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So who still thinks Israel is the root of Middle East problems?

So @Solomon2 - What do you do for a living ? :-)

I am not a Kashmiri who can't even think of parting from food even during the time frame of the fast. Expect me to act in which way?? :undecided:

I once went without food for 3 days without much issues ! :-)

Its the lack of water that kills me ! :cray:

Act with Complete Impartiality - That its none of our business unless we're benefiting or loosing from it ! :)
I will take this as an admission that you have no credibility. There is no reason for anybody to read further into your posts until you stop mouthing off and do your research before you throw out calumnies.
So you conveniently leave out and edited my post? I provided other sources. You are the one with no credibility asshole.
Again thats your assumption at work here.
What "assumption"?

I never suggested anything of that sort so your post is useless on that account.
Sure you did, back when you asserted, "It's our right to believe whatever the hell we want to believe" link. And you weren't talking about religion, but about facts. "Facts", to you, cannot be objective, they are merely subjective, tools to be employed to fulfill your desires. Naturally you are offended by my saying 1+1=2 when you want 1+1 to equal 4.
You can google it. I gave u numbers. What exactly makes u doubt?

There were 24k Jews.

People dont grow on trees, they come from somewhere.

Surya al Janubia (proper Arab name of Jewish Palstine) was desolated poor land.

No I can't google it I can't find any such statistics, provide us with a source to your claims instead of cowering your way out of it.

No there weren't 24k Jews at such an early period, maybe by 1870 that might have been true and that still makes them a tiny minority. So I ask yet again what are you trying to indicate? What's that supposed to mean anyways?
@Solomon2 "You're saying you get to dictate what is fact and what is opinion". "I do not make that claim; I go by the best available evidence".
First one is an assumption and the second one, at least in my limited experience with knowing your arguments, is only half truth.
So you conveniently leave out and edited -
There wasn't any need to continue further to make my point, was there?

You are the one with no credibility asshole.
Says the man who claims it's his job to make accusations and for others to defend themselves from them. The very least you could do is be humble and say, "Please, help me out." But no, you don't even do that.

If you want me to speak to you again, you'll have to be very polite. So polite that you'll have to convince another member here to pass on your requests to me. 'cause right now you're going on my "ignore" list.
I once went without food for 3 days without much issues ! :-)

Its the lack of water that kills me ! :cray:

Act with Complete Impartiality - That its none of our business unless we're benefiting or loosing from it ! :)

Can't believe it why did you stay without food for 3 days?? You aren't even married or i would have assumed the obvious :lol:

I am a human first so can't be completely impartial.
Can't believe it why did you stay without food for 3 days?? You aren't even married or i would have assumed the obvious :lol:

I am a human first so can't be completely impartial.

I was angry at the food being cooked - daaal rootiii khaaa khaaa kar tunng aa giyaaa thaaaa - so I threw a tantrum ! :ashamed:

Being Human means to be Rational as well - If none of our concerns or our well-wishes are going to be reciprocated then why bother calling someone your own who doesn't give a wooden nickle about you ?
I was angry at the food being cooked - daaal rootiii khaaa khaaa kar tunng aa giyaaa thaaaa - so I threw a tantrum ! :ashamed:

Being Human means to be Rational as well - If none of our concerns or our well-wishes are going to be reciprocated then why bother calling someone your own who doesn't give a wooden nickle about you ?

Lolz even i do that sometimes. I go on a hunger strike when i am angry i don't eat for even long periods of time. :D

Being human means i care about innocent people who are by all means defenseless. I'll only ask them to reciprocate when they are in the position to do so.
First one is an assumption -
No, you were very explicit about asserting your right to teach Pakistanis whatever you wanted.

- and the second one, at least in my limited experience with knowing your arguments, is only half truth.
I try my poor best. If someone catches me in an error, I thank them. (Indeed, sometimes I even switch sides.) My perspective is different and I do not apologize for that, yet that doesn't make my arguments deceptive "half -truths"; half-truths involve misrepresentation.

If my perspective misleads, it's only in the sense that to a hammer everything looks like a nail. Whether the hammer sees correctly...this is something for Pakistanis to judge.
Lolz even i do that sometimes. I go on a hunger strike when i am angry i don't eat for even long periods of time. :D

Being human means i care about innocent people who are by all means defenseless. I'll only ask them to reciprocate when they are in the position to do so.

They've been in the position to do so on multiple accounts - They haven't nor will they ever !

Because the Palestinian Issue is not a Muslim Issue - It is simply an Arab-Jewish Issue sold to our gullible masses as 'Muslims under Siege' !
No, you were very explicit about asserting your right to teach Pakistanis whatever you wanted.

I try my poor best. If someone catches me in an error, I thank them. (Indeed, sometimes I even switch sides.) My perspective is different and I do not apologize for that, yet that doesn't make my arguments deceptive "half -truths"; half-truths involve misrepresentation.

If my perspective misleads, it's only in the sense that to a hammer everything looks like a nail. Whether the hammer sees correctly...this is something for Pakistanis to judge.

Exactly, thats what i said you misrepresent. And no i wasn't very explicit about asserting my right just saying the obvious that your opinions regarding Pakistanis can't be compared with a person who happens to be a Pakistanis and has lived here all her life.
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