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All Sikhs want khalistan ,Akal Takht Chief

The submissiveness is mind boggling and sad at the sametime.
Not only are they prohibited to eat what they desire but some of them went as far as changing their names just to be accepted. :frown:
The Muslims of India had actually found their voice and a degree of cohesion during the NRC CAA protests, to the point that they even openly spoke out in support of the kashmiri cause. It may surprise you to learn that. Do not mistake their patience until this point in time as some kind of eternal weakness. It is the leaders of maqbooza Hindustan who let the Muslims down and just before Covid struck, this realisation was becoming apparent.

Indian hindutva mobs require overwhelming numbers against Indian Muslims to actually defeat their cause. If Indian Muslims unite under a sensible and courageous leader, hindutva is in deep trouble.

Mind you, many would argue that hindutva is in trouble whatever happens now. Delhi has picked fights with all of its neighbours and is bumbling its way to a comedic implosion.
Sikhs in UK hate India
It's weird because back in the 90s we used to get into fights with Sikh Indians over India and it was only 10 years after 1984

Now they tell us how shit India is before we even get a chance:lol:

Strange times
Yknow there is actually a lot of truth to that. They are far less vocally "jai hind" than they were 20 years back. However, that doesn't make them pro-khalistan. They literally don't care any more and are happy to recreate their homeland in Slough or Wolverhampton these days.
sorry, bro but what Sikh nation. Jinnah offered them a homeland and they wanted mother India.
If you are someone who take interest in history then you should know that was the biggest betrayal with Sikhs. That decision to be with India was not a whole hearted decision taken by all Sikhs. That was a betrayal by Tara Chand Malhotra aka Tara singh a Hindu who just converted to Sikhism to fulfill the Hindu conspiracy. He was planted by nehru and Gandhi because they knew Sikhs will get a separate homeland or if Punjab will not be divided it will go to Pakistan as a whole. None of the other family members of Tara Singh became a Sikh and throughout all his life he practiced teachings of Hinduism . How can even such a man became a representative of all sikhs. That was no doubt one of the many attempts to merge Sikhism with Hinduism and corrupt it.
Exactly, khalistan would be in no position to claim any part of Pakistan.
Yes because they cannot fight against a land where Sikhism were born and contain almost all of their holy historic gurdwaras.
And they know this piece of land protects their holy place and treat them far better than indians.
This land is holy for them,like our Makkah. Once Khalistan is created it should act as a buffer state with no visa required to travel to and from Pakistan.Like US and Canada.
If you are someone who take interest in history then you should know that was the biggest betrayal with Sikhs. That decision to be with India was not a whole hearted decision taken by all Sikhs. That was a betrayal by Tara Chand Malhotra aka Tara singh a Hindu who just converted to Sikhism to fulfill the Hindu conspiracy. He was planted by nehru and Gandhi because they knew Sikhs will get a separate homeland or if Punjab will not be divided it will go to Pakistan as a whole. None of the other family members of Tara Singh became a Sikh and throughout all his life he practiced teachings of Hinduism . How can even such a man became a representative of all sikhs. That was no doubt one of the many attempts to merge Sikhism with Hinduism and corrupt it.

Yes because they cannot fight against a land where Sikhism were born and contain almost all of their holy historic gurdwaras.
And they know this piece of land protects their holy place and treat them far better than indians.
This land is holy for them,like our Makkah. Once Khalistan is created it should act as a buffer state with no visa required to travel to and from Pakistan.Like US and Canada.
Bro....that's the problem for the sikhs. The murdered muslims by the thousands as the migrated from india to Pakistan so f the sikhs. Yes we should help them against india but for our benefit and if thousands die so what.
Bro....that's the problem for the sikhs. The murdered muslims by the thousands as the migrated from india to Pakistan so f the sikhs. Yes we should help them against india but for our benefit and if thousands die so what.
Well I don't blame any religion for the partition violence. It took two to tango .
Muslims too murdered and raped sikhs in huge numbers. Those were crazy times,there was no rationality and all evil action was driven by dirty politics and few rogue groups hence spreaded hatred on a mass scale . Very innocent and good people were got caught in the conflict as a result.

. Yes we should help them against india but for our benefit and if thousands die so what.
No it's a mutual cause and their lives should be dear to us. Times change people change this is not 1947 .

Guys help Sikhs gain independence ... they deserve it.
You only deserve something if you are prepared to work for it or fight for it.
In the 80s the Sikhs deserved it, now they don't.
The day they stop waving their swords and kirpans around acting like the Sealed Knot Society and start acting like freedom fighters waving guns about is the day they deserve it again.

They won't get it till they fight for it.
Any Khalistan will include parts of Pakistan. I hope people realize that.

No. It will not as Pakistan will not agree.

Why should it include parts of Pakistan, makes no sense.

It makes perfect sense.

Well I don't blame any religion for the partition violence. It took two to tango .
Muslims too murdered and raped sikhs in huge numbers. Those were crazy times,there was no rationality and all evil action was driven by dirty politics and few rogue groups hence spreaded hatred on a mass scale . Very innocent and good people were got caught in the conflict as a result.

No it's a mutual cause and their lives should be dear to us. Times change people change this is not 1947 .

Muslim refugees murdered and raped Sikhs. 1st anyone has heard of this. Well f them they choose india
Bhakts are talking nonsense as usual. If Islamabad creates a khalistani nation, it would be Indian Punjab, and Sikhs would take it with thanks. They won't fight for it themselves though. Not a chance.

Exactly, khalistan would be in no position to claim any part of Pakistan.

If there would be Khalistan then it will be united Khalistan comprising parts of both India and Pakistan.

No. It will not as Pakistan will not agree.

It makes perfect sense.

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You're getting yourself confused between Khalistan, a homeland for Sikhs which the Sikhs want, and the map you have posted which would have to be a homeland for all Punjabis which no one wants.

Muslim refugees murdered and raped Sikhs. 1st anyone has heard of this. Well f them they choose india
It's true, there were atrocities on both sides.
Sikhs were murdered and raped in Muslim majority areas just as the Muslims were murdered and raped in the majority Sikh areas.
No one comes out of this untarnished.
So you are furious with Indian Muslims for not doing the bidding of Pakistan?

They don't have anything to do with Pakistan. Their loyalties should belong to their own nation.
But they should raise more voice than animals for themselves. And also get some honor in the society, not just by raising voice but also by educating themselves and gaining respectful positions in society despite huge discrimination!
You're getting yourself confused between Khalistan, a homeland for Sikhs which the Sikhs want, and the map you have posted which would have to be a homeland for all Punjabis which no one wants.

That may be your wish but certainly not of the Sikhs.


Khalistani outfit SFJ wants Greater Khalistan with headquarters in Pakistan's Lahore


Loooool pakistan...not a single mm

Sikhs will not ask for your permission.

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