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Six US soldiers killed in two copter crashes

The same "animals" were also responsible for delivering supplies and medical aid to 200000 Pakistani's last year and during the earthquake..
therefore you all should also wish that 200000 Pakistanis should die an animals death.

Please use more than 1% of your logic when making posts and avoid Blind hate.
You may hate the troops that murdered our boys or the CIA analysts that order the deaths of our countrymen sitting in an airconditioned room in Langley.
But please learn to differentiate where angst is due and where it is NOT.
Only wild animals bite and attack everything.. if you wish to call people animals.. know that you too are gulping down the same venom that fuels the hate that led to the death of our troops.. the death of our people.

You hate the US?
Stop going to Mc Donalds, Dont use any western phones.. they all contain US designed chips..
Dont watch any US TV channels, Dont use any product such as the Xbox, the PC.. or otherwise..they have American components.. Do not fly on shaheen or Pia.. they use American made aircraft. Stick to the european A-320's of Airblue..
wait.. they too have American products in them.. forget it.. use the chinese supplied trains and daewoo buses.
And above all, DO NOT drink any fizzy drink apart from Pakola.

After all, if blind hate is all we love.. lets take a big dip in it.

I have noticed you love to give lectures on various topics without having an insight. Do you think that individual soldiers of the US army were responsible for the death of those 24 Pakistani troops? They were just eagerly carrying out their orders. The whole US military and their political masters were behind that assault. The US armed forces are nothing but a tool of terrorism employed by the elite American politicians. The help other countries receive from the US after natural disasters is a PR offence to wash the blood in their hands, so if you want to display the humane side of these terrorists that’s your choice, but don’t try to convey the ‘holier than thou’ attitude.
I have noticed you love to give lectures on various topics without having an insight. Do you think that individual soldiers of the US army were responsible for the death of those 24 Pakistani troops? They were just eagerly carrying out their orders. The whole US military and their political masters were behind that assault. The US armed forces are nothing but a tool of terrorism employed by the elite American politicians. The help other countries receive from the US after natural disasters is a PR offence to wash the blood in their hands, so if you want to display the humane side of these terrorists that’s your choice, but don’t try to convey the ‘holier than thou’ attitude.

Cheering over anyone's death is both dumb and wrong.

His insight is fine. It's your insight that needs more focus.
I have noticed you love to give lectures on various topics without having an insight. Do you think that individual soldiers of the US army were responsible for the death of those 24 Pakistani troops? They were just eagerly carrying out their orders. The whole US military and their political masters were behind that assault. The US armed forces are nothing but a tool of terrorism employed by the elite American politicians. The help other countries receive from the US after natural disasters is a PR offence to wash the blood in their hands, so if you want to display the humane side of these terrorists that’s your choice, but don’t try to convey the ‘holier than thou’ attitude.

a little more insight on the way the world works would probably help you hate a little less.:)
I have noticed you love to give lectures on various topics without having an insight. Do you think that individual soldiers of the US army were responsible for the death of those 24 Pakistani troops? They were just eagerly carrying out their orders. The whole US military and their political masters were behind that assault. The US armed forces are nothing but a tool of terrorism employed by the elite American politicians. The help other countries receive from the US after natural disasters is a PR offence to wash the blood in their hands, so if you want to display the humane side of these terrorists that’s your choice, but don’t try to convey the ‘holier than thou’ attitude.

So.. in that case.. I should feel complete hatred for the Mukti Bahni and all Bangladeshi's due to the actions of a few leaders?
That is your "insight" is it not?
All you bangali's are bloodthirsty?
All of you are Pakistan hating .. India worshiping folks? That is what your leader is portraying.. you follow your leader then ..right?
Your insight then .. eh
Cheering over anyone's death is both dumb and wrong.

His insight is fine. It's your insight that needs more focus.

Did you say so when OBL died or Saddam died or let's say Hitler died? Do you not consider those characters among your 'anyone'? Must you lick those american and indian ***?
So.. in that case.. I should feel complete hatred for the Mukti Bahni and all Bangladeshi's due to the actions of a few leaders?
That is your "insight" is it not?
All you bangali's are bloodthirsty?
All of you are Pakistan hating .. India worshiping folks? That is what your leader is portraying.. you follow your leader then ..right?
Your insight then .. eh

When nazi Germany's Wehrmacht was a tool of mayhem the world celebrated the death of each nazi soldier and that's how it is today with the US armed forces.The american armed forces are tools of tyranny and mayhem if that sounds too harsh to you perhaps you should join their Salvation Army. As for your mukti bahini tale take help from zabanya, I'm sure he'll tell you how to exploit that history.
Did you say so when OBL died or Saddam died or let's say Hitler died? Do you not consider those characters among your 'anyone'? Must you lick those american and indian ***?

