, half the world is of below average intelligence.

Agreed! There are people in the world that believe a lot of things. There are actually people that think the moon is made of cheese. I guess because some people in the world think that this is true, then it must be right? Seriously though, it really saddens me that there are still so many people that play the blame game. No such thing as personal responsibility to some of these people. Which is in part, most things wont ever change.
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There are actually people that think the moon is made of cheese. I guess because some people in the world think that this is true, then it must be right?

Wow, you really seem to be an intellectual............
The world doesn't have brains like you anymore......
It's deeper than that. These Zionist Jews have been the cause of many conflicts throughout the ages as they profited.
Another calumny, unless you can cite examples supported by evidence. Please do; we would be getting back on topic.
Wow, you really seem to be an intellectual............
The world doesn't have brains like you anymore......

I see that my sarcasm (for whatever reason) obviously struck a nerve with you. I certainly hope & pray that I didn't ruin your day :)
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Another calumny, unless you can cite examples supported by evidence. Please do; we would be getting back on topic.
Do a simple search on Google. Look at the Protocols of Zion for a start. Check this site out.


If you don't mind former white supremacist , check out David Duke's website.
Do a simple search on Google. Look at the Protocols of Zion for a start.
Did you even bother to examine the authenticity of the Protocols? They're entirely phony! Cribbed together from a French satire written back in the 19th century. And that should tell you something very important: there being no true awful deeds that one can pin on the Jews, fake ones need to be invented and popularized instead.
This is circular logic: I'm pointing out the calumnies, you're saying I can't do that because you nonetheless hold the calumnies dear. Tell yourself why your words should have more credibility than mine.

It's a free country.

What, aren't there a lot of people here who argue that I'm stupid?

Obviously you can give your opinions but they stay just that, opinions. They don't automatically get the status of facts just because you happen to know some Pakistanis, if i do believe that. I am not asking you to not point out anything, only that you are in the habit of pointing out half truths and one sided made up facts. They might be of some significance to you but not to me and just because i find them hypocritical doesn't necessarily mean i am avoiding something or holding calumnies. No i don't get personal in a discussion to call someone stupid or anything else for that matter.
Obviously you can give your opinions but they stay just that, opinions.
You're saying you get to dictate what is fact and what is opinion. I must disagree. I do not make that claim; I go by the best available evidence. I know, from accounts of history professors, that Pakistani students do not think that way. That's part of Pakistan's problem, that its students only look for evidence that supports their thesis (or failing to find that, become inventive) and ignore or decry the rest. It's one of those things that need to change, lest your society self-destruct.
Where are you getting this information from? How about you source it and how does comparing England mean anything? You're supposed to compare it with average population density in the world at the time.
You can google it. I gave u numbers. What exactly makes u doubt?

450k population with maximum 10,000 Jews which is minority. Not sure what you tried indicating there and as if Zionism has anything to do with population increase.
There were 24k Jews.

Mass Jewish immigration was the main reason Jewish population increased. So yet another bogus attempt at presenting another lie.
People dont grow on trees, they come from somewhere.

Surya al Janubia (proper Arab name of Jewish Palstine) was desolated poor land.
You're saying you get to dictate what is fact and what is opinion. I must disagree. I do not make that claim; I go by the best available evidence. I know, from accounts of history professors, that Pakistani students do not think that way. That's part of Pakistan's problem, that its students only look for evidence that supports their thesis (or failing to find that, become inventive) and ignore or decry the rest. It's one of those things that need to change, lest your society self-destruct.

Again thats your assumption at work here. I never suggested anything of that sort so your post is useless on that account.
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