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Should we make a Petition to change the Devanagari script of Bangla!?

Are we ready for this? Will you support the Bangladesh people for this CHANGE?

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In the free and anonymous world of internet anyone can say anything, you dont need any right for that. People will laugh at you.. Think that you are a joke, but you have all the right to say whatever you want.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Mahatma Gandhi
U can't simply change a script like that. I don't think we need to go for changing script though i appreciate your intention behind it. What's more important and effective than changing script IMHO is introducing arabic as a compulsory 2nd language like english. Our people can read the Quran but can't understand it without tafsir. Imagine if the whole pop. can speak arabic like bengali. It will naturally bring the society closer to islam and the bengali language will also get enriched further. In a few generations Bangladeshi bengali will be uniquely bangladeshi. SO introducing compulsory arabic is the way to go for any muslim society that wants to better it self as per the divine guidance of Allah (swt).

You are so right, dear. I completely agree with every single thing that you just said! By the way, I plan on learning Farsi this summer! (★^O^★)

These petitions are for hippies

Why is it for hippies? What's the point if we can't take any action but only talk about it in forums... What's going on..? :O

The guy knows 5 people from the national curriculum....and he came to his conclusion about 15 crore people from those 5 people....HE MUST BE RIGHT!

Why are you calling me HIM you! You, cretin and moron!

Female, 17 no way lol

First you call me a Jamaati and now you think I am a guy! You halfwit imbecile!

@kalu_miah You are right all these freaks are simpletons with their own views of the World and their own assumptions about everyone. But I guess that's what the internet is like... Everything becomes a big joke... Anyway I am not too hang up on this change but just wanted opinions of others, and instead they all acting like it's the end of the World. And calling me names and making me seem like I am an extremist, evil and being rude and mean with me. But I don't really care, because I don't give importance to fools.

@The Snow Queen Just out of curiosity do you know how to write in Persian script? If you don't I am sure it would be great for your petition if you lead by example and start to learn yourself and experience how the entire Bangladeshi population will feel when they are made to learn to write in a new language.

I have decided to learn Persian. But I am going to start learning it, after my A Levels this May. I can read Arabic and last year I also started learning Italian! Heeheeheee!!

Voted Yes...
These neo-Jamaatis are awesome.. Way stupider and hilarious...

We are not Jamaatis and not Jamaati supporters (at least true in my case)d there is nothing hilarious here! Okay, I don't even care or know about politics because it is a huge a time waste and boring! I mean in our country it's always BNP or Awami League fighting because of what happened in 1971. Oh my goodness! It is so booooring!!! I don't like our politicians and want to get rid of them not just only me, I think everyone feels the same way. You have chance now so better choose your upcoming Prime Minister wisely in this election, I am advising you. And quit calling everyone Jamaatis it's not nice!
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Bangladeshis who were part of great Muslim empires influenced by people and culture from Arab and Farsi worlds?
still basically Benglis; since British ruled you, does that makes you all English? you are generally Hindu converts with Bengali/Indic culture. even if Muslims, your culture surely seems Bengali. seeking Arab/Persian/Afghan heritage both in culture and blood shows inferiority complex. Accept your culture, that's anytime better than foreign cultures that you want to believe yours.
The level of stupidity of some of the PDF posters never fails to surprise me.
still basically Benglis; since British ruled you, does that makes you all English? you are generally Hindu converts with Bengali/Indic culture. even if Muslims, your culture surely seems Bengali. seeking Arab/Persian/Afghan heritage both in culture and blood shows inferiority complex. Accept your culture, that's anytime better than foreign cultures that you want to believe yours.

We are Bangladeshis which I guess is also Bengali... But we are Muslims and we are Muslims first. You can ask any Muslims in the world regardless of wherever they are from! And they will say they are Muslims first and foremost. I mean don't you get it? Why is it so hard to understand..?
Not everyone are Hindu converts! Even if they are does that make them less of a Muslim? All we trying to say is that being Muslims we want to Islamise our culture and language and if we were trying to force this on West Bengalis then it will be something wrong because their faith is different. But for us it isn't, No matter if we are Bengali or not. And it has nothing to do with being Arab/Persian/Afghan or inferiority complex.

And if you think all our people look like Bangladeshi cricket team then you are wrong because they all from villages where most people are malnourished, poor and they do look different from people living in cities who are middle class and upper class. My grandfather was a Pashtun born in Pakistan and also studied there. My grandma is a Choudhury and she has Turkic/Iranian background. I mean Islam has been in East Bengal for more than 900 years so it is plausible there has been a lot of mixing. Why is it so hard to believe? And many of us do have these ancestries and what's wrong having these ancestries? If you don't want to believe, then it is you who is being jealous and insecure. And no one is forcing you to believe it since none of us even care. Don't go saying nonsense like we are Bengalis and all Hindu converts. I mean what's that supposed to have anything to do with us being Muslims?

