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Sikhs are not Hindus - White House petition calls Obama to seek explanation from Modi.

ranjeet here is also anti-national ..................because he is talking with me:p:
lol tu chitar parade karwa de meri ... did you checked out today DM parrikar was getting flack for unveiling Rajdeep Sardesai's books on social media. :lol:
lol tu chitar parade karwa de meri ... did you checked out today DM parrikar was getting flack for unveiling Rajdeep Sardesai's books on social media. :lol:

he is also anti-national..................tell mr.giriraj to send him out of india
Bhai pehlai hi sai pata yeh sari baatain. Thora sa hi addition hua hai bas. :)
koi ni waise have fun with it. :p:
In few days will let out some more secrets

he is also anti-national..................tell mr.giriraj to send him out of india
They might if opposition will let the parliament work and pass a resolution in both houses.
Good riddance. Jaisi karni waisi bharni as they said. Sikhs has done more damaged to Muslims than Hindus.

We're to stay in distance and enjoy the show. :coffee::smitten::pop: :cheers:
Like I said only if you pick out parts, Sikhs history cannot be stated without mentioning Muslims because their religion itself is a morphing of Islamic and Hindu concepts. The only part of his comment you can say is that Sikhs and Muslims have different heroes but even that is questionable because many Muslims of Punjab did look up to Ranjit Singh as one of their heroes in the past and even now. Their religious concept is similar to ours in that they believe in one ever present God of the whole universe as opposed to millions like Hindus.

His statement does not work with Christians or Jews as we have the same heroes, our hero is Jesus the same as in Christianity and as for Jews we share all the same prophets except for two. We inter-dine and we intermarry. We are all Abrahamics and our God is the same although our concepts of God differs when it comes to the Christians.
See you fail even in the basic understanding of Dharmic religions, millions as you say, lol, are avatars/incarnation of the various Devas not Gods :lol:. You guys cannot understand cause you have been Brainwashed into believing whatever that you believe, case in point Pakistanis who think that Muslims are more closer to Sikhs than the followers of Dharmic faiths.. :lol:
Sikhs are decent people but the whole history behind their situation just irks me off. They turned their backs on Muslims and allowed the partitioning of Punjab for their Hindu brothers who then stabbed them in their backs, partitioned their land further, and finished things off by attacking their holiest place. On top of that they got lazy and now Biharis have overrun what little of Punjab they had left lol. Much of their plight is bad decisions coming home to roost.
believe me dear, the destruction that Sikhs brought on Muslims before & right at the time of partition has no comparison with that of Hindu's...they conquered Punjab & KPK areas from muslims & made examples of butchery. During 1947's rites the big numbers of attackers on the migration convoys were Sikhs.
Like I said only if you pick out parts, Sikhs history cannot be stated without mentioning Muslims because their religion itself is a morphing of Islamic and Hindu concepts. The only part of his comment you can say is that Sikhs and Muslims have different heroes but even that is questionable because many Muslims of Punjab did look up to Ranjit Singh as one of their heroes in the past and even now. Their religious concept is similar to ours in that they believe in one ever present God of the whole universe as opposed to millions like Hindus.

Sikhs don't believe that Muhammad was a prophet of God. This is the first precondition of Islam.

You don't know shyt about Hinduism so let's not go there. You people are insecure about your new fangled religion and need to prove it by extreme self loathing. Your hate for Hindus and Hinduism is nothing but self loathing and that is true for other Muslim converts as well who hate their own past and try to become fake Arabs and Syeds. The Dharmic civilization survived the barbarism while everything to our West just fell like nine pins, destroying glorious civilizations for an imitation of a bleak and dreary desert ideology.

His statement does not work with Christians or Jews as we have the same heroes, our hero is Jesus the same as in Christianity and as for Jews we share all the same prophets except for two. We inter-dine and we intermarry. We are all Abrahamics and our God is the same although our concepts of God differs when it comes to the Christians.

Muslims consider Jews and Christians as apes and pigs and kaffirs who will rot in eternal hell because they rejected the claims of Muhammad. Quran has so much stuff about them that is plain derogatory.

History is replete with instances of Muslims treating Jews and Christians as dhimmis when not converting them by force (or outright rapine and genocide as it happened everywhere else). You see the same things now being repeated by the likes of ISIS what their own ancestors were subjected to.

This was the standard operating procedure that you were subjected to. This includes people who perpetrated the vicious cycle on others later on.