Lets see here, you are equating Hitler and Saddam with the rest of humanity??
Or if your insight should be followed.. All iraqi's are scum and deserved to die because of Saddam, whether that iraqi soldier prayed five times a day or not.. died to protect his family or not?
After all.. if all Americans are terrorists due to the actions of their leaders.. then the above should also hold true.
Just following your "insight".
Lets see here, you are equating Hitler and Saddam with the rest of humanity??
Or if your insight should be followed.. All iraqi's are scum and deserved to die because of Saddam, whether that iraqi soldier prayed five times a day or not.. died to protect his family or not?
After all.. if all Americans are terrorists due to the actions of their leaders.. then the above should also hold true.
Just following your "insight".

Sanctimonious intellectuals like you should stay away from preaching the gospel, it sounds hollow. If you can equate those who are paid to ravage the world with ordinary Iraqi people, yes, it is quite logical to equate Hitler with your 'anyone'!

The american armed forces are tools of tyranny and mayhem if that sounds too harsh to you perhaps you should join their Salvation Army. As for your mukti bahini tale take help from zabanya, I'm sure he'll tell you how to exploit that history.

the Pakistan army was also perceived as a tool of Tyranny and Mayhem by your countrymen..
So you also support their deaths then?? but that contradicts your last claim of me being "holier than thou" in your (imaginary) perception of not condemning those Pakistani deaths due to the fact that I do not take pitiful glee in the deaths of others..

Your emotions are misplaced.. due to frustration and misguidance.
You seem to perceive the those that control the US gov as an enemy to Islam but an enemy to select Muslims.
Which is why you are bloodthirsty and hold NO different motivation than those that mercilessly murdered my countrymen or ordered the bombing of countless Muslims around the world.

It is said that a companion of the prophet had brought down a infidel and was about to strike the final blow.. when that person spat on him.. He raised his sword.. and then stopped... and let the person be..
When asked later why?.. he said first I was about to kill that person only with the focus of fighting an enemy of Islam.
But when he spat on me.. Anger took over me.. and I was no longer killing for Islam, but for myself.. and that I cannot do.

Why do you wish the death of a US soldier or civilian.. for yourself or Islam?
Get an insight into that.. before coming back with the usual blind hate.

---------- Post added at 07:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 AM ----------

Sanctimonious intellectuals like you should stay away from preaching the gospel, it sounds hollow. If you can equate those who are paid to ravage the world with ordinary Iraqi people, yes, it is quite logical to equate Hitler with your 'anyone'!

And acrimonious pseudo-jihadists like you should keep your hate to yourself.
the Pakistan army was also perceived as a tool of Tyranny and Mayhem by your countrymen..
So you also support their deaths then?? but that contradicts your last claim of me being "holier than thou" in your (imaginary) perception of not condemning those Pakistani deaths due to the fact that I do not take pitiful glee in the deaths of others..

Your emotions are misplaced.. due to frustration and misguidance.
You seem to perceive the those that control the US gov as an enemy to Islam but an enemy to select Muslims.
Which is why you are bloodthirsty and hold NO different motivation than those that mercilessly murdered my countrymen or ordered the bombing of countless Muslims around the world.

It is said that a companion of the prophet had brought down a infidel and was about to strike the final blow.. when that person spat on him.. He raised his sword.. and then stopped... and let the person be..
When asked later why?.. he said first I was about to kill that person only with the focus of fighting an enemy of Islam.
But when he spat on me.. Anger took over me.. and I was no longer killing for Islam, but for myself.. and that I cannot do.

Why do you wish the death of a US soldier or civilian.. for yourself or Islam?
Get an insight into that.. before coming back with the usual blind hate.

---------- Post added at 07:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 AM ----------

And acrimonious pseudo-jihadists like you should keep your hate to yourself.

Post # 68 tells the story, your so-called saint like attitude is craftily designed to shield the actual hatemongers! You're truly a geniuos in that art.
I have noticed you love to give lectures on various topics without having an insight. Do you think that individual soldiers of the US army were responsible for the death of those 24 Pakistani troops? They were just eagerly carrying out their orders. The whole US military and their political masters were behind that assault. The US armed forces are nothing but a tool of terrorism employed by the elite American politicians. The help other countries receive from the US after natural disasters is a PR offence to wash the blood in their hands, so if you want to display the humane side of these terrorists that’s your choice, but don’t try to convey the ‘holier than thou’ attitude.

please respect your senior if you have a point then address it gently.
Post # 68 tells the story, your so-called saint like attitude is craftily designed to shield the actual hatemongers! You're truly a geniuos in that art.

The whole world being?? Did your ancestors do that? Or Subhash Chandra bose?

And its genius sir...
Your argument stands on a perception of black and white..
Also.. for your record. Muslims are not supposed to be the "rest of the world".. if that is what you preach.

The "rest of the world" would not inquire the health of their enemy and send physicians to treat them..even after King richard had ordered the massacre of Muslims at Acre.
The "rest of the world" would not hold back in massacring every pagan at Makkah when superiority was theirs.
So please.. if you wish to equate yourself with the rest of that world.. do so.
I am not one of them, nor do I support such views.
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