We are Bangladeshi and we are Muslims. The Bengali culture and culture is more fitting for Hindus not Muslims that's what we believe and the reason why some of us want to Islamise our culture and language... And we are not crazy about this change just saying what is right. If this were to become true then it will take many, many years! And we promise it's not going to effect West Bengal! By the way, I am just answering you.
Erm....no.....Bangla script(Bangla Lipi) was specifically developed(spontaneous development through ages of usage by local people) to write Bangla.....You cannot Sanskritize a script...since Sanskrit itself never had a script.....it died well before people here learnt to write....Area 51 hosting aliens is more plausible than the British conspiracy theory!Could you please show me a sample historical text of BANGLA written in Persian(Arabic....persians do not use their own script either...ironic) script??NOPE...you know why??Because when people here in Bengal were using persian script during the Mughal era...they were actually writing Persian(the language of the court of the empire)....not Bangla!
Oh Area 51 is a fact :D

But on topic - I want Devnagari script to go. BD can use Arabic or Persian scripts instead. It will change the entire country in no time. Kalu brigade - pls support me. :P
reject fish and bhaat in the name of religion.....abolish all things which define bengali identity.....
after wen everything is done, jump to bay of bengal and swim ur way to arab lands.
by doing this u shall prove that bangladeshi muslims are the staunchest of muslims and the first of muslims who killed their cultural identity to appease religious identity.....
althoh we shall have a positive fallout of all this.....the bengali cultural centre of gravity shall shift to west bengal.
We are Bangladeshi and we are Muslims. The Bengali culture and culture is more fitting for Hindus not Muslims that's what we believe and the reason why some of us want to Islamise our culture and language... And we are not crazy about this change just saying what is right. If this were to become true then it will take many, many years! And we promise it's not going to effect West Bengal! By the way, I am just answering you.
It suits us just fine if you leave the 'Bengali culture'. Bengalis on our side of the border will breathe easy. @DRAY what say?

In any case - please just get on with your act quickly, all these repeated empty boasts are doing no good. You need to get started with your project. Hurry Up ... please.
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Of course you must change the script !

How else will there be a perception of improvement & change ?

So what if it matters none to the people.

After all the people of Madras, Bangalore, Calcutta, Orissa have benefited so much.
@INDIC That Persian dude's post should be copy pasted in threads like these to help these people land on earth from the lala land.

@rmi5 watch out this thread. :omghaha::omghaha:

Oh Area 51 is a fact :D

But on topic - I want Devnagari script to go. BD can use Arabic or Persian scripts instead. It will change the entire country in no time. Kalu brigade - pls support me. :P

I never knew Bengali is written in Devanagari script, oh boy, many Bangladeshis even don't know the name of their script. :omghaha::omghaha:
Because 55% Bangladeshis are of foreign origin (Arab, Turk, Persian, Afghan and other central Asians) and 15% of them are mixed. Only 30% are converted, that too from Buddhism. :lol:

Proof: Bengali Nationalism a Threat to Bangladesh's National Security | Page 5

That was an unforgettable post.
Should the people of Bangladesh really do away with Devanagari script of Bangla and go for Arabic/Persian script? To Islamise our Language and bring back our real roots of East Bengal? The way our forefathers used to write and maybe talk?

I have an idea that our first initiative should be to make a Petition. And perhaps, it is a small step to a big change! We want your opinions of all the people here, and then decide if we will make this Petition.

By the way, I myself cannot make this petition because I am scared to go for this all by myself and I don't know much about the History as some of you here knows... We need someone who is wise, intelligent and knowledgeable to make this Petition for us and can add it to the description of the Petition, which will be able to convince most people to sign.

I think Change.org and GoPetition are a good places to start.

Change.org - The world's platform for change

Petition Templates, Samples & Examples | GoPetition

@kalu_miah @MBI Munshi @aazidane @khair_ctg @Saiful Islam @Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury @kobiraaz

I probably have noticed some you guys here being huge supporters of this movement. Should we first start with a Petition?

why only script .. the real change will come with change in Language ! adopt Arabic !
@rmi5 watch out this thread. :omghaha::omghaha:

I never knew Bengali is written in Devanagari script, oh boy, many Bangladeshis even don't know the name of their script. :omghaha::omghaha:
This section of PDF needs to be renamed as the fun defense forum. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
BD members are very funny and they seem to be always on drugs. :drag: I like BD members and they are my favorites. ;)
The whole thread is a big joke.:rofl:
so your history ENDS from your masters' arrival? masters = us

yes you cetainly look like our Master! Pole vaulters !

in a way its good! in one -two generation Burdu speaking pole vaulter won be able to read/write Bangla !

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Mahatma Gandhi

stop quoting Hindoo baniya !~
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We are Bangladeshi and we are Muslims. The Bengali culture and culture is more fitting for Hindus not Muslims that's what we believe and the reason why some of us want to Islamise our culture and language... And we are not crazy about this change just saying what is right. If this were to become true then it will take many, many years! And we promise it's not going to effect West Bengal! By the way, I am just answering you.

I am completely with you on this, the word "Bangla" itself sounds like a pagan term, same goes for the name of the country "Bangladesh", just ask anybody. You cannot simply get rid of this pagan past if you use the word "Bangla" in your country's name itself!! You should find a more appropriate name for your country, a name that goes well with your identity & culture. And as I mentioned earlier, it is far better to change to Arabic language than to this half-hearted khichdi of Bangla language with Arabic script. Your country's cultural bond is tied to Arabic language, not with some silly pagan Bangla. Hope you have read my post # 45 at page 3, that was a more detailed post with reasons.

I repeat, I am honestly with you on this and you can feel free to ask me for any suggestion to take it forward, I am willing to help you guys on this in my limited capacity. Don't let the criticizing voices from your country bog you down, they will fall in line eventually and understand the benefits of going back to their real culture instead of this Brahminical farce of imposed Bengali pagan culture that they are following. :tup:
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