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Sikhs are not Hindus - White House petition calls Obama to seek explanation from Modi.

There is a reason only 4-5% of historical sindhis/punjabis (forget about whole Pakistan) are hindus now

It is the same reason why so many places to our West fell completely to marauding invaders. Why Zoroastrian Iran and Christian Syria and Egypt and Buddhist Afghanistan and Central Asia is Muslim today.


I will repeat it or you.

When a Muslim army invaded a town, they would not allow anyone to convert to Islam for three days. During these three days they could kill as many men as they liked, pillage their properties, then rape and enslave their women and children. Only after a town had been decimated and all the young women and children that could be sold as slaves were captured would the brutal campaign of Islamization, with its brutal mandate that all must convert or die, began.However the Jews and the Christians were given protection to live provided they pay a penalty tax called Jizyah and enter into dhimmitude. Dhimmi means protected. But the dhimmis had to pay a hefty jizyah for their protection. This Jizyah was the source of livelihood of the Muslims who through it were able to live like parasites off the labor of the dhimmis. The following Hadith, reported by Bukhari, records the source for this practice based on the admonitions of Muhammad toward the dhimmi:

Narrated Juwairiya bin Qudama At-Tamimi:
We said to 'Umar bin Al-Khattab, oh Chief of the believers! Advise us." He said, "I advise you to fulfill Allah's Convention (made with the Dhimmis) as it is the convention of your Prophet and the source of the livelihood of your dependents (i.e. the taxes from the Dhimmis.) " Volume 4, Book 53, Number 388:

So you see, we look at the converts as the cowards. It just makes so much sense. ;)

They try to make heroes out of their own invaders who perpetrated murder, rapine slavery on their own ancestors. It is not just physical but extreme moral cowardice. And a slavery and dhimmitude for all time to come. They will always remain second class Ajlafs.
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Again wrong, dharmic land was Ganga valley. Pakistan was mleecha land, and remember sikhs are shudras in hinduism religion. There is a reason only 4-5% of historical sindhis/punjabis (forget about whole Pakistan) are hindus now, including ones in India. In fact there are more hindus in Sindh then sindhi hindus in India.

Who are sikhs? Sikhs are jats, basically mleechas kind shudras, brahmins hated them. 35% of sikhs are chuhras, the ones permanetly forced by brahmims to clean shit. And few khatris who now claim to be ancient kashtriyas but are actually baniyas and 3rd rate in hinduism.

So it does not surprise me that sikhs hate being associated with coward hindus.

Great post bro :tup:,
You should ask these fabricators of history though as to what they mean by 'Dharmic'. If Buddhism is included in 'Dharmic' than we (Indus Basin) is one of the main reasons that buddhism flourished the way it did to begin with. They can have their hindu beliefs . We don't care8-). Even Hinduism is not fully their local religion but a rig-vedic Aryan one which was taken by these people and made into this caste-ist dogma. Look at what they did to it:tdown:
Amazing that the converts worry so much about the religion of their ancestors which is supposedly Jahiliyah (we of course think their jahiliyah started after conversion).

Looking at the state of the Muslims world and the image of Islam in the world, one would think their priorities should lie elsewhere. ;)
I only want same set of rule for everyone and would prefer Sikh's in India getting this clause nulufied from the Constitution of India by following the rights within the Constitution.

I'm against any Person or Organisation taking or Questioning India's Territorial Integrity. Hence, would never support it, neither ask anyone to support it.India is our Khalistan - Sikhs Land of Pure. :kiss3: We are Indian's and will always remain Indian.:girl_wacko:

One set of rules is too much to ask in India, lol. There is a serious misunderstanding about the meaning of the word "Secularism" in India.
It is the same reason why so many places to our West fell completely to marauding invaders. Why Zorostrian Iran and Christian Syria and Egypt and Buddhist Afghanistan and Central Asia is Muslim today.


I will repeat it or you.

