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Should we attack ISIS in Iraq ?

Should we attack ISIS in Iraq ?

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brainwashed people like you sometimes I just wish isis directly heading to you then we would see how it is to be attacked at both sides from afghan and iraqi border with massive support from golf arabs..

You are a Muslim, and yet you do have the audacity to call others "brainwashed"?
You too are as wacko as they are.

In any case, minority Sunnis have ruled over majority Shias for decades, but when its the Shia's turn they resort to terrorism.
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The fighting has came pretty close to our borders, not really close but a few weeks or months and they will be almost face to face with our border guard/soldiers.

Is it time for us to carry out air raids, pound them with artillery ? Or just wait for them to near our borders slowly ?

What is the best strategy for Iranian military to counter these ISIS subhumans ?

Iran's armed forces should only protect the countries borders unless asked otherwise by Baghdad and/or Erbil, although it is safe to assume that the Kurds will not ask for intervention from the Islamic Republic, neither is the I.R being an Islamist regime itself going to seriously risk anything for the secular Kurds of Iraq.

Let us not forget tho that we ordinary Iranian people, whether religious or not or in the diaspora or not, have absolutely no say in how the Islamic Republic operates. They hear our voices but pay no attention to them. They dont even pay attention to their own executive or majles, the final decisions are made by mullahs and generals. When it comes to security policy, they dont give a damn about the mood of the population. They will invest and waste Iranian resources and lives if necessary in foreign lands if it suits their perceived strategic interests to do so.

Ive noticed over the past several years that more Iranians have started to use English-language forums and social media to talk about Iranian politics, but most of us, particularly in the diaspora, are guilty of talking about Iran as if the Islamic Republic were a stable and progressive regime that is accountable to the people, or at least to its own constitution and legal process. We forget that this is not the case at all. ISIS is murdering thousands of people by beheadings, hangings, firing squad etc Islamic Republic of Iran has been guilty of the same atrocities against Iranian people. Almost 400 Iranians have been executed in the name of God since January this year by the Islamic Republic, thousands more are in prison without trial for "sedition" or "enmity against God".

26 years ago this month thousands of Iranians were butchered by firing squad and hanging in the prisons because they were accused of belonging to "banned" political groups or because they were accused of being "apostates" and not having sufficient loyalty to the Islamic system and guardianship of Ayatollah Khomeini. What is the big difference between Islamist thugs of Islamic State killing dozens of people by firing squad in an open field and Islamist thugs of Islamic Republic killing dozens of people by firing squad in Evin and Gohar Dasht prisons?

Islamic State is attacking and killing Yezidis for being "devil worshippers" and "against Islam" and we Iranians are crying foul but when our own Islamic Republic is persecuting Baha'is for being "against Islam" we barely make a noise. Shame on us for being such hypocrites condemning the Islamic State for crimes that our own regime carries out in Iran; imprisonment without trial, executions, religious persecution, beatings, threatening people, censorship etc

Who the hell are we to intervene in Iraq under such conditions?
What is the Iranian army for? I dont get the concept behind 2 parallel armies.
I guess they are the modern equivalent of those "Immortals" 8-), elite parallel army, an ancient Persian tradition tradition carried out till this day.
Iran's armed forces should only protect the countries borders unless asked otherwise by Baghdad and/or Erbil, although it is safe to assume that the Kurds will not ask for intervention from the Islamic Republic, neither is the I.R being an Islamist regime itself going to seriously risk anything for the secular Kurds of Iraq.

Let us not forget tho that we ordinary Iranian people, whether religious or not or in the diaspora or not, have absolutely no say in how the Islamic Republic operates. They hear our voices but pay no attention to them. They dont even pay attention to their own executive or majles, the final decisions are made by mullahs and generals. When it comes to security policy, they dont give a damn about the mood of the population. They will invest and waste Iranian resources and lives if necessary in foreign lands if it suits their perceived strategic interests to do so.

