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Groups clash with swords, sticks in Golden Temple on Blue Star anniversary

@Jaggu l Dear Jaggu, you may pick your historical themes. We offer no apology for any action if the Khalistani terrorists tend to use our soil against India or expand their designs in my country. We have facilitated their visits for six decades smoothly and will continue to do so, though we will not tolerate any ambitions that involve our country.

Their fate is sealed with the Indian state and Pakistanis are indifferent to what has or what will happen in Indian Punjab. We hope that these deluded nutbags stay confined inside Indian border.

Though i hated Benazir Bhutto. Her call to pull the plug off the Khalistan movement was a strategic one. We owe nothing to them, nor we want anything from them. Aiding the Khalistani terrorists against India was a bad decision for whatever period it was done for. Gladly Benazir put an end to this madness.

Aeronaut, your lack of knowledge of the whole Khalistani episode is really astounding. I'm not a Khalistani supporter myself, but some of your claims are totally false. Khalistani movement started in the mid 80s not 6 decades ago. Secondly, from where you have gotten this idea that Khalistanis have 'designs' on your country is a mystery only known to you. The Khalistani movement was totally supported by ISI and still is to this day. Khalistani movement, Kashmir militancy, Ghazwa Hind ring a bell? And the reason why the armed struggle for Khalistan failed is not Banazir Bhutto, although she did play a minor role. The real reason was because congress party in Punjab won and they gave full power to KPS Gill and Punjab police to come down hard on militant strong holds.
@Jaggu l Dear Jaggu, its not my perceived lack of knowledge on this subject, but your selective reading.

* I never said you were a Khalistani, i don't care either way.

* I never claimed that KM started 6 decades ago. I was talking about sikh yatris.

* Today someone in that lil drama did utter a desire for Lahore. Check their stupid maps.

* ISI didn't create KM, Hindu elite did. ISI just capitalized on it.

* Benazir played a significant role in ending Khalistani terror from Pakistan's viewpoint. She shared actionable intel on their leaders, overseas assets, communications, weapon dumps and got all major KM leaders in Pakistan, killed, jailed or deported.
This pic makes me puke.... it shows what happens if people take religion too seriously: It puts them right back into the STONE AGE :mad:


swords !! i thoughts they are only used in movies ...
india is heading towards disintegration under hindu nationalist pm , this is just the beginning
@Jaggu l Dear Jaggu, its not my perceived lack of knowledge on this subject, but your selective reading.

* I never said you were a Khalistani, i don't care either way.

* I never claimed that KM started 6 decades ago. I was talking about sikh yatris.

* Today someone in that lil drama did utter a desire for Lahore. Check their stupid maps.

* ISI didn't create KM, Hindu elite did. ISI just capitalized on it.

* Benazir played a significant role in ending Khalistani terror from Pakistan's viewpoint. She shared actionable intel on their leaders, overseas assets, communications, weapon dumps and got all major KM leaders in Pakistan, killed, jailed or deported.

1. Okay

2, 3 So this seems to be the real reason behind your hostility towards Sikhs. In your original post you did not differentiate between Khalistanis and Yatris because you think Sikhs have an eye for Lahore? I don't like to say this because you are a senior member here and also a respected admin. But this is seriously nothing but lack of knowledge on your part of the issue of Khalistani affairs. No Sikh(even the Khalistani ones) have Lahore in their agenda, I mean how could they since there are no Sikhs living in Pakistan apart from a few thousand people.

3, 4 I don't know who uttered what or which map you are talking about, but all the major Khalistani leaders are regular visitors to Pakistan and are treated as special guests there. I think ISI which hosts them has more information on this matter than you. ISI which is on par with the top intelligence agencies in the world. Give ISI a little more credit auronaut. Yes, Khalistani movement was because of internal strife, But once the attack on the Darbar Sahib happened, the Pak army saw their opportunity to take revenge for Bangladesh and began to train the Sikh militants.

5. Benazir's political stunt didn't do anything significant in the decline in the Khalistani movement. Behind the scenes the real decision makers were the army and more importantly the ISI. Even after her 'pulling the plug' all the major Sikh militant groups still operated from Pakistan and still do to this day they are centered there. When Sikh yatris go to Pakistan, they are very often given leaflets and maps of Khalistan by Pakistan Gurdwara committee which was created and run by the ISI.

The reason for the downfall of the militants was KPS Gill and Punjab police, read any book on this subject. or interview with those who were involved during those times. The Punjab police had used extremely brutal tactics to finish off the movement from grass roots level. They had spread their intelligence network all over Punjab besides also creating and arming counter insurgents known as 'black cats'. Besides this, by the end of the movement, the militant groups were so heavily infiltrated by the Punjab police that many times the militants would be caught alive due to these inside infiltrators and later these captured militants would be shot in a fake encounter. These are the reasons for how the armed movement declined in the end. In other words, Pakistan is a facilitator and ally of the Khalistan movement where they support and arm the militants, but it is neither the creator nor the reason for the decline for the Khalistan movement.
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