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All Sikhs want khalistan ,Akal Takht Chief

That may be your wish but certainly not of the Sikhs.


Khalistani outfit SFJ wants Greater Khalistan with headquarters in Pakistan's Lahore


Sikhs will not ask for your permission.
Looool and pakistan is scared.
Pakistan doesnt have a majority Sikh province. In punjab there is hardly any sikhs. And this nation is united and strong. We fight the cockroaches of the Indian army when they outnumber us so heavily
That's great.
Let them kick off with lesser Khalistan and then we'll see about Akhand Khalistan.
Lol. Why not volunteer to provide Sikhs a home land in your country. May be we could learn something from your generosity.

All sikhs can see the hypocrisy in your support for their cause. Lol.
Lol. Why not volunteer to provide Sikhs a home land in your country. May be we could learn something from your generosity.

All sikhs can see the hypocrisy in your support for their cause. Lol.
Why uproot a well settled people. They have a homeland in IOP (Indian occupied ounjab) aka khalistan
Why uproot a well settled people. They have a homeland in IOP (Indian occupied ounjab) aka khalistan
But at least they should know your hypocritical support. Indian punjabis (Sikhs) are Indian first, you'll realise it soon enough.
They already did fight Hindus for it, that's why there was an attack on the Golden Temple and decade long counterinsurgency in Punjab. Educate yourself, Hindu.

That happened 36 years ago. Since then we had a Sikh PM from the very same party that organized the temple attack. We had multiple army chiefs from sikh community. Infact, it is Congress that is in power in Punjab today, how ironic and heart burning is that for you. Now update yourself, you muslim.
how ironic and heart burning is that for you.

Why would it be heart burning for me? It just tells me the nature of Hindu India, where the party which instigated the pogroms on Sikhs escapes punishment and justice, and goes on to elections with the Sikhs who survived.
Muslim refugees murdered and raped Sikhs. 1st anyone has heard of this. Well f them they choose india
Why? who started it?

That may be your wish but certainly not of the Sikhs.


Khalistani outfit SFJ wants Greater Khalistan with headquarters in Pakistan's Lahore


Sikhs will not ask for your permission.
They can't beat Pakistan in a war,Same goes for other bharti scums on this forum.
Not by refugees but certainly in areas where Muslim were living in majority,the attacked the Sikhs who were migrating to India.
Thats rubbish. We had hindu and Sikh in our village...no one was hurt and even today people speak of them fondly
Thats rubbish. We had hindu and Sikh in our village...no one was hurt and even today people speak of them fondly
There are plenty of villages like your village where no one was hurt infact locals protected them but on other hand there were many areas where gangs came from other areas and wreak havoc. The fact is that genocide did happen in Muslim majority areas. And similar things happened in Hindu and Sikh majority areas where migratee Muslims were targeted.

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