Ive noticed over the past several years that more Iranians have started to use English-language forums and social media to talk about Iranian politics, but most of us, particularly in the diaspora, are guilty of talking about Iran as if the Islamic Republic were a stable and progressive regime that is accountable to the people, or at least to its own constitution and legal process. We forget that this is not the case at all. ISIS is murdering thousands of people by beheadings, hangings, firing squad etc Islamic Republic of Iran has been guilty of the same atrocities against Iranian people. Almost 400 Iranians have been executed in the name of God since January this year by the Islamic Republic, thousands more are in prison without trial for "sedition" or "enmity against God".

26 years ago this month thousands of Iranians were butchered by firing squad and hanging in the prisons because they were accused of belonging to "banned" political groups or because they were accused of being "apostates" and not having sufficient loyalty to the Islamic system and guardianship of Ayatollah Khomeini. What is the big difference between Islamist thugs of Islamic State killing dozens of people by firing squad in an open field and Islamist thugs of Islamic Republic killing dozens of people by firing squad in Evin and Gohar Dasht prisons?

Islamic State is attacking and killing Yezidis for being "devil worshippers" and "against Islam" and we Iranians are crying foul but when our own Islamic Republic is persecuting Baha'is for being "against Islam" we barely make a noise. Shame on us for being such hypocrites condemning the Islamic State for crimes that our own regime carries out in Iran; imprisonment without trial, executions, religious persecution, beatings, threatening people, censorship etc

Who the hell are we to intervene in Iraq under such conditions?

Nice bullshix ... Thanks for sharing !

Please change your avatar , lier ...
Iran's armed forces should only protect the countries borders unless asked otherwise by Baghdad and/or Erbil, although it is safe to assume that the Kurds will not ask for intervention from the Islamic Republic, neither is the I.R being an Islamist regime itself going to seriously risk anything for the secular Kurds of Iraq.

Let us not forget tho that we ordinary Iranian people, whether religious or not or in the diaspora or not, have absolutely no say in how the Islamic Republic operates. They hear our voices but pay no attention to them. They dont even pay attention to their own executive or majles, the final decisions are made by mullahs and generals. When it comes to security policy, they dont give a damn about the mood of the population. They will invest and waste Iranian resources and lives if necessary in foreign lands if it suits their perceived strategic interests to do so.

Ive noticed over the past several years that more Iranians have started to use English-language forums and social media to talk about Iranian politics, but most of us, particularly in the diaspora, are guilty of talking about Iran as if the Islamic Republic were a stable and progressive regime that is accountable to the people, or at least to its own constitution and legal process. We forget that this is not the case at all. ISIS is murdering thousands of people by beheadings, hangings, firing squad etc Islamic Republic of Iran has been guilty of the same atrocities against Iranian people. Almost 400 Iranians have been executed in the name of God since January this year by the Islamic Republic, thousands more are in prison without trial for "sedition" or "enmity against God".

26 years ago this month thousands of Iranians were butchered by firing squad and hanging in the prisons because they were accused of belonging to "banned" political groups or because they were accused of being "apostates" and not having sufficient loyalty to the Islamic system and guardianship of Ayatollah Khomeini. What is the big difference between Islamist thugs of Islamic State killing dozens of people by firing squad in an open field and Islamist thugs of Islamic Republic killing dozens of people by firing squad in Evin and Gohar Dasht prisons?

Islamic State is attacking and killing Yezidis for being "devil worshippers" and "against Islam" and we Iranians are crying foul but when our own Islamic Republic is persecuting Baha'is for being "against Islam" we barely make a noise. Shame on us for being such hypocrites condemning the Islamic State for crimes that our own regime carries out in Iran; imprisonment without trial, executions, religious persecution, beatings, threatening people, censorship etc

Who the hell are we to intervene in Iraq under such conditions?

Please dont exagerate. Not even a chimp would compare Iranian government with ISIS unless he is fed with bullshit by biased sources all day long.

Also, the person you have in your avatar is General Shoushtari, who worked for IR, and which you are against. Hypocrite loser
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Please dont exagerate. Not even a chimp would compare Iranian government with ISIS unless he is fed with bullshit by biased sources all day long.

Also, the person you have in your avatar is General Shoushtari, which worked for IR, and which you are against. Hypocrite loser

They call rapists & killers , freedom fighters !!!