When a Muslim army invaded a town, they would not allow anyone to convert to Islam for three days. During these three days they could kill as many men as they liked, pillage their properties, then rape and enslave their women and children. Only after a town had been decimated and all the young women and children that could be sold as slaves were captured would the brutal campaign of Islamization, with its brutal mandate that all must convert or die, began.However the Jews and the Christians were given protection to live provided they pay a penalty tax called Jizyah and enter into dhimmitude. Dhimmi means protected. But the dhimmis had to pay a hefty jizyah for their protection. This Jizyah was the source of livelihood of the Muslims who through it were able to live like parasites off the labor of the dhimmis. The following Hadith, reported by Bukhari, records the source for this practice based on the admonitions of Muhammad toward the dhimmi:

Narrated Juwairiya bin Qudama At-Tamimi:
We said to 'Umar bin Al-Khattab, oh Chief of the believers! Advise us." He said, "I advise you to fulfill Allah's Convention (made with the Dhimmis) as it is the convention of your Prophet and the source of the livelihood of your dependents (i.e. the taxes from the Dhimmis.) " Volume 4, Book 53, Number 388:

You are bhaiya or dravidian, so i can understand why you do not have any idea about our region people and history. By 17-18th century only 3 comunities in punjab were not muslim majority. Jats, khatris and chuhras/dalits. Other comunities like arain, rajputs, gujjars etc were muslim majority by then.

After rise of sikhsm jats started to convert to sikhsm in mass, along side chuhras and khatris. After british came then they converted many chuhras in to christinity.

Basically most docile and oppresive people i mean chuhras in punjab were last to convert, so you fucked up theory of forced conversesions will remain a theory.
One set of rules is too much to ask in India, lol. There is a serious misunderstanding about the meaning of the word "Secularism" in India.

I'm aware that UCC is not be allowed to be implemented in India by Champion's of Secularism - Congress, TMC, Samajwadi Party, Lallo, Nitish Etc. However, they can't stop us from removing this discriminatory clause from Constitution.

The matter is already with Supreme Court and a bill is pending in Parliament seeking it's removal. We know how fast bills are passed in Parliament. :lol: Recently, Special Marriage act bill was passed for us, so would this clause to be removed.:smokin:
Irrelevant, you said Lahore belonged to the Sikhs and not the current Muslim rulers of Lahore. Just reminding you of the history which clearly shows how your statement was full of shit, Sikh rule was just a blot compared to the rule of the Muslims. Like I said current Punjabi Muslim rule over Lahore has eclipsed them as well.
so pick and chose whatever u want. do not bother us!
Great post bro :tup:,
You should ask these fabricators of history though as to what they mean by 'Dharmic'. If Buddhism is included in 'Dharmic' than we (Indus Basin) is one of the main reasons that buddhism flourished the way it did to begin with. They can have their hindu beliefs . We don't care8-). Even Hinduism is not fully their local religion but a rig-vedic Aryan one which was taken by these people and made into this caste-ist dogma. Look at what they did to it:tdown:

these bhauya hindus were not even considered worthy to be converted by aryans, they simply came and made them dalits over night . 97% of them are not even proper hindus, only brahmins are.
these bhauya hindus were not even considered worthy to be converted by aryans, they simply came and made them dalits over night . 97% of them are not even proper hindus, only brahmins are.

You wanna tell us as to who the real Rigvedic Aryans are:azn: But don't be too explicit or else these guys will die of inferiority complex. See, their serfdom is just not 1000 years old (under Muslim rule) but goes as far back in history as we can tell. So they make up these tales to massage their egos. Remember what Amir Timur did to the HINDUS of Delhi , India. These guys are talking about massacres ROFLMAO.
As for Islam coming into the sub-continent, here's the tomb of Baba Farid, Farid-ud-din Ganjshakar

See, their serfdom is just not 1000 years old (under Muslim rule) but goes as far back in history as we can tell. So they make up these tales to massage their egos. Remember what Amir Timur did to the HINDUS of Delhi , India. These guys are talking about massacres ROFLMAO.
As for Islam coming into the sub-continent, here's the tomb of Baba Farid, Farid-ud-din Ganjshakar


