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Sikhs are not Hindus - White House petition calls Obama to seek explanation from Modi.

Sikhs in Pakistan?? Safe and welcome??

Lets see facts:
1) Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Islamic right? Where is the place for Sikhs?
2) Not even Shias or Ahmadis are safe in Paksitan. Ironically more safer in India.
3) Minorities eliminated systematically since 47
4) Blasphemy laws
5) Forget Sikhs, even Bengali Muslims were discriminated
6) Sikh Gurus killed by barbaric Muslim invaders. Those invaders are Pakistanis heroes. Would be funny to see history books if Muslims and Sikhs were in same country. :D :D
7) And last of all. Do you know how many Muslims were killed by Punjab sikhs in 1947 (sad episode but reality check). The Sikhs almost cleaned Punjab of all Muslims. I don't see any love for Pakistani Muslims there. See Gaddar by Sunny deol
8) A SIkh is PM of India. Can you even allow a Sikh to become PM of Pakistan. can you ever really? or for that matter any Non Muslim?
9) Sikhs do pray to Gurus. For them the Gurus are equivalent to God. Do I smell blasphemy there for the pure.
10) Hindus go to Gurudwaras and Sikhs to temples without any feelings of doubt at all.
11) My friend's are sikhs so many of them. My sikh friends mom said she wants either hindu or sikh husband for her daughter. Inter marriage between sikhs and hindus is no problem at all.
12) and last of all. How many trains of murdered Sikh women and Childern did you send across to Indian Punjab in 47?

For all reasons Sikhs in Pakistan in minority would have lead to 4 divisions of Pakistan. Today's Pakistan, Bangladesh, Khalistan and maybe independent Balochistan also. Sikhs are a fighting race. If Sikhs in Pak army had rebelled to seek independence, even Balochistan would have separated long back due to weakened Pak army.

the whole thread is a joke.

If Pakistan was formed to stay away from Hindus. Remember Sikhs were formed to counter the intolerent Muslims (earlier Mughals). Sikhs hate Mughals. But isn't Pakistani Muslims in love with Mughals and praise them as glorious heroes.

You know I do see lot of love between Pakistani Muslims (Mughal Childs) and Sikhs (Mughal killers). I really see lot of love there. lol
Sikhs fit fine to jinnas argument ...read it again with sikhs or buddhists or christians or any aliens in place of hindus

Like I said only if you pick out parts, Sikhs history cannot be stated without mentioning Muslims because their religion itself is a morphing of Islamic and Hindu concepts. The only part of his comment you can say is that Sikhs and Muslims have different heroes but even that is questionable because many Muslims of Punjab did look up to Ranjit Singh as one of their heroes in the past and even now. Their religious concept is similar to ours in that they believe in one ever present God of the whole universe as opposed to millions like Hindus.

His statement does not work with Christians or Jews as we have the same heroes, our hero is Jesus the same as in Christianity and as for Jews we share all the same prophets except for two. We inter-dine and we intermarry. We are all Abrahamics and our God is the same although our concepts of God differs when it comes to the Christians.
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There is no back turning. Hindus and Sikhs are living in brotherhood today and have always done so. There may be a few exceptions but this has been the larger reality always and remains so.

The eldest son of the family used to become Sikh to fight for the Dharma. Even now there are many families where you have both Sikhs and Hindus.

Sikhism is a part of the Dharmic family. We love it as much as Hinduism or Buddhism and we respect the Sikh Gurus the same way.

Many Sikhs attend Hindu temples and we feel the same reverence in Gurudwaras. It is difficult for Pakistani Muslims to understand this.

That's saffron history. Ask some genuine Sikh about baila chand, alim chand, suchhanand, chandu shah, gangu, anglo-sikh wars, punjabi suba movement etc. and when you are asking some genuine sikh about all these, also ask him to explain you Hindu Anna, Turku Kana. :pop:

But anyway, i don't have any problem with Sikhism is being offshoot of Hinduism, Dharmic family or santan dharma whatever you call
Yes, Mr. Jinnah's theory in essence means that Muslims can't live with any non Muslims in peace in any country.

Hindutva logic, Jinnah was talking specifically about Hindus and Muslims and he was right as hindus like you prove time and time again.

Likewise I can say replace Muslim with Christian or Jews and you can make the same connections. So I guess by your logic Hindus cannot live in peace with non-Hindus? It doesn't work like that.

