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All Sikhs want khalistan ,Akal Takht Chief

Timing is very interesting. When India is getting it from right, left and centre.
Ab tou Razia ki jaan ghundo mein phass gayi :lol:

Huge news!
Yes the news didn't come from some YouTube fanboy . It came from the most powerful Sikh authority on Earth.

So you are furious with Indian Muslims for not doing the bidding of Pakistan?

No because they are behaving like submissive cuckolds.
@That Guy sure knows what I am talking about and would explain it further .
Yes Indian sikhs are more respect worthy and full of dignity than Indian Muslims.
Unlike Indian Muslims they didn't betray their religion and Sikh nation.
Nonsense. What exactly have Indian Sikhs done to enable Khalistan or at least, to support the one major regional power that could potentially facilitate a push for Khalistan?

Indian Sikhs are done. Their little blip of power in the subcontinent fizzled out after the British dealt with them. They're just showboaters now.

Pakistani Sikhs and certain western diaspora Sikhs will do far far more for khalistan than Indian Sikhs ever would - and even that probably won't win them khalistan ever.

The dismantling of India by Pakistan is the only way Indian Sikhs can get a version of khalistan, and it will not be one that they earned but rather a gift from Pakistan.
Nonsense. What exactly have Indian Sikhs done to enable Khalistan or at least, to support the one major regional power that could potentially facilitate a push for Khalistan?
I agree there could be more done but whatever they have done so far is much better than so called Indian Muslims.
After 1984 massacre they pickup the arms ,the khalistan movement was infact born because of that and they did get a training and funding from a regional power . So please do some research before you talk.
I agree there could be more done but whatever they have done so far is much better than so called Indian Muslims.
After 1984 massacre they pickup the arms ,the khalistan movement was infact born because of that and they did get a training and funding from a regional power . So please do some research before you talk.
Ok, how many assassinations have they successfully carried out of their supposed enemies? How many Indian security forces or politicians supposedly denying them their independent state have they killed? How many of them have been martyred doing so?

Tamils, naxals, Islamic State, lone wolf islamists and tribalists have done more for their causes than 30 years of supposed Sikh agitation.

Seriously, India's Sikhs are good for Bollywood or charging suicidally head first up Tiger Hill and and that's about it. All the bravado about khalistan is fake. Delhi doesn't fear Indian sikhs in the slightest.

1984 happened. It would have spurred a civil war for most peoples but Indian Sikhs surrendered to the hindutva mobs. In fact, that was India's big chance to erase hindutva as a mentality - both the overt fundamentalism among RSS and the hidden extremists who posed as moderate Congress (there are plenty of them by the way - genuine secularists in india have been in steady decline). Sikhs could have initiated a revolution but failed.

It's up to the Muslims I'm afraid.

Edit: as per wiki, I stand corrected. The mighty khalistani nation did actually achieve something after the Indira assassination. After Indira Ghandi, there were further "militant attacks" in 1985.

And then I presume India granted them independence, justice and full recognition of the genocide that took place in 1984.

Or maybe it's just the state of Ontario who decided to recognise all that stuff.

Edit: as per wiki, I stand corrected. The mighty khalistani nation did actually achieve something after the Indira assassination. After Indira Ghandi, there were further "militant attacks" in 1985.

And then I presume India granted them independence, justice and full recognition of the genocide that took place in 1984.

Or maybe it's just the state of Ontario who decided to recognise all that stuff.


If I am not mistaken, every person that was involved in Operation Blue Star and the storming of the Golden Temple was assassinated.

The Sikh militancy waned because of two reasons:
1. Massive repression by the state. Extra-judicial killings, along with killings of civilians was the norm by the Punjab Police led by KPS Gill.
2. The Sikh militants started to kill and extort their own people, thus ensuring its end, as popular support dried up. Sikh militants were no longer seen as fighting for a cause, but rather opportunistic criminals.
If I am not mistaken, every person that was involved in Operation Blue Star and the storming of the Golden Temple was assassinated.
Well I wasn't aware of this on the basis of what I read. Wikipedia has been sanitised by certain malevolent practitioners it would seem.

I still stand by my original conclusion though, that khalistanis simply blow hot air and achieve nothing of note. Delhi doesn't fear them, perhaps for the reasons you stated.
Yes Indian sikhs are more respect worthy and full of dignity than Indian Muslims.
Unlike Indian Muslims they didn't betray their religion and Sikh nation.
sorry, bro but what Sikh nation. Jinnah offered them a homeland and they wanted mother India. now enjoy. how many Muslims did these barbaric people kill during partition? I have no sympathy for them. and even now they wont fight for a homeland when their golden temple was violated like a prostitute
Yes Indian sikhs are more respect worthy and full of dignity than Indian Muslims.
Unlike Indian Muslims they didn't betray their religion and Sikh nation.
They have too much pride that is one of the reasons.

Actually Muslims of India, are very happy being submissive subjects.

Sheep at most.
The submissiveness is mind boggling and sad at the sametime.
Not only are they prohibited to eat what they desire but some of them went as far as changing their names just to be accepted. :frown:
Why should it include parts of Pakistan, makes no sense.
Bhakts are talking nonsense as usual. If Islamabad creates a khalistani nation, it would be Indian Punjab, and Sikhs would take it with thanks. They won't fight for it themselves though. Not a chance.
Bhakts are talking nonsense as usual. If Islamabad creates a khalistani nation, it would be Indian Punjab, and Sikhs would take it with thanks. They won't fight for it themselves though. Not a chance.

Exactly, khalistan would be in no position to claim any part of Pakistan.

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