Pathetic :tdown:
I think US will do a deal with iran to fight with ISIS.. only two entities can intervene.. kurds and iranians..
Nice bullshix ... Thanks for sharing !

Please change your avatar , lier ...
Please dont exagerate. Not even a chimp would compare Iranian government with ISIS unless he is fed with bullshit by biased sources all day long.

Also, the person you have in your avatar is General Shoushtari, which worked for IR, and which you are against. Hypocrite loser

Being pro or anti-regime has nothing to do with anything. I have respect for Brig-Gen Shoushstari for being a war hero and martyr. My regards for him is none of your business, so piss off.

Normal decent people are pro-truth before anything else no matter if the truth turns out to be disappointing for them and shatters their personal fantasies. This is how i felt when i became more educated and more aware of the atrocities of the Islamic Republic and the total disconnect between the system and people. Now imagine what those who actually worked loyally within the system from Montazeri to Sazegara to Mousavi etc etc etc etc etc etc that couldnt bare anymore of its dishonesty and hypocrisy must have felt.

You fanboys OTHO can bury your heads in the dirt and deny the truth, i dont give a shit. At the end of the day, the Islamic Republic doesnt listen to you no matter how much you want to suck on the balls of the system that you have no say in. They will do as they please and pay no attention to you or your opinion. So your desperate time wasting over the internet trying to "big up" the mullahs by arguing with Turks is never going to amount to anything more than just a waste of time and detachment from reality. But keep at it if you think writing on the internet about how great and mighty the Islamic Republic is makes this a fact in the real World and gives you a sense of fulfilment and purpose in life. In the mean-time, nothing i have said is an exaggeration or a lie and like normal human beings out there, i dont need to attach my identity and sense of worth to the reputation of a f*cking government to give me a sense of pride or purpose.

Back on topic the fact is this, the Islamic Republic wont do anything in Iraq that isnt within the strategic impulse of a small select group of mullahs and generals, they dont care about the actual Iraqis themselves or what they want for their own country. Nobody in Iran, the remaining 70 million people, matter in the deliberations of these few mullahs and generals. The executive and the majles will rumber stamp anything Khamenei decides, anybody who voices opposition or dissent in the parliament or the press will be censored and dealt with.

Meanwhile, while some ignorant fanboys cheer for the great rahbar-e enghelab to save Iraq from ISIS, thousands of innocent Iranians will continue to rot in jails as political prisoners, injustices and summary executions "in the name of God" will continue, Bahai's will still be persecuted and the existence of their religion denied and branded being "against God", ordinary Iranians will still be banned from making music, films, writing books etc for public consumption without approval by Islamic Ministry of Culture and Guidance, converting to another religion will still be a criminal offense that can be punished by death, thousands of educated Iranians will continue to leave Iran every year and claim political asylum abroad etc etc etc

So basically, some mullah fanboys here want the mighty Rahbar-e moazzam-e enghlab Seyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei! to declare war on Amir al-Mu'minin Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Al-Husseini Al-Qurashi! for trying to implement in Iraq what the Islamic Republic has already done in Iran? (theocracy, censorship, beatings, executions, religious bigotry and discrimination, forced hejab etc)

And then these baboons have the gall to call anyone else hypocrite, loser, "lier"? :laugh:

Have a good day.
Being pro or anti-regime has nothing to do with anything. I have respect for Brig-Gen Shoushstari for being a war hero and martyr. My regards for him is none of your business, so piss off.

Normal decent people are pro-truth before anything else no matter if the truth turns out to be disappointing for them and shatters their personal fantasies. This is how i felt when i became more educated and more aware of the atrocities of the Islamic Republic and the total disconnect between the system and people. Now imagine what those who actually worked loyally within the system from Montazeri to Sazegara to Mousavi etc etc etc etc etc etc that couldnt bare anymore of its dishonesty and hypocrisy must have felt.

