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Should we attack ISIS in Iraq ?

Should we attack ISIS in Iraq ?

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I wish Pakistan would launch attacks on these people.

We need a carrier, so we can help other countries. These thugs rule through scare.

I know people would say fix Pakistan first. We're fixing it, but years or radicals mind can't be cure fast enough. Our operation in FATA has vastly reduced attacks.

Now it is time to make our image better in world. By helping other nation, Western media and its citizens will have more favorable views of Pakistan and our relationship with nations will get better. Certainly Pakistan will face isis in home place too, but there is more poitives than negatives

Yup, but in the end you have to think about your own country. WTH put your noses in others issue. In South Asia we already have lot more problems, no need to invite more.
yup, Iran should do everything it can to help get rid of ISIS
Not about being worthy, but you don't have anything proper to say, that's your tactic to use this sentence when you have no arguments. :)

Also, for every person with most basic English comprehension skills it's super obvious that I didn't say anything about defeating U.S or GCC, but you didn't even get that. ;)

I don't have time for answering rants. The fact is that US has made Iran to knee down, or as Khamenei said "Narmesh e Ghahremaanaaneh", but you are attempting to say that you don't care for US, or don't care even if they attack Iran, and you even said that you can retaliate US. which all of them are purely BS, and any person would laugh at it.
BTW, do you want to tell me that you have more English comprehension skills than a person who lives in USA? :lol: :lol:
You are always delusional, and boast about mullah, or yourself, ... so, I don't care for what "Khali band" liars say.
İranian strong crews need to come down their high horse... One İranian ally and one semi ally(maliki) are in coma. İran wasted billions on human resources and Russian weapons on just delaying the eventual downfall of Assad..
FM Davutoglu said 'ISIS may look radical terrorists but actually broadly representative, response to being marginalized by Baghdad..'
İraqi parliament appointing a MB figure for Speaker is a good sign tho...(İ think it was a parliament speaker)
İSİS doesn't have the support base in İran as it has in the areas they operate. First you are shia second you are not arab, both vital for İSİS. The one shitting bricks right now is Arab Sunni tribal state of Saudi Arabia.. Who knows how many sleeper cells and the extent of support just waiting to be activated there..

İ think there is a growing synergy between İran and Turkey on countering Saudi axis..
Was supporting rebels in Syria not wicked enough?:what:

If they are supporting ISIS then it shows what for scum they are, and they are being backed by your government.

If they get involved in Iraq which would be against ISIS then no problem.

İranian strong crews need to come down their high horse... One İranian ally and one semi ally(maliki) are in coma. İran wasted billions on human resources and Russian weapons on just delaying the eventual downfall of Assad..
FM Davutoglu said 'ISIS may look radical terrorists but actually broadly representative, response to being marginalized by Baghdad..'
İraqi parliament appointing a MB figure for Speaker is a good sign tho...(İ think it was a parliament speaker)
İSİS doesn't have the support base in İran as it has in the areas they operate. First you are shia second you are not arab, both vital for İSİS. The one shitting bricks right now is Arab Sunni tribal state of Saudi Arabia.. Who knows how many sleeper cells and the extent of support just waiting to be activated there..

İ think there is a growing synergy between İran and Turkey on countering Saudi axis..

Who is strong crews ? explain that.

Also, never forget, without Iran Assad would be hanging from his neck in the middle of Damascus by barbarians, same as Gadaffi but much worse.

Without Iran Baghdad would have already been infiltrated by the ISIS hordes.

Iran is doing positive business in the region.

How many times did you see Iranian backed groups invading whole towns,neighbourhoods and placing sword upon peoples throats just because of their religion ?

This radical islamist evil which does not represent muslims should be combatted... all of us should.
İran and Turkey on countering Saudi axis

don't think so have you ever see iranians/lebanese/syrians talking about us? there is no way we could trust them..

I think USA will push IS near Iran then the real fight will begin.. for us that could be good or bad..

why it would be good for us:
iran loosing influence in iraq and syria
our influence could rise
south azerbaycan is an option if it really end up bad for iran we could offer S.Az. independence.. but then we will have to fight with IS but this would be worse it
Kurds getting their Kurdistan
Saudi Wahabistan getting more influence (but I think they will suffer from IS all arabs in this region will suffer from them)
IS getting stronger
is fighting iran will be like a big call on cihad thousands of arabs, Turks, Kurds and so on will be motivated to join cihad to iran..
this will make IS stronger..

the only thing what could happen is if Turkey have to deal with IS they could be partners in time like they had been "Partners" against PKK

How many times did you see Iranian backed groups invading whole towns,neighbourhoods and placing sword upon peoples throats just because of their religion ?