That's saffron history. Ask some genuine Sikh about baila chand, alim chand, suchhanand, chandu shah, gangu, anglo-sikh wars, punjabi suba movement etc. and when you are asking some genuine sikh about all these, also ask him to explain you Hindu Anna, Turku Kana. :pop:

But anyway, i don't have any problem with Sikhism is being offshoot of Hinduism, Dharmic family or santan dharma whatever you call

Anyway it doesn't matter we don't give a shit about Sikhs I only mentioned their history in my first few posts and the hindutvas took it as me giving a shit about them today. Like I said they made their choice a long time ago and now we want nothing to do with them. The only problem is they still try to come to Pakistan for pilgrimage. They should stick to their dharma brothers.
There is no back turning. Hindus and Sikhs are living in brotherhood today and have always done so. There may be a few exceptions but this has been the larger reality always and remains so.

The eldest son of the family used to become Sikh to fight for the Dharma. Even now there are many families where you have both Sikhs and Hindus.

Sikhism is a part of the Dharmic family. We love it as much as Hinduism or Buddhism and we respect the Sikh Gurus the same way.

Many Sikhs attend Hindu temples and we feel the same reverence in Gurudwaras. It is difficult for Pakistani Muslims to understand this.

Good to see this much love between Hindus and Sikhs but this is what an Indian Sikh has to say about yesterday attack on Indian army in Indian occupied Kashmir. He looks one of those Sikhs who don't like Hindus and might kill you like Indira Gandhi if you call him as Hindu.


Check kar. ;)
Like I said only if you pick out parts, Sikhs history cannot be stated without mentioning Muslims because their religion itself is a morphing of Islamic and Hindu concepts. The only part of his comment you can say is that Sikhs and Muslims have different heroes but even that is questionable because many Muslims of Punjab did look up to Ranjit Singh as one of their heroes in the past and even now. Their religious concept is similar to ours in that they believe in one ever present God of the whole universe as opposed to millions like Hindus.

His statement does not work with Christians or Jews as we have the same heroes, our hero is Jesus the same as in Christianity and as for Jews we share all the same prophets except for two. We inter-dine and we intermarry. We are all Abrahamics and our God is the same although our concepts of God differs when it comes to the Christians.
Theoritically you can say anything but looking at history your intolerance towards all other faith is evident ..Either its muslims who made Islam look like that or its Islam which made muslims look like that ...Whatever it may be but outcome is for everyone to see ..You need reform for survival or else it will come to natural end ...As per million Gods in hinduism is concerned it may look like that for outside observer but for a hindu its different faces of a supreme soul ..
Good to see this much love between Hindus and Sikhs but this is what an Indian Sikh has to say about yesterday attack on Indian army in Indian occupied Kashmir. He looks one of those Sikhs who don't like Hindus and might kill you like Indira Gandhi if you call him as Hindu.


Check kar. ;)
lol that's like giving a tweet from PTI follower to prove a point against PML N. but yeah You are on to something here and might be able to create a wedge between Hindus and Sikhs.
lol that's like giving a tweet from PTI follower to prove a point against PML N. but yeah You are on to something here and might be able to create a wedge between Hindus and Sikhs.

Lol he is a sikh. Unless you call him some ISI agent. :lol:
Lol he is a sikh. Unless you call him some ISI agent. :lol:
I don't know how these things work in Pakistan but one doesn't has to change religion to support or oppose one political party in India.
lol that's like giving a tweet from PTI follower to prove a point against PML N. but yeah You are on to something here and might be able to create a wedge between Hindus and Sikhs.
When science stops mesmerising us we can fall back to fight for religion untill then let us mine the field of science as much as we can ..what u say ?
Good to see this much love between Hindus and Sikhs but this is what an Indian Sikh has to say about yesterday attack on Indian army in Indian occupied Kashmir. He looks one of those Sikhs who don't like Hindus and might kill you like Indira Gandhi if you call him as Hindu.


Check kar. ;)

You should tell him that Sikhism was created by Hindus (by donating sons) to fight for them and save them from evil Muslims, so those Sikhs justified their existence. :coffee:
You should tell him that Sikhism was created by Hindus (by donating sons) to fight for them and save them from evil Muslims, so those Sikhs justified their existence. :coffee:
You also need to justify your existence or society will throw you to dustbin ..Whats better than justifying it for protecting others ?
Theoritically you can say anything but looking at history your intolerance towards all other faith is evident ..Either its muslims who made Islam look like that or its Islam which made muslims look like that ...Whatever it may be but outcome is for everyone to see ..You need reform for survival or else it will come to natural end ...As per million Gods in hinduism is concerned it may look like that for outside observer but for a hindu its different faces of a supreme soul ..

Only Hindutvas say Muslims have been nothing but intolerant but ironically enough others who have looked at our history are much more objective.
You also need to justify your existence or society will throw you to dustbin ..Whats better than justifying it for protecting others ?

Sure, It's good thing - i was talking about tweet whining about it.
I don't know how these things work in Pakistan but one doesn't has to change religion to support or oppose one political party in India.

His tweet was more about religion than politics. But anyways whatever suits you. :)
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