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You are mislead. in an Islamic State all are allowed to live.Not just Muslims. Non-Muslims have the same rights as Muslims in an Islamic state with a few exceptions, but they are not anything which is harsh. So if any one thinks in an Islamic state only Muslims are allowed to live they are wrong.

If all had the same right as Jinnah has visualised, then the Sharia would not be made applicable to all (correct me if I am wrong) and the Blasphemy Law would not be applicable to those of non Islamic faith and if that is right, so should there be an equal law to ensure that it is blasphemous for people of the Islamic faith to be prosecuted and penalised in the same manner if they blaspheme other religions and their icons!!
Please give links.

Eid Message is hardly authentic.

Are you suggeting that Jinnah straddled both the ideas in his speech in the US? Odd!
Well these are not two different ideas. Infect the meaning of the word secular is taken in different terms.
Even if what you write is taken into context, he was telling the men of Islamic faith how to live their lives.

What he saud in 1945 is usrely superseded by his Inaugural Addess to the Constituent Assembly in 1947. Maybe, he understood that having achieved Pakistan as a reality, the issue was good governance over religious bogotry!
These aren't different ideas i.e Religion and Good Governance. ( Not at least in Islam )
Further are you aware that Jinnah when he was a Congressman, opposed Gandhi's use of symboic reiigion in politics?

Well If you take Hinduism as religion, well I am afraid its not a religion infect its just set of rituals.

If indeed JInnah was all for Pakistan as an Islamic state, then how come he did not name Pakistan as the Islamic Republic of Paksitan?
So Ottoman state was an ideal Islamic state?

Not very much
you see the Idea is about 1400 years old.
At least in Ottoman Empire the government system was taken from actual Islamic system and thus it was easy to implement sharia t than in a system taken by Pakistan from the British.
Not very much
you see the Idea is about 1400 years old.
At least in Ottoman Empire the government system was taken from actual Islamic system and thus it was easy to implement sharia t than in a system taken by Pakistan from the British.

So has there ever been an ideal Islamic state?
Not very much
you see the Idea is about 1400 years old.
At least in Ottoman Empire the government system was taken from actual Islamic system and thus it was easy to implement sharia t than in a system taken by Pakistan from the British.

Dude that's the question.

Which was the last ideal Islamic state?

I have heard many Muslims say that only the first 40 years rule by the 4 "rightly guided caliphs" was a true Islamic rule. What is your opinion?

If indeed JInnah was all for Pakistan as an Islamic state, then how come he did not name Pakistan as the Islamic Republic of Paksitan?

No need to say Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The word Pakistan was self-explaining

And of course he didn't had time for all this constitutional things. He had to think about defense, economy, refugees etc etc
Well these are not two different ideas. Infect the meaning of the word secular is taken in different terms.


And what is secular?

These aren't different ideas i.e Religion and Good Governance. ( Not at least in Islam )

Care to amplify?

In a multi religious society, ixing religion and governance is a surehot path to strife.

It does not even require difference in religion, even sects of the same religion go bonkers over interpretations and the ensuing mayhem leads to death and injury!!

Well If you take Hinduism as religion, well I am afraid its not a religion infect its just set of rituals.

Maybe you are ight, but then ask a Hindu that!
Dude that's the question.

Which was the last ideal Islamic state?

I have heard many Muslims say that only the first 40 years rule by the 4 "rightly guided caliphs" was a true Islamic rule. What is your opinion?

very much.
Look if you can't get 100% it doesn't mean that you shouldn't for any thing at all. First 40 years were 100% then a decline came like democracy was taken oven by dictator ship and so on...
very much.
Look if you can't get 100% it doesn't mean that you shouldn't for any thing at all. First 40 years were 100% then a decline came like democracy was taken oven by dictator ship and so on...

So the first 40 years of Islam had democracy?
No need to say Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The word Pakistan was self-explaining


if the word Pakistan was self explanatory, then why is called Islamic Republic of Pakistan now?

Therefore, don't force and crank in an explanation that is bogus.

And of course he didn't had time for all this constitutional things. He had to think about defense, economy, refugees etc etc

Hardly an explanation.

So you are suggesting that the Consitution is a bogus issue. What to you think the Constuent Assembly was doing? Hae a state funded holday?
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