MAhdi army with their killer sqadrons massacred sunni ppl
don't think so have you ever see iranians/lebanese/syrians talking about us? there is no way we could trust them..

I think USA will push IS near Iran then the real fight will begin.. for us that could be good or bad..

why it would be good for us:
iran loosing influence in iraq and syria
our influence could rise
south azerbaycan is an option if it really end up bad for iran we could offer S.Az. independence.. but then we will have to fight with IS but this would be worse it
Kurds getting their Kurdistan
Saudi Wahabistan getting more influence (but I think they will suffer from IS all arabs in this region will suffer from them)
IS getting stronger
is fighting iran will be like a big call on cihad thousands of arabs, Turks, Kurds and so on will be motivated to join cihad to iran..
this will make IS stronger..

the only thing what could happen is if Turkey have to deal with IS they could be partners in time like they had been "Partners" against PKK

LOL!! ISIS would get destroyed by a real government with commited soldiers. We would make mincemeat of them, they are a bunch of crazy lunatics racing around in desert on their Toyota pick up trucks. Any country with a semi decent army would own them. Iraqi government is just a failure... Syrian government, well their hands are tied in so many fightings around their country that they cant effectively take on ISIS.

Also, never support terrorists, although i dnt know what extent of support Turkey gives to ISIS i am somewhat sure that they keep a blind eye to the terrorist movement on the Turkish border or Turkish areas.

ISIS is a regional problem, it is pathetic that you are trying to use them for your own wicked interests against other neighbouring countries.

Also i know that a few Turks or Iranians that write nonesense on the Internet doesnt represent millions of their people.

MAhdi army with their killer sqadrons massacred sunni ppl

Show me sources,news,pictures that show Shia groups cutting head of even their enemies just because they belong to a different sect ?

The amount of crimes and cruelty shown by Sunni radical islamists FAR, FAR exceeds any wrongdoing by Shia groups.
LOL!! ISIS would get destroyed by a real government with commited soldiers. We would make mincemeat of them, they are a bunch of crazy lunatics racing around in desert on their Toyota pick up trucks. Any country with a semi decent army would own them. Iraqi government is just a failure... Syrian government, well their hands are tied in so many fightings around their country that they cant effectively take on ISIS.

Also, never support terrorists, although i dnt know what extent of support Turkey gives to ISIS i am somewhat sure that they keep a blind eye to the terrorist movement on the Turkish border or Turkish areas.

ISIS is a regional problem, it is pathetic that you are trying to use them for your own wicked interests against other neighbouring countries.

Also i know that a few Turks or Iranians that write nonesense on the Internet doesnt represent millions of their people.

Show me sources,news,pictures that show Shia groups cutting head of even their enemies just because they belong to a different sect ?
There is no proof Turkey supports IS. We just don't want to get involved in Mid-east. Iran has supported PKK against us for decades. I don't see why we would pretend our relation with Iran is all rosy and we should cooperate with you to make Iran's puppets stronger i.e Assad and Malaki.

Iraq failed because Malaki didn't learn and try to be more inclusive and listen to its minorities. Assad made the same mistake. I hope Iran doesn't make the same mistake and will be more inclusive government and doesn't go down the same road.
There is no proof Turkey supports IS. We just don't want to get involved in Mid-east. Iran has supported PKK against us for decades. I don't see why we would pretend our relation with Iran is all rosy and we should cooperate with you to make Iran's puppets stronger i.e Assad and Malaki.

Iraq failed because Malaki didn't learn and try to be more inclusive and listen to its minorities. Assad made the same mistake. I hope Iran doesn't make the same mistake and will be more inclusive government and doesn't go down the same road.

Dont you worry about us. No one dares to touch our country, nevermind a bunch of crazy baboons on Toyota pickups.

I am telling you, Turkish support for ISIS will backfire.

Yes, Turkey is not supporting ISIS, just like how Iran isnt supporting Hezbollah or other Shia groups :)

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