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Sino-Pak Relations as US-Pak Tensions Rise

Nice stereotype. :rolleyes:

For your information, our minds are not solely geared towards business, nor are we one single monolithic entity that all think alike.

And anyway, business is only one part of national interests.

A very powerful, and very wealthy China is in the interest of Pakistan.

Let the indian-loving people (found only in this forum) make stereotypes. Patriotic Pakistanis who want Pakistan to prosper, know how important of an ally China is to Pakistan. We dont have another ally as important as China, not even Muslim countries.

:china: :pakistan:

---------- Post added at 02:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 PM ----------

Omar 1984.

CHINA AND INDIA ARE trading to tune of $100 billion per year combined...

AND pakistan is sitting outside looking in like a child with no money

PAKISTAN has created its own mess. AND it will leave the nation on its knees esp if the USA isolate them.

The people, generals of your country need to grow up and start to stand up on your own 2 feet

:blah: only indians are telling us to bow down to amreeka.
China is better than usa,

but why rely on any other country? why not stand on our own feet? but for that you need good leaders, where do you get good leaders from?
China is better than usa,

but why rely on any other country? why not stand on our own feet? but for that you need good leaders, where do you get good leaders from?

Its not about relying on any country. Every powerful country has a strong ally. Israel has the United States, all these NATO countries stick together through rough times and good times. Why can not Pakistan also have that kind of strong partnership with China. I dont think even Muslim countries are as reliable as China.

Pakistan should join SCO and make SCO as strong as NATO. What makes all these North American and European countries stick together and not Asian countries?

U.S. is on the other side of the planet, while China will ALWAYS be Pakistan's neighbour. Think about Pakistan's strategic interests and you will know who can be a much better ally of Pakistan's.
Its not about relying on any country. Every powerful country has a strong ally. Israel has the United States, all these NATO countries stick together through rough times and good times. Why can not Pakistan also have that kind of strong partnership with China. I dont think even Muslim countries are as reliable as China.

Pakistan should join SCO and make SCO as strong as NATO. What makes all these North American and European countries stick together and not Asian countries?

U.S. is on the other side of the planet, while China will ALWAYS be Pakistan's neighbour. Think about Pakistan's strategic interests and you will know who can be a much better ally of Pakistan's.

Yes, North Americans and Europeans countries have experienced through the terribles times during World War 1, WW2 and Cold War, real experiences. Asians countries maybe go to WW3, WW4, WW5 and then finally decide to stick together just like European countries.

SCO is all about security and informations in advance, not likes of NATO styles. SCO repeatedly warned India (under Russia) and Pakistan (under China) to sort out their own problems, I don't think near future, we able to join SCO memberships.

What Pakistan has important is sea connected to Middle East Oil in perfect location, China's main interests to support Pakistan long terms. Soviet realized the importances but failed in Afghanistan.
i hope pakistani leader listen your point , Pakistan army and Pakistani leader are making common peoples fool from 1947

change in policy required

---------- Post added at 10:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 PM ----------

because every time allah showed you , your hate, anger policy is wrong , but you guys dont want to listen allah voice
please stop it with that bullshit

---------- Post added at 12:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 AM ----------

LOL at the indians thinking they know whats best for us
A very powerful, and very wealthy China is in the interest of Pakistan.

Let the indian-loving people (found only in this forum) make stereotypes. Patriotic Pakistanis who want Pakistan to prosper, know how important of an ally China is to Pakistan. We dont have another ally as important as China, not even Muslim countries.

:china: :pakistan:

---------- Post added at 02:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 PM ----------

:blah: only indians are telling us to bow down to amreeka.

there is an old saying "if you do not have a friend who will tell you the truth , pay an enemy to do so"
take it any way you wish , but the fact of the matter is the US has helped you out in the past . and in all probability, will do so in the future.
as in any friendship there are ups and downs , you seem to be going through one , fix it, don't do looking for new friends . as to us telling you to bow to America? when did we do that mate? we have a relationship with the US too , do you see us bowing to them ? any relationship is what you chose it to be .

the concern of all Pakistanis should be how to pay back a loan from the IMF due early next year. the Chinese have never helped you in the past financially , but the US has . they differed your loans . now its up to you to judge who is a better friend.
please stop it with that bullshit

---------- Post added at 12:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 AM ----------

