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Indira Gandhi's assassins honoured by Akal Takht

He did not kill his own people. Nor could he approach courts or any other institutions to get justice. So what was the only choice left for him ?

General Dyar did what he felt was the right thing to do. Its the same when Indian Army kills in Manipur or Kashmir. or when the US forces drop bombs in Afghanistan or Pakistan. Dyar was set free by the British govt. and the matter ended there.

The real Guilty was and is the British Empire and Mahatma Gandhi brought it down. So who is the real hero and who was the real villain? ....those who chose to kill dyar fought they own petty war and sought revenge, not justice.
You walk a dangerous path when you honor assassins. Its the same as making heroes of 'suicide bombers'. The objective is to inspire others to walk the same path.

Is that how you want to mold your society / community ? Do you really want to live in such a society ?

You should follow your own advice before advising others. Something is seriously wrong with a society which condones murder and attack on the most holy shrine of a religion. Then also names air port of delhi, universities, colleges and libraries in honour of tyrants like Indira gandhi and Rajiv. Compared to all of these honours, a mere saropa is nothing. First set your house in order.
When you refuse to read both sides of the story and want to continue believing in the state propaganda of the congress party then by all means do so.

I have read both accounts and that is why I say truth lies inbetween. It is not wat Congi sites say nor what the Sikhi sites say. You are only assuming that I support the Govt version so that you can continue argue with me.
3000 sikhs were murdered by the congressis,why the fck shouldn't we hate her?

it is not abt hating her man.But the bodyguards of the PM killing the PM is a bad example.

Maybe she deserved it but what if some other guy does it for some flimsy reason tomorrow?

do u want to see this precedent?
General Dyar did what he felt was the right thing to do. Its the same when Indian Army kills in Manipur or Kashmir. or when the US forces drop bombs in Afghanistan or Pakistan. Dyar was set free by the British govt. and the matter ended there.

The real Guilty was and is the British Empire and Mahatma Gandhi brought it down. So who is the real hero and who was the real villain? ....those who chose to kill dyar fought they own petty war and sought revenge, not justice.

No, its not the same as Indian Army doing in Manipur.

The British Raj was not democratically elected by the Indians nor was there a constitution that was framed by the Indians themselves. They were occupiers, pure and simple. And I cant condone killing them.
You should follow your own advice before advising others. Something is seriously wrong with a society which condones murder and attack on the most holy shrine of a religion. Then also names air port of delhi, universities, colleges and libraries in honour of tyrants like Indira gandhi and Rajiv. Compared to all of these honours, a mere saropa is nothing. First set your house in order.

Some how I agree with you.
General Dyar did what he felt was the right thing to do. Its the same when Indian Army kills in Manipur or Kashmir. or when the US forces drop bombs in Afghanistan or Pakistan. Dyar was set free by the British govt. and the matter ended there.

The real Guilty was and is the British Empire and Mahatma Gandhi brought it down. So who is the real hero and who was the real villain? ....those who chose to kill dyar fought they own petty war and sought revenge, not justice.

Mahatma Gandhi brought the British empire down??? is this a joke? Another myth needs to be dispelled. After ww2, Britain was almost bankrupt. It had no funds to continue their empire. That is so so many countries gained independence right after ww2.

Today Indians like you are justifying Dyar the butcher of Jillianwala Baagh is truly a sad thing to see. But it is not unimaginable in a society which promotes justification of the blood bath inflicted on the Darbar Sahib in 84.
Sikhs tried that peacefully for decades before 84(Punjabi sooba movement, waters issue and other demands). Most Indians think everything just started in 84 or with Bhindranwala. All the peaceful means were finished when in 1978, 13 Sikh protesters were killed by Nirankaris who were allies of Indira Gandhi. Sikhs tried all sorts of ways to have the Nirankars punished through the court system. When nothing was accomplished, that is when Sikhs began to take up arms to defend themselves. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee Maharaj has said in Zaffarnama letter written to Aurangzeb that "when all peaceful means have been used, it is righteous to raise the sword(as a last resort)".

Just look at your own history. Didn't Krishna and the Pandavs also take up arms and wage war when all peaceful means failed? Didn't Shiva jee Maratha also take up arms to fight against the unjust government of his time? Most Indians today have been brain washed by Mahatma Gandhis Ahimsa philosophy which have no base in Hindu Dharm.

Democracy is only advantageous if you happen to belong to the majority. Sikhs are less than 2% of India's population. Sikh cannot get any justice through democracy, and the fact that those congress ministers who led anti Sikh riots in 84 are still living a luxurious free life.

That statement is not supported by Hindu Dharma. Was Lord Krishna and Arjun not following dharma when they assassinated Bhishma, Karna, Drona all of whom were unarmed? those men were killed because they were on the side of Adharma(the side of Duryodhan).

No, Dyar was on stage giving a speech when Udham Singh assassinated him. At that time too, most Indians (including Gandhi and Nehru) condemned the assassination and declared Udham Singh a terrorist. But decades later the same Indians (including Nehru) declared Udham Singh as a great man.

