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Sikhs are not Hindus - White House petition calls Obama to seek explanation from Modi.

When Pakistanis try to claim that they have any sympathies with Sikhs, everyone can see through it.

some people seem to think others are also going to behave like traitors.


Nobody gives a shit about you Indians, your obsession is with us hence why you come to our forums to bitch to us about how we are trying to associate with you lol.

Who started this stupidity about Sikhs turning their back on Muslims? They never had anything to do with Muslims. The whole life of Gurus like Teg Bahadurji and Govind Singhji was spent fighting for saving the Dharma and kicking out the barbaric fil.th from our Dharmic soil.

Sikhs are decent people but the whole history behind their situation just irks me off. They turned their backs on Muslims and allowed the partitioning of Punjab for their Hindu brothers who then stabbed them in their backs, partitioned their land further, and finished things off by attacking their holiest place. On top of that they got lazy and now Biharis have overrun what little of Punjab they had left lol. Much of their plight is bad decisions coming home to roost.

Your Lal mosque shrine was also blown up by your kaffir serving army (as per many of your own people)? Any reasons?

And obviously that low IQ ignorant stinky turd had to jump in. ;)
Who's the character in your avatar ?

One of the King Makers who ruled over Bharat. :D

When Pakistanis try to claim that they have any sympathies with Sikhs, everyone can see through it.

some people seem to think others are also going to behave like traitors.

Who started this stupidity about Sikhs turning their back on Muslims? They never had anything to do with Muslims. The whole life of Gurus like Teg Bahadurji and Govind Singhji was spent fighting for saving the Dharma and kicking out the barbaric fil.th from our Dharmic soil.

Your Lal mosque shrine was also blown up by your kaffir serving army (as per many of your own people)? Any reasons?

And obviously that low IQ ignorant stinky turd had to jump in. ;)

I was talking in context of Punjabi Sikhs and Punjabi Muslims in 1947, has nothing to do with Indian Sikhs or Pakistani Punjabis of today. :crazy:
and before that ?

Irrelevant, you said Lahore belonged to the Sikhs and not the current Muslim rulers of Lahore. Just reminding you of the history which clearly shows how your statement was full of shit, Sikh rule was just a blot compared to the rule of the Muslims. Like I said current Punjabi Muslim rule over Lahore has eclipsed them as well.
I was talking in context of Punjabi Sikhs and Punjabi Muslims in 1947, has nothing to do with Indian Sikhs or Pakistani Punjabis of today. :crazy:

I know that. The two nation theory doesn't go with what you are trying to say here.

You people are thoroughly confused. The basis of Pakistan is that Muslims can't live with non Muslims while you have done reverse hijarat to a kaffir country!
And the retarded shit stain got confused as usual... i bet a fukin nutless monkey is smarter than this shit for brains dotheaded asswipe:

I think he likes starting shit in order to get abused which is why after a ban he just gets right back to starting shit, clearly some mental issues. I suggest we all leave him be.

I know that. The two nation theory doesn't go with what you are trying to say here.

You people are thoroughly confused. The basis of Pakistan is that Muslims can't live with non Muslims while you have done reverse hijarat to a kaffir country)!

Two nation theory was that Muslims and Hindus constitute two different nations, which by your comments on pdf prove is clearly the case. Sikhs are not Hindus which is why we were willing to work something out with them in 1947. Now if you don't like Pakistanis associated with India like you claim explain your presence on our forum, is my mental illness theory on point?
Two nation theory was that Muslims and Hindus constitute two different nations, which by your comments on pdf prove is clearly the case. Sikhs are not Hindus which is why we were willing to work something out with them in 1947. Now if you don't like Pakistanis associated with India like you claim explain your presence on our forum, is my mental illness theory on point?

Go a step further and look at the details mentioned by Mr. Jinnah.

The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs, litterateurs. They neither intermarry nor interdine together and, indeed, they belong to two different civilizations which are based mainly on conflicting ideas and conceptions. Their aspect on life and of life are different. It is quite clear that Hindus and Mussalmans derive their inspiration from different sources of history. They have different epics, different heroes, and different episodes. Very often the hero of one is a foe of the other and, likewise, their victories and defeats overlap. To yoke together two such nations under a single state, one as a numerical minority and the other as a majority, must lead to growing discontent and final destruction of any fabric that may be so built for the government of such a state.

Now, does that applies to Muslims and any other religious people?

Also to Muslims and Sikhs?