LOL at the indians thinking they know whats best for us

no mate just recounting our own experiences. i remember in the early eighties everything that went wrong in India . a foreign hand was responsible . in the late eighties our politicians decide to stop blaming others. our country went through difficult time but managed to come out ahead . do the same . or not , it is after all your country.
such a nice article...please discuss this topic :)

In last 30 years, Pakistan had never seen US in same strategic scale as China. So replacement is not even matter of question. This is just a wishful write up by arm chair strategist who perhaps did not see anything other than fox news show because last week Pakistan already spoken who is friend and who is foe. So why not india sort it out with US about right and wrong.
you are wrong to think that Pakistan is replacing China with USA. China is our all weather friend

Pakistan China Friendship |

In last 30 years, Pakistan had never seen US in same strategic scale as China. So replacement is not even matter of question. This is just a wishful write up by arm chair strategist who perhaps did not see anything other than fox news show because last week Pakistan already spoken who is friend and who is foe. So why not india sort it out with US about right and wrong.

Umm,why should we bother clarify again? we rather watch the dog and pony show from the bleachers.Godspeed to the parties involved and let the games begin!!!
Israel has the United States, all these NATO countries stick together through rough times and good times. Why can not Pakistan also have that kind of strong partnership with China?

Pakistan and china does have several common interests which warrant a relationship which is healthy,but never upto the level that china would risk anything to help pakistan.For example in 71 war when pakistan surrendered and was ripped into half china simply stood and watched-it was a time when china had thermonuclear weapons and missiles covering every inch of india,while india had neither.It was even worse in 99,where china didn't even give diplomatic support to pakistan and simply asked pakistan to retreat.
Coming to the present,Chinese trade with perceived enemies of pakistan is exponentially higher than that between china and pakistan.Will it form a pact with pakistan like that of nato where attack on one is considered as an attack on others too?That exactly is the reason why chinese denied the pakistani notion that they were going to sign such a defence pact.
Apart from the economic reasons,there is the factor of unstability in pakistan,the reason this chinese firm pulled off from biggest ever deal.(At the same time several chinese companies are working on various mining deal in afghanistan)And there is pakistan's support for afghan taliban-something you were boasting off two days back.Do you know that afghan taliban shelters many uighur terrorists?h China?[/QUOTE]

Pakistan and china does have several common interests which warrant a relationship which is healthy,but never upto the level that china would risk anything to help pakistan.For example in 71 war when pakistan surrendered and was ripped into half china simply stood and watched-it was a time when china had thermonuclear weapons and missiles covering every inch of india,while india had neither.It was even worse in 99,where china didn't even give diplomatic support to pakistan and simply asked pakistan to retreat.
Coming to the present,Chinese trade with perceived enemies of pakistan is exponentially higher than that between china and pakistan.Will it form a pact with pakistan like that of nato where attack on one is considered as an attack on others too?That exactly is the reason why chinese denied the pakistani notion that they were going to sign such a defence pact.
Apart from the economic reasons,there is the factor of unstability in pakistan,the reason this chinese firm pulled off from biggest ever deal.(At the same time several chinese companies are working on various mining deal in afghanistan)And there is pakistan's support for afghan taliban-something you were boasting off two days back.Do you know that afghan taliban shelters many uighur terrorists?
China always had their own place high above USA , USA never was even close to how respectfully we see China as a neighbor

Big difference ... the title should be how USA could never be like China
Intead USA is dreaming that Pakistan is dependent on them and can't replace it with china.As recent events have shown it.USA is in cognitive dissonance of its past power and glory.USA has already declined as British in 1945 after ww-2.Early usa recognize its decline is better for it.otherwise it gonna break like british empire of colonial era and USSR into 50 countries.
Intead USA is dreaming that Pakistan is dependent on them and can't replace it with china.As recent events have shown it.USA is in cognitive dissonance of its past power and glory.USA has already declined as British in 1945 after ww-2.Early usa recognize its decline is better for it.otherwise it gonna break like british empire of colonial era and USSR into 50 countries.

Wrong flags dude .
JanaJi: Please very clear that China is not supporting Pakistan out of the goodness of its "heart". It is doing so because such a policy supports its national interests, just like any other country would.

It took them 30-40 years to realize about US.

I give the Chinese 40-45 years.

A very powerful, and very wealthy China is in the interest of Pakistan.

Let the indian-loving people (found only in this forum) make stereotypes. Patriotic Pakistanis who want Pakistan to prosper, know how important of an ally China is to Pakistan. We dont have another ally as important as China, not even Muslim countries.

Not even Saudia...? That's Blasphemy dude.

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