The attack happened right on the Shaheedi purab of sri Guru Arjun Dev Jee. That was when Sikh from all over India come to Harimandir Sahib to observe the holiday. Indira gandhi chose that day so maximum number of Sikhs can be killed. If the attack was to happen why didn't it happen a day before or after the holiday? secondly, why was there a media black out in all of Punjab. What was Indira Gandhi trying to hide from the world media? Why was the Sikh reference library containing priceless historical artifacts burnt by the Indin army?Once the Sikh militants were killed, why did the Indian army begin to kill Sikh pilgrims(elderly, children, babies) and rape Sikh women? Even the Afghan army of Ahmad Shah Abdali was not this cruel when they attack Harmandir Sahib.

I dont think it is as simple as someone taking up arms against the government,

The question is what was the politics of united punjab immediately after independence?

why do u care about the percentage of Sikhs in India?

Just think of the percentage of Sikhs in Punjab and Punjab was and is amongst the progressive states of India.

I know Sikhs who came as far as Bangalore/Madras/Pune and have done well for themselves.

Why dont we just talk about the issues inside Punjab?

and the reason why Punjab became Punjab/Haryana/HP?
Mahatma Gandhi brought the British empire down??? is this a joke? Another myth needs to be dispelled. After ww2, Britain was almost bankrupt. It had no funds to continue their empire. That is so so many countries gained independence right after ww2.

Today Indians like you are justifying Dyar the butcher of Jillianwala Baagh is truly a sad thing to see. But it is not unimaginable in a society which promotes justification of the blood bath inflicted on the Darbar Sahib in 84.

Why are you generalizing it with entire society ? Who told you everyone supports the exact way Op.Blue Star was conducted ?

And do you admit Bhindranwale staying in Harmandir Sahib and turning the temple into a fortress was a right thing to do ?
Yeah but the Jattas behind the movement are also not so clean or pure.

It was a pure fighting for political power and co existence with the Jaats and Dogras,

That was the problem.

its hard to maintain calm when you get your brothers killed for no reson.

Do u really think sikhs are anti india?Give me a single generation or religion who have shed more blood then sikhs.

when india got liberation? who got killed mostly? sikhs.

when mughals used to butcher innocents,who gave life to save innocents? sikhs and their gurus.

Still sikhs dont add poverty or act like burden for india.We send our wards to army despite of being a small community.

Sikhs are called as HIND KI CHADDAR ,due to blood they have shed for country.

I m not praising my religion ,just trying to let you know.

so how every thing suddenly changed? I would say that you need to go at ground to look reality.

even sikhs soldiers left their jobs in army or police when that incident happened and i dont feel that killing of IG was doubtful by their sikh guards

Ok Paan Singh,let me ask u one question,

do u think indians are anti sikhs?
You should follow your own advice before advising others. Something is seriously wrong with a society which condones murder and attack on the most holy shrine of a religion. Then also names air port of delhi, universities, colleges and libraries in honour of tyrants like Indira gandhi and Rajiv. Compared to all of these honours, a mere saropa is nothing. First set your house in order.

There was no attack on the most holy shrine of a religion. There was a attack on the terrorists hiding inside that shrine.

The difference is clear. (...especially so since the attack itself was planed and executed by a practicing Sikh)

It was not an attack to eliminate Sikhism :rolleyes:...so playing the victim does not help your case. Of course if the Sikhs had more courage and had kicked out the terrorists out of their holy shrine, they would have been regarded as true heroes. One wonders why they never had the courage to do that.

I am strongly against naming public utilities after recent political leaders (especially congress), but that point is not relevant.

I was under the impression that my 'house' was also your 'house'. Are you not an Indian ?
if thats the case then you should ask this question. why they think like that. now in independent indian you can dispise us but where were your bravery when afghans attack som nath mandir and pick up hindu women as slaves. it was us sikhs who saved them. the gate of somanath mandir is still in harmandir sahib which we took back from afghans after defeating them. if RSS/shi sena is so powerfull and RSS sainiks guys are so brave then send them to border and lets see. its easy to bark in front of gullible people but it needs balls to act.

I think the issue between RSS and Sikhs is a pure ego battle?

why is there such hate in punjab for each other?
why do u think sikhs are minorities dude?

Is a Hindu Arora/Jatt going to think any different of a fellow Arora/jatt?

Is everyone Amridhaari,aren't there sehjdaaris and monas?

Mahatma Gandhi brought the British empire down??? is this a joke? Another myth needs to be dispelled. After ww2, Britain was almost bankrupt. It had no funds to continue their empire. That is so so many countries gained independence right after ww2.

Today Indians like you are justifying Dyar the butcher of Jillianwala Baagh is truly a sad thing to see. But it is not unimaginable in a society which promotes justification of the blood bath inflicted on the Darbar Sahib in 84.

Mahatma Gandhi does not need me to speak for him. He is acknowledged by the whole world so I need not waste time defending him.

I certainly dont need to defend Dyar either :disagree:...... that is truly a desperate statement from you side.

You can continue to play the victim and garner public sympathy ...... ...
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