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Should we attack ISIS in Iraq ?

Should we attack ISIS in Iraq ?

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To be honest, ISIS is no match for the Shia alliance of Iran-Hezbollah-Syria.

If these guys ever capture Baghdad, it will only accelerate the Shia domination in that region, and they will get destroyed badly in a Shia counter attack.

The US knows that, that's why the air raid is trying to calm them down.
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To be honest, ISIS is no match for the Shia alliance of Iran-Hezbollah-Syria.
You're mistaken. IS is on the offensive against Assad and has already thwarted a counter-offensive against them in Iraq by Shi'a militias. Just this morning, IS once again routed another Kurdish force and took control of Jalawla which is northeast of Baghdad. In Raqqa province in Syria, IS captured the base of the Syrian army's 93rd Brigade just a few days ago. Last month, IS smashed the Syrian army's 17th Division and took control of their head-quarters. Now the only thing left the Syrian army has in control in Raqqa is the Tabaqa airbase which is doomed to fall to IS. Once that falls to IS, the Syrian army presence in Raqqa will have been all but wiped out.

You're Chinese right, what did Sun Tzu say? Never underestimate your enemies.
You're mistaken. IS is on the offensive against Assad and has already thwarted a counter-offensive against them in Iraq by Shi'a militias. Just this morning, IS once again routed another Kurdish force and took control of Jalawla which is northeast of Baghdad. In Raqqa province in Syria, IS captured the base of the Syrian army's 93rd Brigade just a few days ago. Last month, IS smashed the Syrian army's 17th Division and took control of their head-quarters. Now the only thing left the Syrian army has in control in Raqqa is the Tabaqa airbase which is doomed to fall to IS. Once that falls to IS, the Syrian army presence in Raqqa will have been all but wiped out.

You're Chinese right, what did Sun Tzu say? Never underestimate your enemies.
Where do you follow these developments? Kurdish news is too coward to report the reality.
You're mistaken. IS is on the offensive against Assad and has already thwarted a counter-offensive against them in Iraq by Shi'a militias. Just this morning, IS once again routed another Kurdish force and took control of Jalawla which is northeast of Baghdad. In Raqqa province in Syria, IS captured the base of the Syrian army's 93rd Brigade just a few days ago. Last month, IS smashed the Syrian army's 17th Division and took control of their head-quarters. Now the only thing left the Syrian army has in control in Raqqa is the Tabaqa airbase which is doomed to fall to IS. Once that falls to IS, the Syrian army presence in Raqqa will have been all but wiped out.

You're Chinese right, what did Sun Tzu say? Never underestimate your enemies.

Not my prediction, but our Think Tank's.

Back in 2012, he did predict that Assad will not fall in 2013, not even in 2014.

Baghdad is a death trap for ISIS, if they are foolish enough to step in, they will get mincemeated by Iran/Syria/Hezbollah from 3 directions.

The US doesn't want to see the current Iraqi government got overthrown by ISIS, because this will give Iran an excuse to directly control over Iraq.

When the corridor of Shia fully formed and consolidated with Iran as a nuclear power, then Israel's days will be numbered.

The US is doing everything to ensure Israel's existence in the Middle East.

The ISIS was initially created on purpose to weaken the Shia corridor, but it now got out of control and backfires the original plan.
Not my prediction, but our Think Tank's.

Back in 2012, he did predict that Assad will not fall in 2013, not even in 2014.

Baghdad is a death trap for ISIS, if they are foolish enough to step in, they will get mincemeated by Iran/Syria/Hezbollah from 3 directions.

The US doesn't want to see the current Iraqi government got overthrown by ISIS, because this will give Iran an excuse to directly control over Iraq.

When the corridor of Shia fully formed and consolidated with Iran as a nuclear power, then Israel's days will be numbered.

The US is doing everything to ensure Israel's existence in the Middle East.

The ISIS was initially created on purpose to weaken the Shia corridor, but it now got out of control and backfires the original plan.

That's a very wrong analysis. This so called Shia axis, is already doing its best to stop oppositions in Iraq, and Syria, but they are failing and losing more lands to IS everyday.
The picture below is the handwritten notes of an Iranian Revolutionary guard commander:

He recommends to import organized IRGC soldiers, and do attacks, and when they took lands, then give its control to Syrian army. That's a strategy that is used for a long time in Syria, and that's all IRGC can do.The only remaining force in this so called axis that is not used yet, is the army of Iran, with the exception of Iranian air force jets that some of them are already sent to Iraq. Iranian army, which is mostly consisted by untrained conscripts, is the only remaining force, and it is reserved for defending Iran from big classic wars initiated by foreign countries.
Iraq, and Syrian armies, IRGC, Hizb-al-Shaytan, Iraqi militias, yemeni militias, afghan shia militias, Russian mercenaries ... are already fighting with their maximum capabilities and lose against IS.
BTW, predicting that Assad will not fall in 2013, 2014 is not a genius prediction, when he has/had thousands of his tanks, BMPs, air force, ... left. Be sure that Assad will not fall in the first half of 2015 either. only after that, his supply of tanks, BMPs, airforce, ... would get close to little amounts, and then his real struggle for surviving will be started.
BTW, ancestor groups of ISIS and AQ branches in Iraq were formed to fight against americans, not shias. Iran was also helping AQ and such groups at that time. basically, before a couple months ago that IS openly started to attack Iraq, and captured Mosul, there was even no conflict between ISIS and mullah axis(Iran, Iraq, Hizbalshaytan, Assad)
ISIS cannibals have little Iraqi support. Most of its members are "Muslims" who come from other countries.

Since these jobless fools are unhappy with their conditions in their own countries, they are sent to Syria and Iraq as yankee jihadists by the support of those governments (in fact, secular states, kingdoms, sheikhdoms, etc.). And two birds with a stone. By sending the extremists to Syria and Iraq 1- They are doing as NATO orders, weakening the non-subserviant states, 2- They are getting rid of potential future uprisings by these "jihadis" in their own countries.

However, their treason costs Iraqi and Syrian nation a lot. Massacres, displacing, and all else. However, all this wakes up the ME nations more. ISIS had little sunni support in Iraq. (Sunnis are minority there by the way, % 35, half of which are Kurds who already fight against ISIS). Thus, ISIS has % 15-20 audience. But, with their cannibal acts against all the nation including peaceful sunnis, they lost all the symphaty. Now, only those fools living in other countries, yet tricked by the holy names such as Islam and Caliphate are joining them.

And I believe, Syria and Iraq will be a cemetery for these terrorists. Because what they are doing is causing the Syrian and Iraqi nations to unite more under the governments. And I hope that Iran does what she did in Syria. MILLITARY (training and) ADVISE. Nothing else. :)

And with Iraqi Army, Iraqi Hizbollah, Iraqi Shia Militias, Iraqi Sunni Tribes and Coalitions, as well as Kurdish Forces fighting against ISIS, I think, it will be eliminated soon.
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