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Sikh radicals 'appoint' convicted terrorist Jagtar Singh Hawara as Akal Takht chief

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Wouldn't you want a independent sikh state run, ruled and for sikhs rather then be butchered by hindus or gulams on their army
No Hussain.

What you fail to realise is that india is a secular nation.

Hindus Moslems Sikhs & Christians will all live in india which in 10 or 15 years time will be the 3rd most powerful nation on earth.

Sikhs are in their home land already

Punjab is inn india will remain in india.

As will Kashmir as will saichen glaciers.

Sikhs will contiune to thrive and prosper in india and abroad.

We will not make the same mistake as you moslems bringing in sharia laws and behaving like medevil animals by making religion the be all and end all.

No Hussain.

What you fail to realise is that india is a secular nation.

Hindus Moslems Sikhs & Christians will all live in india which in 10 or 15 years time will be the 3rd most powerful nation on earth.

Sikhs are in their home land already

Punjab is inn india will remain in india.

As will Kashmir as will saichen glaciers.

Sikhs will contiune to thrive and prosper in india and abroad.

We will not make the same mistake as you moslems bringing in sharia laws and behaving like medevil animals by making religion the be all and end all.

Ok so it mean that you forget 1984 massacre and the Hindu also forget you people killed their beloved desi Iron Lady Indira ghandi my dear wonder chap situation in ground is totally different Sikh living in exile have strong desire for Khalistan and many left in India hiding their original intention when time comes they will come out of their cocoon to join Free Khalistan movement. You are probably a Hindu Punjabi settlers installed by Govt to gain local support but believe me when time come true khalisa will tear people like you. Under Modi rule it is eminent the free Khalistan movement once again thrive in India but this time you people will not get a second chance.
No Hussain.

What you fail to realise is that india is a secular nation.

Hindus Moslems Sikhs & Christians will all live in india which in 10 or 15 years time will be the 3rd most powerful nation on earth.

Sikhs are in their home land already

Punjab is inn india will remain in india.

As will Kashmir as will saichen glaciers.

Sikhs will contiune to thrive and prosper in india and abroad.

We will not make the same mistake as you moslems bringing in sharia laws and behaving like medevil animals by making religion the be all and end all.


Beghairati ki had hoti hai singh

This was the nation who desecrated your temple
Killed your own people
You were running and hiding in the so called secular india
They were hunting you down for being Sikh's

India is decending into a hindutva state mob violence over food, being lynched for having mutton in your fridge, violence for cutting hair on Tuesdays, 1984, Babri, Gujraat etc

India is secular no more

Kashmiris are fighting for their future away from the hindus

You cant live like slaves forever
Beghairati ki had hoti hai singh

This was the nation who desecrated your temple
Killed your own people
You were running and hiding in the so called secular india
They were hunting you down for being Sikh's

India is decending into a hindutva state mob violence over food, being lynched for having mutton in your fridge, violence for cutting hair on Tuesdays, 1984, Babri, Gujraat etc

India is secular no more

Kashmiris are fighting for their future away from the hindus

You cant live like slaves forever
wow now that was some convincing attempt to sow the seeds of anty india in indians by human rights lover from land of the pure :sarcastic:
If killing of innocent is the criteria of nationhood than Muslims should make several independent nation in South Asia as they are biggest persecuted people Sikhs have only 1984 you have a 1984 on daily basis both in India and Pakistan.Shia should make a Shia state as they are being buthered in Pakistan so does ahmadia whose death are celebrated by distributing sweets,Indian Muslims should have separate state as they are being persecuted by Hindus their mosque have been demolished then their are baloch,Hazaras so on and so forth.

Do u agree ?

If sikhs were so smart they would have fought for a independent sikh homeland during Partition like Pakistanis did

Instead you were left as a minority in hindu india

When the time came the hindus slaughtered you like pigs on the steps of your own temple only 30 years ago

You bowed your heads and cleaned the blood of your people off those very steps

When one of you plucked up the courage to kill Indira the hindus Butchered you across india

What use were your sikh officers

As india swings to the right division will be natural

Heard about that bhatti and you are giving the mughal nobility under aurangzeb Can you provide the representation of punjabi musalman under mughals as average IMO it's negligible.

Secondly Khanzadas (hereditary ruling class ) were not different than indigenous Hindustan musalman they were local converts of high noble blood like Rajputs and Brahmans.