You fanboys OTHO can bury your heads in the dirt and deny the truth, i dont give a shit. At the end of the day, the Islamic Republic doesnt listen to you no matter how much you want to suck on the balls of the system that you have no say in. They will do as they please and pay no attention to you or your opinion. So your desperate time wasting over the internet trying to "big up" the mullahs by arguing with Turks is never going to amount to anything more than just a waste of time and detachment from reality. But keep at it if you think writing on the internet about how great and mighty the Islamic Republic is makes this a fact in the real World and gives you a sense of fulfilment and purpose in life. In the mean-time, nothing i have said is an exaggeration or a lie and like normal human beings out there, i dont need to attach my identity and sense of worth to the reputation of a f*cking government to give me a sense of pride or purpose.

Back on topic the fact is this, the Islamic Republic wont do anything in Iraq that isnt within the strategic impulse of a small select group of mullahs and generals, they dont care about the actual Iraqis themselves or what they want for their own country. Nobody in Iran, the remaining 70 million people, matter in the deliberations of these few mullahs and generals. The executive and the majles will rumber stamp anything Khamenei decides, anybody who voices opposition or dissent in the parliament or the press will be censored and dealt with.

Meanwhile, while some ignorant fanboys cheer for the great rahbar-e enghelab to save Iraq from ISIS, thousands of innocent Iranians will continue to rot in jails as political prisoners, injustices and summary executions "in the name of God" will continue, Bahai's will still be persecuted and the existence of their religion denied and branded being "against God", ordinary Iranians will still be banned from making music, films, writing books etc for public consumption without approval by Islamic Ministry of Culture and Guidance, converting to another religion will still be a criminal offense that can be punished by death, thousands of educated Iranians will continue to leave Iran every year and claim political asylum abroad etc etc etc

So basically, some mullah fanboys here want the mighty Rahbar-e moazzam-e enghlab Seyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei! to declare war on Amir al-Mu'minin Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Al-Husseini Al-Qurashi! for trying to implement in Iraq what the Islamic Republic has already done in Iran? (theocracy, censorship, beatings, executions, religious bigotry and discrimination, forced hejab etc)

And then these baboons have the gall to call anyone else hypocrite, loser, "lier"? :laugh:

Have a good day.

Piss to dahanet jakesh :lol:... he worked for IR and you have him as your avatar... so = you are a big fat hairy liar and a hypocrite. Dont you see his IRGC uniform ? are you blind or did you rub shit again on your eyes ? You dont see he is a IRGC man ? same organization which you accuse ? lol If you talked like this infront the General he would have smashed your teeths into your mouth himself lol.

Also the rest of what you said is the typical rubbish which i am not going to waste my time reading it. However i picked up a few nonesense like ''asking to save Iraq''...

LOL... who the hell says that ? We are saying to take precautions to prevent ISIS hordes coming too close to our borders.

But since you are full of $hit you wont understand this.

Also, be a man and go pick up a gun and fight those who you disagree with, but you are not a man and you will continue write crap like a big madarjende on a chair.

Piss to dahanet jakesh :lol:... he worked for IR and you have him as your avatar... so = you are a big fat hairy liar and a hypocrite. Dont you see his IRGC uniform ? are you blind or did you rub shit again on your eyes ? You dont see he is a IRGC man ? same organization which you accuse ? lol If you talked like this infront the General he would have smashed your teeths into your mouth himself lol.

Also the rest of what you said is the typical rubbish which i am not going to waste my time reading it. However i picked up a few nonesense like ''asking to save Iraq''...

LOL... who the hell says that ? We are saying to take precautions to prevent ISIS hordes coming too close to our borders.

But since you are full of $hit you wont understand this.

Also, be a man and go pick up a gun and fight those who you disagree with, but you are not a man and you will continue write crap like a big madarjende on a chair.

Such foul language and temper tantrum coming from one so delicate and fragile such as yourself is quite peculiar. Where possibly could all this hurt and anger be coming from? Surely, it couldnt be because reading a few lines of truth on the internet caused such a mental breakdown and outburst of emotion that you had to stoop so low as to ranting and raving about manhood and talking ill against other peoples mothers? I mean, what the f*ck?

Yes indeed, you are a delicate little thing arent you?

Its OK tho, i forgive you, little flower. :laugh:

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