As I said, it is all very transparent.
Go a step further and look at the details mentioned by Mr. Jinnah.

The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs, litterateurs. They neither intermarry nor interdine together and, indeed, they belong to two different civilizations which are based mainly on conflicting ideas and conceptions. Their aspect on life and of life are different. It is quite clear that Hindus and Mussalmans derive their inspiration from different sources of history. They have different epics, different heroes, and different episodes. Very often the hero of one is a foe of the other and, likewise, their victories and defeats overlap. To yoke together two such nations under a single state, one as a numerical minority and the other as a majority, must lead to growing discontent and final destruction of any fabric that may be so built for the government of such a state.

Now, does that applies to Muslims and any other religious people?

Also to Muslims and Sikhs?

As I said, it is all very transparent.

If you want to pick and choose a few things out of that you can easily replace Hindus and Muslims with any two groups but it is only Hindus and Muslims who fit each and every thing that was mentioned by Jinnah.
If you want to pick and choose a few things out of that you can easily replace Hindus and Muslims with any two groups but it is only Hindus and Muslims who fit each and every thing that was mentioned by Jinnah.

No. The detail is important and it basically means that Muslims are a separate nation.

From everyone else.

Obviously we believe that it is possible for people from different religions to live in peace and tolerance.

The two nation theory doesn't believe it. Especially with regards to Muslims. May be it is true for them. Not only for non Muslims but then it goes to Islamic sects, sub sects and so on...
Who started this stupidity about Sikhs turning their back on Muslims? They never had anything to do with Muslims. The whole life of Gurus like Teg Bahadurji and Govind Singhji was spent fighting for saving the Dharma and kicking out the barbaric fil.th from our Dharmic soil.

I think someone talked about Hindus turning their back on Sikhs (which if fact) not Sikhs turning their back on Muslims. And regarding Sikh history, role of Mughals is well known but you should try to read about role of Hindus. :pop:
If you want to pick and choose a few things out of that you can easily replace Hindus and Muslims with any two groups but it is only Hindus and Muslims who fit each and every thing that was mentioned by Jinnah.
Sikhs fit fine to jinnas argument ...read it again with sikhs or buddhists or christians or any aliens in place of hindus
I think someone talked about Hindus turning their back on Sikhs (which if fact) not Sikhs turning their back on Muslims. And regarding Sikh history, role of Mughals is well known but you should try to read about role of Hindus. :pop:

There is no back turning. Hindus and Sikhs are living in brotherhood today and have always done so. There may be a few exceptions but this has been the larger reality always and remains so.

The eldest son of the family used to become Sikh to fight for the Dharma. Even now there are many families where you have both Sikhs and Hindus.

Sikhism is a part of the Dharmic family. We love it as much as Hinduism or Buddhism and we respect the Sikh Gurus the same way.

Many Sikhs attend Hindu temples and we feel the same reverence in Gurudwaras. It is difficult for Pakistani Muslims to understand this.

Sikhs fit fine to jinnas argument ...read it again with sikhs or buddhists or christians or any aliens in place of hindus

Yes, Mr. Jinnah's theory in essence means that Muslims can't live with any non Muslims in peace in any country.
There is no back turning. Hindus and Sikhs are living in brotherhood today and have always done so. There may be a few exceptions but this has been the larger reality always and remains so.

The eldest son of the family used to become Sikh to fight for the Dharma. Even now there are many families where you have both Sikhs and Hindus.

Sikhism is a part of the Dharmic family. We love it as much as Hinduism or Buddhism and we respect the Sikh Gurus the same way.

Many Sikhs attend Hindu temples and we feel the same reverence in Gurudwaras. It is difficult for Pakistani Muslims to understand this.

Yes, Mr. Jinnah's theory in essence means that Muslims can't live with any non Muslims in peace in any country.
And Mr.jinna was absolutely right but he thought that they will live peacefully with themselves which turned out to be wrong ..Tolerance is the word missing in their dictionary it seems
And Mr.jinna was absolutely right but he thought that they will live peacefully with themselves which turned out to be wrong ..Tolerance is the word missing in their dictionary it seems

And so they obsess with Dharmic people when after conversion they have nothing to do with Dharma.
And so they obsess with Dharmic people when after conversion they have nothing to do with Dharma.
Ya newly found religion mesmerised them like a new toy in childs hand ..Arabs may be wondering ¡¡are they really loving it or is it just a way of forgeting haunting past by invaders?
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