Even Afghan Suris have few Punjabi musalman they even wanted to change the demography of punjab by settling Pashtuns.

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We Sikhs
We punjabis
We Indians
We British indians.

Are never going to accept the ideology Khalistan based on religion.


europe and North American the richest and most prospoerous forwarding thinking nations in the world have multi faith multi coloured citizens.

YOU PAKISTANIS who believe that a nation is built on faith religion are getting left behind.

INDIA IS A multi cultural multi faith multi state country. We have hindu leaders , Sikh Generals , moslem film stars.

This concept of divide and break up we would rather let you pakistanis do that in pakistan between you punjabis pashtuns sindi and balouch peoples. OR between your sunni and shia relgions.

I think you need to sort your mess out first ..
I think we need to export the militant sikhs to pakistan & AGHANISTAN where you can practise the art of divide and split and break up nations based on religion amongest yourselves

WHEN WILL YOU PEOPLE LEARN..............Europe went thru this 500+ years ago.
Respected Sir - as long as Khalsa lives, you cant touch our Punjab.
Sat Sree Akal ...... Akali swords have not tasted the blood for a long time.

I suggest something like Akali Phula Singh and Elphinstone incident when he visited amritsar.

History check:101

Find out when, why and against whom khalsa were born.
Find out the "merciful" acts of the guy whom you guys so proudly call 'alamgeer'
Find out what happened to innocent kids of our guru.
Beheaded, burnt alive, charred in oil and whatnot.

And most recent, The partition.

Don't try to single out the personalities. There's always some good in wholistic bad too, but the thing that matters is, can it change the course of bad. If not so then it also has to bear being called bad.

Every coin has two sides, when tossed we only care about which one's up.

The collective atrocities done by moslims have always overshadowed whatever good has been done by them. This is the reason most of you guys always become defensive the moment this topic comes up. You can not convince me, neither anyone else. And the ones who won't go defensive always turn out to be like @Horus, and start abusing the messenger, for example abusing sikhs, their kirpan and gurus, I hope you had seen that post.

My hatred for Muslims is limitless but still i tend to be civil in expressing myself but when i see moslim guys here and their hatred towards other religion concluding buddhists, it fastens my belief.

As for yourself, like your claim of being sufist. If you can't take a stand against atrocities by your habb-ul-watani you are worth nothing.

Nobody will remember what you did, everyone will remember what radicals did which by default are majority in your "religion of peace".


See this is the UP side of the coin i was talking about. A bretheren of likes of @Horus.

I know why the Khalsa was born, it wasn't to hate the Muslim faith. The Khalsa also fought Hindu Rajas as well.
You guys? Aurangzeb means nothing to me. You should have known he persecuted Sufis.
True, the children were brutally killed.
Yes tortures were inflicted upon them.
The partition? Sikh mobs committed horrendous atrocities as well. I know what you'll say that they were retaliating, and we'll go around in a circle.

The reason why I singled those great men out was because they related directly to the topic, and their way of life is followed by millions. Your reasoning is flawed, regarding if the outcome is bad, those who committed good or who are good should also be tarred. Souls are taken as they come, that's the teaching of Sikhi as well.

As for the atrocities part, what is more prudent to say is that you don't want to look at he good Muslims have done, even though it is clearly evident in Sikh history, due to your hate (your own words), and instead would wish to focus on the bad. As for being defensive, I've seen that amongst every nation and people. I'm not here to convince you, that was never my intention. I can't convince someone who is set on hate, which is fine I respect your honesty. My post just highlighted the problem with hating all Muslims, whilst professing to be a Sikh. I never saw the post you refer to, I will look it up though.
So your hate is limitless, so is that of the Muslim guys you speak of. You're in the same group there. I could understand your criticism if you didn't come from the angle you do, but I can't seem to understand why you are annoyed at that. As for being civil, I'll disagree, you already mocked the faith with the old "religion of peace" line. That's quite old by the way now.
Lastly I don't claim to be anything. I hope to be a follow the way of the waliallah and I see Sufism as that path. The oly reason I stated it is so people could understand my broader view.
As for the poster you pointed out, he just said the same thing you did i.e. you hate Muslims, he hates Hindus and Sikhs.

I think the whole thing is going off-topic and this will be my last reply to your posts anyway.

The thread has outlived its useful life.
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