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Sikhs in Minority But Why More Are Killed & Captured ?


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
It is stated that in the Hindu dominated Indian armed forces making around 80% of the strength, where as Sikhs make around 15% of manpower which has a total combined strength of around 1.5 Million souls. But going by some photographic evidence, it appears that in skirmishes or battles, more Sikhs seem to either die or become POW.
Take todays encounter between Kashmiri Freedom Fighters and Indian army, Four of the Five killed in the encounter were Sikh soldiers. If one was to observe an image from the 1971 war, a great many of Indian Air Force personal present in just one POW camp in Pakistan are Sikh airmen. Although when you join your country's armed forces, you swear to fight and defend it but the ratio of serving to those becoming victims is certainly somewhat astonishing.


As can be seen Four of the Five killed in today's clash with Kashmiri Freedom Fighters are Sikh Nationals.


Pakistan, Lyalpur camp, 12 April 1972, visit to Indian prisoners of war (POWs).
"Sikh pilots, now POWs, passed their time flying kites. Camp authorities forbade this activity. An "homme de confiance", also a POW, explains the visit of Red Cross delegates, emphasizing that he hopes the ICRC can negotiate on their behalf the return of the kites."
Punjab and Haryana have always been among the largest contributors to Indian armed forces from a % standpoint and UP tops the list in absolute numbers given their high population

For this particular scenario, it must've been the RR unit comprising of Sikh LI who responded to the operation...which even we Indians frown upon for structuring units based on states like Maratha, Madras, Rajputana, Sikh, Dogra etc. Also, Sikhs tend to go more into the army over navy or AF.

For instance, IA took the same amount of casualties sometime in 2019-2020 and they hail from Himachal Pradesh & Uttarakhand which is generalized as the hindi belt and none of em are Sikhs

There is alot of hate in India for sikhs. Hindus abroad blame sikhs for bringing bad name to their country but I guess Indian state encourages them to do their fight.
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There is alot of hate in India for sikhs. Hindus abroad blame sikhs for bringing bad name to their country nut I guess Indian state encourages them to do their fight.
Sikhs , jains and buddhists are our brothers...they are hindus too...even indian constitution considers them hindus.
That is true. Sikhs are proud foot soldiers of hindutva republic of India

If you check then you would find out that among the Indian soldiers that died in cross border firing with Pakistan in past few years every 3rd or 4th soldier is sikh

Even in the 20 Indian deaths in Galwan valley clash with Chinese 4 were sikhs
As Zapper mentioned above, historically Punjabis preferred to join armed forces even in British Indian army which lead to martial race theory fallacy. In India the historical trend continued and 10% of the officer cadre is from Sikh and if you add Punjabi Hindu, the percentage goes higher. This is simply a tradition which passes on from one generation to another.
It's prudent to mention that since all the Sikh officers present in the picture were pilots thus they obviously removed their Turbans and wore helmets for flying their missions. After ejecting and becoming POW, keeping their religious practices and sentiments in mind, the Pakistani authorities supplied them with their Turbans.

Simple. Sikhs are naturally a better fighter than hindus. That coupled with the hatred of sikhs in india, they make for the perfect canon fodder.

1965 and 1971 are perfect examples of it
Sikhs , jains and buddhists are our brothers...they are hindus too...even indian constitution considers them hindus.
Its not about religion its about ethnicity. I have learned it from first hand experience so I know how much Indians despise sikhs.
They only love to see them fighting for India on the frontline and nothing else.
The truth is Punjabis run both countries.. There I say it that includes both armies. Despite being like only 20-30m of India's 1.4b population Punjabis still run India from the Military to the entertainment, media and everything else
The truth is Punjabis run both countries.. There I say it that includes both armies. Despite being like only 20-30m of India's 1.4b population Punjabis still run India from the Military to the entertainment, media and everything else
Not sure about army but true about hindi entertainment industry lead actors( not technicians)
What happened? Your Khali Stan bubble popped? There is disproportionate number of Sikhs in Armed Forces so what? Sikhs don't have mandatory service. The reasons for Sikhs joining in large numbers are due to the privilege and status, family pressure where at least one member in extended family will be serving also better prospects at getting posted close to your home state and many requests posting in J&K. As opposed to moving to North East or South.
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