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Bengali Nationalism a Threat to Bangladesh's National Security

We still have a long way to go. I have seen some population predictions for 2050 and Bangladesh is predicted to be well above 200m by then. I know they are predictions but I think they will be fairly accurate. That's far too many for a country no bigger than the UK.

More is less in case of population. Also can BD sirvive raising sea level? What are the predictions? What can BD do to not loss land?
More is less in case of population. Also can BD sirvive raising sea level? What are the predictions? What can BD do to not loss land?
I think it's a lot of scaremongering about Bangladesh flooding. But I do know a few small islands in WB have gone under water and the inhabitants have moved to Kolkata and other cities in WB and also to other parts of India.
I think pre-designing kids should not be allowed. There are a lot of ethical implications, not to mention, a husband and wife should have a child that is completely their own (unless cannot conceive for some reason). Why marry someone if you don't want their kid(s)? And I don't think people are generally all that fussed about skin colour issues anymore. There are increasing number of marriages between North Indians with South Indians, the former generally being lighter skinned than the latter.
Yes believe me they are,

The couple wanted a donor with ‘very fair’ skin, but as someone with such special physical attributes was not available on Indian databases, the couple decided to look abroad for Caucasian or ‘white’ egg donors.

“The husband is very fair and they wanted to have a fair child. We could not get an egg donor who could match the husband’s complexion and, hence, a Caucasian donor was selected,” said Dr Duru Shah, who runs a private clinic at Peddar Road. “The donor is a student who wanted to fund her nursing course and so agreed.”

According to infertility experts, easily accessible websites and donor-finding agencies have brought foreign sperm and egg donors just a click away from Indian couples.

Indian couples seek ‘white’ donors for fair kids - Hindustan Times
Holy ****. designer babies. i never thought i would live to see this....

well forget about west bengal's hindus even west bengal's muslim dont want to join BD :omghaha:
because for WB to join, BD needs to be sovereign first. it seems both WB and BD are ruled from Delhi-Mumbai
Sorry these threads are becoming a troll-fest. I can't take Zahur Ahmed Choudhury and IamBengali seriously, they both make me laugh every time! It's just those one - liners IamBengali comes out with.
LOL, the same Bengali nationalism, that created it. Now that sucks big time and proves the hollowness of nationalism on ethnic /language basis

It seems that Bengali Nationalism has turned extreme and violent, these extreme secularists have waged a crusade on the Muslim population of Bangladesh. This ideology has to be eradicated from the soil of Bangladesh for the sovereignty of Bangladesh.

@IamBengali is the perfect example of an extreme secularist, influenced by Bengali nationalism. These murtad lovers are more Hindu than Hindus themselves.

So how does Bangladesh tackle this problem?
LOL Jamati at their best :rofl: now jamati has started calling Nationalism is bad for country. The rise of nationalizm is the sign of increased Patroitism among bangladeshis. Very soon you jamatis and your gay love AL, BNP and others will be wipped out from BD.Will depart you with @IamBengali , both of you are harmful for BD's prospect.

Look at the thread title again, Mr. @aazidane SAID about Bengali Nationalism, not Nationalism, which you, as usual, could not grasp why the question is raised! He is talking about "Awami version of Bengali Nationalism" which strongly undermines the aspirations of the Muslims of this land.

Now tell us what offer do you have between the "Awami version of Bangali Nationalism" and "BNP/Jamati version of Bangladeshi Natinalism"? You have to define it when you say both the Awami type and Jamati types are unwelcomed here.

@Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury

Can't you spare the threads from being digressed with rubbish?
. We should also change our genetics. We should artificially inseminate many Bangladeshi women with Arab sperm, to try and impregnate them with half Arab kids. We should close our borders all around the country so we don't get any further mixing with undesirables like those in the Northeast of India.

Arabian camel sperm will do wonders for future banglastani generation!

that would be Muslim Bengali or Musalman Bengali. not Arab Bengali. i thought you knew at least that much that a Muslim is not necessarily Arab :(

well as per ur own countrymen Arab represent the true Islam. he even suggested impregnating BD women with Arab ( man/camel) sperms ;)
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Though I understand that Hindu and Buddhist influence needs to be completely eliminated, I wonder how far are they wishing to go :D
@aazidane @khair_ctg @idune @kalu_miah - your inputs please.

Our people are no more existent there thanks to the Peaceful people. So maybe they are targeting the Hindu lot.
We have two options. We keep the current Bengali and have a secular state or we have a more Islamic state and Arabicise our language more. Keep it Bengali but introduce more Arabic and Persian loan words. We should also change our genetics. We should artificially inseminate many Bangladeshi women with Arab sperm, to try and impregnate them with half Arab kids. We should close our borders all around the country so we don't get any further mixing with undesirables like those in the Northeast of India.

So you have taken my advice. :D
The first thing should be renaming Bangladesh as Taimuridistan and Dhaka as Dhakabad, then changing the script, then changing the evil Yindoo dress and making the East Bengali language as non-Indo-Aryan language. :yahoo:

First step, they should stop identifying themselves as Bengalis, they are giving a very bad name to an otherwise intelligent race.:angry::angry:
What you really need is European immigration ~ 15- 20 million will do. Provide them incentive to immigrate. Force them to mix their genes with you thoroughly so you don't end up with white elitists ruling brown peasants. You will become taller, better looking, and smarter. Suddenly, Bangladesh would become the big daddy of Asia and respected by all.
Persian and Arab won't suffice at all.

@ My dear beloved Indian friend, there is no need. If you truly srutiny our muslim Bengali population then you would find that majority of our population came from Arab, Persia, Afganistan, Turkey, Yeman, Abbisinia, Ethopia, Central Asia etc.

@ If you go more detail then you would find that around 55 % people are foreign origin. Around 15 % people are mixed and around 30 % people are convertee muslim majority being from Budhahs instead of Hindus.

@ If you give true free and fare election then you would find that these so called "securalist" will fly away. That is why AL is afraid of giving free and fare election.
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First step, they should stop identifying themselves as Bengalis, they are giving a very bad name to an otherwise intelligent race.:angry::angry:
You are insulting Bangladeshis for few Jamaatis. Jamaatis never ever identify themselves as Bengalis even in Bangladesh.
After reading 5,6 pages of this thread, i am really thinking that i wasted 10-15 minutes reading strange bullshit. At times comedy, at times racism, at times sexual deprivation and at times extreme sense of inferiority complex.
A poster desperately want himself to be mixed with some other superior nation. Dude look like fond of interracial mating.

Thanks to Allah whose blessings are endless and we cant even thanked him that he has firstly created us human and then muslim. By being muslims we have risen above this sytem of class and creed. For me and my fellow muslims a black negro muslim or a white European muslim are the same. In the words of our beloved Prophet (PBUH), an arab has no superiority over non-arab and a non-arab is not superior to arab. The superior among you is the one who is the most pious.

It was this practice that a Black Slave names Bilal (R.A) was given the honor to be the caller of prayer. Anyhow these are things which only a person with sanity can understand.

May Allah give us all the understanding to come out of our complexes of colour and race.

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