When a Muslim army invaded a town, they would not allow anyone to convert to Islam for three days. During these three days they could kill as many men as they liked, pillage their properties, then rape and enslave their women and children. Only after a town had been decimated and all the young women and children that could be sold as slaves were captured would the brutal campaign of Islamization, with its brutal mandate that all must convert or die, began.However the Jews and the Christians were given protection to live provided they pay a penalty tax called Jizyah and enter into dhimmitude. Dhimmi means protected. But the dhimmis had to pay a hefty jizyah for their protection. This Jizyah was the source of livelihood of the Muslims who through it were able to live like parasites off the labor of the dhimmis. The following Hadith, reported by Bukhari, records the source for this practice based on the admonitions of Muhammad toward the dhimmi:

Narrated Juwairiya bin Qudama At-Tamimi:
We said to 'Umar bin Al-Khattab, oh Chief of the believers! Advise us." He said, "I advise you to fulfill Allah's Convention (made with the Dhimmis) as it is the convention of your Prophet and the source of the livelihood of your dependents (i.e. the taxes from the Dhimmis.) " Volume 4, Book 53, Number 388:

You have to airbrush much of reality when you make such claims. Neither your own Muslims nor anyone else falls for it anyways.
I would love to promote it. However, I am against last option. :(

If you're serious, I'd sign it for you even with the last part in it. I don't mind a referendum for the Sikhs 'cause they're gonna choose India anyway :D
Hindutva logic, Jinnah was talking specifically about Hindus and Muslims and he was right as hindus like you prove time and time again.

Likewise I can say replace Muslim with Christian or Jews and you can make the same connections. So I guess by your logic Hindus cannot live in peace with non-Hindus? It doesn't work like that.

The two nation theory is a Muslim/Islamic concoction. It doesn't apply to any set of non Muslims.

And yes, history has proven him right. You see what is happening in so many countries with large Muslim populations like Nigeria (Christian Muslim two nation theory, Boko Haram etc.).

It also seems to apply to sects within Islam as once can see in so many places.

Anyway it doesn't matter we don't give a shit about Sikhs I only mentioned their history in my first few posts and the hindutvas took it as me giving a shit about them today. Like I said they made their choice a long time ago and now we want nothing to do with them. The only problem is they still try to come to Pakistan for pilgrimage. They should stick to their dharma brothers.

It is Dharmic land and always was.

The likes of Syeds and Arains and Turks are the anomaly here, not any Dharmic people. Like they were in Spain and Greece etc.

Good to see this much love between Hindus and Sikhs but this is what an Indian Sikh has to say about yesterday attack on Indian army in Indian occupied Kashmir. He looks one of those Sikhs who don't like Hindus and might kill you like Indira Gandhi if you call him as Hindu.


Check kar. ;)

Yes, so much better than the love between Muslim sects that we see all over. ;)

So an anonymous innocuous tweet on the internet is enough to make you so happy? Good for you.
The two nation theory is a Muslim/Islamic concoction. It doesn't apply to any set of non Muslims.

And yes, history has proven him right. You see what is happening in so many countries with large Muslim populations like Nigeria (Christian Muslim two nation theory, Boko Haram etc.).

It also seems to apply to sects within Islam as once can see in so many places.

It is Dharmic land and always was.

The likes of Syeds a dn Arains and Turks are the anomaly here not any Dharmic people. Like they were in Spain and Greece etc.

Again wrong, dharmic land was Ganga bhaiya land. Pakistan was mleecha land, and remember sikhs are shudras in hinduism religion. There is a reason only 4-5% of historical sindhis/punjabis (forget about whole Pakistan) are hindus now, including ones in India. In fact there are more hindus in Sindh then sindhi hindus in India.

Who are sikhs? Sikhs are jats, basically mleechas kind shudras, brahmins hated them. 35% of sikhs are chuhras, the ones permanetly forced by brahmims to clean shit. And few khatris who now claim to be ancient kashtriyas but are actually baniyas and 3rd rate in hinduism.

So it does not surprise me that sikhs hate being associated with coward hindus. Any sikh a** kissing hindu bhaiya out of love for Bharat is one harami insaan.
If you're serious, I'd sign it for you even with the last part in it. I don't mind a referendum for the Sikhs 'cause they're gonna choose India anyway :D

I only want same set of rule for everyone and would prefer Sikh's in India getting this clause nulufied from the Constitution of India by following the rights within the Constitution.

I'm against any Person or Organisation taking or Questioning India's Territorial Integrity. Hence, would never support it, neither ask anyone to support it.India is our Khalistan - Sikhs Land of Pure. :kiss3: We are Indian's and will always remain Indian.:girl_wacko:
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