Those muslims who ruled the subcontinent were from Central Asia, Persia and Afghanistan. I'm not sure why you're trying to connect yourself with them. It's pretty sad to see a grown man try to connect himself to events from the past that he had nothing to do with. You must not have much going for you in real life.
Those muslims who ruled the subcontinent were from Central Asia, Persia and Afghanistan. I'm not sure why you're trying to connect yourself with them. It's pretty sad to see a grown man try to connect himself to events from the past that he had nothing to do with. You must not have much going for you in real life.

Read your compatriot's posts on the last page and how absurd and pathetic they sounded. I love how Indians become all whiny and emotional when given Tit-for-Tat treatment. And no those rulers were not 'were'. They ARE. You are telling me that they just evaporated from the face of the Earth. And I'm not just talking about them but seems like you missed the whole point of my post. ;)
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You are bhaiya or dravidian, so i can understand why you do not have any idea about our region people and history. By 17-18th century only 3 comunities in punjab were not muslim majority. Jats, khatris and chuhras/dalits. Other comunities like arain, rajputs, gujjars etc were muslim majority by then.

After rise of sikhsm jats started to convert to sikhsm in mass, along side chuhras and khatris. After british came then they converted many chuhras in to christinity.

Basically most docile and oppresive people i mean chuhras in punjab were last to convert, so you fucked up theory of forced conversesions will remain a theory.

When do kaudi ke lowly converts like you try to act racist, it is only funny for us.

I personally think there should be no place for racism in the world. For the racists (and those who force converted you) you are just at the bottom of the pyramid, the lowest of the low.

Na ghar ka, na ghat ka.

Obsessing with us will only get you contempt. Just remain the second class, third rate Ajlaf that you are and are condemned to remain. You will remain in denial and that won't change anything.

Those muslims who ruled the subcontinent were from Central Asia, Persia and Afghanistan. I'm not sure why you're trying to connect yourself with them. It's pretty sad to see a grown man try to connect himself to events from the past that he had nothing to do with. You must not have much going for you in real life.

Their hero Timur killed more than 20 million people in his genocides, the vast majority of them Muslims. He was one of the worst stinky uncivilized fil.th ever to walk the Earth.

But just because he also murdered and pillaged their own ancestors, he is their hero. Naturally.

The great "peaceful and tolerant" Islamic hero! ;)
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Hey Hindu,
Those are your ancestors from Delhi, India.
Are those Rajasthani Ranis who commited jauhar multiple times in the sieges laid down by Khiljis and then the great and brave Akbar our ancestors too? No, they are yours

Your history of serfdom is there for all to see and this is one thing that your clever ways and your mastery over language won't hide. You are just another serf who was ruled, crushed, abused and spat at for all of history. Your very own Brahmins made laws making a living slave out of you. Forget the rest.
Little convert musallah, read about what Timur did in Persia, Central Asia and in many Pakistani cities before the uncivilized barbaric fil.th perpetrated his heinous crimes in Delhi.

And you prove my point about the "peaceful and tolerant" nature of the ideology that you are a product of. You all were on the other side of the sword despite your pretensions and fake history.

Your ancestors were the ones who surrendered their souls to the barbarians. And mostly the product of the rapine and slavery perpetrated by the invader fil.th.

Because you need to justify being a second class Ajlaf covert every second, you need to believe in the crap about the fake Aryan invasion theory.

Your being Ajlaf convert is a reality of history.

AIT is a just a colonial lie.
Read your compatriot's posts on the last page and how absurd and pathetic they sounded. I love how Indians become all whiny and emotional when given Tit-for-Tat treatment. And no those rulers were not 'were'. They ARE. You are telling me that they just evaporated from the face of the Earth. And I'm not just talking about them but seems like you missed the whole point of my post. ;)

No, they ARE NOT. They are dead, in case you hadn't noticed. You are some random dude trying to share the limelight with people from the past.
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