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Sikhs in Minority But Why More Are Killed & Captured ?

Sikhs despite numbering 2 % of the population have 15 percent of the man power and one third of the officer Corp..

simply sikhs are historically the first to volunteer.and fight for the country and have a long proud history

punjabi ... enough said
Which history you are following? Indra Gandhi got plenty of lead in her body thanks to her rather diabolical decision.

May I remind you what happened on Delhi red fort on Indian Independence Day last time?

I must be mistaken, Sikhs indeed rebel en masse and are now enjoying freedom in their independent nation of Khalistan that came about int 1984.
I must be mistaken, Sikhs indeed rebel en masse and are now enjoying freedom in their independent nation of Khalistan that came about int 1984.

So you want instant results? Very childish. It took Pakistanis 100 year to end British occupation, and during that time many resistance movement failed but eventually managed to reclaimed lands. It took European 700 years to remove muslim rule.
Those from theocratic cesspits pathologically suffer mental incapacity when its comes to understanding concepts of nationalism, nation state, nation building
No wonder they were unable to sustain their nation's integrity for less than 3 decades

Where they see religion rest of humanity see nationality

Yes everyone should learn nation building from Supa puwa 2020 that tops the world in religious conflicts behind only Iraq and Syria

India Has 4th Highest Religious Hostilities, Below Syria and Iraq

Pajeets surely see nationality above religion :)

Two Indian soldiers killed today were also Sikh Nationals.

Both are hindus from uttarakhand
Loyalty is a code worth one's life.

During early axis advances, mass propaganda from the most brilliant of Nazi minds couldn't turn them against the British crown.

The brute nature of uncompromising tribal code coined the term, martial races at the height of Darwinian fever.
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