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Should Iran respond to U.S. attack on Syria and what do you think Iran's response should be?

But that's not what I was asking! What do you think Iran's redline should be?
Should hitting Syrian SAM sites be a redline? Should a full scale invasion of Syria be a redline?
And at what point should Iran get involved directly? And by directly I mean firing missile from Iran at government installations in Bahrain or some other target! or some other direct military action!

Covert action is basically standard operating procedure for Iran I wanna know for you do you think there should be a redline in Syria where we say enough is enough!
And if anything I believe it's time for the Saudi's to pay the American are nothing but hired guns here!

My knowledge of Syrian operation are limited but I would say Turkey actively works with groups who want Assad gone and these groups actively provide intel and fight against Kurdish separatist and since these strikes by the most part were limited and comments coming out of Turkey in support of them don't necessarily mean much of anything because they really weren't directed at Iranians, Russians or any significant Syrian military target!

They basically charged the Saudi's probably upwards of a billion USD + billions in weapons sales to bring down a few buildings! So the biggest losers here were again the Saudi's that flipped the bill for the operation!

The answer of your question depends on many other questions' answer and info that neither I don't have nor have no access to them.
But base on my understanding,
Right now Syria has become a stage which in all sides are trying to impose their own will on other players and project their power. I don't know how much IR is willing to pay or actually could pay, but before putting red lines we should get out of this unbalanced situation or at least make it even. It's becoming a routine to see israel attacks and we wait to retaliate it after while later not at once which means we are not prepared we don't have different scenarios for different situations otherwise our responds should already be done before their jets return to israel. We always react to their act. This would give them time to do their job without any consequence or damage.
Therefore I think first we should have a clear understanding of our objectives in Syria and the willingness of Iran to get involved in Syria then we could discuss our red-line. 'casue so far we've not sent any game changer weapon into the Syria, even Russia have deployed Isakandar, S400, fighter jets, destroyer and submarine .. what we have deployed? some military adviser and drones.

What are Iran objectives in Syria?
This is the next move for the US......deploy Blackwater death squads.
Just as they did in Iraq.........


Naturally if usa fails they have to use other option. If it happens, then saudi will have use the Sufyani army of 34 member states to replace usa. or they may decide to kill Asad too.

historically they always keep their enemies encircled under wars, sanctions, generation change. See how they replaced the syrian and yemeni and iraqi and arabian populations with imported immigrants. The war will not be over till the sufiani generation replaces the locals and takes over. Iran needs to be very careful while dealing the sufianis. Iran is not fighting an ordinary enemy. IRAN is facing a huge monster Evil Satanic babylonic empire that is armed to teeth.
This is the next move for the US......deploy Blackwater death squads.
Just as they did in Iraq.........


Next time they will not use old failed tactics. New tactics will deploy like this.


They tried to mobilize one billion people against China and one billion people against IRAN but the two revolutions played and defended well until now. for containing Russia they built Nato.
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There is talk of deploying the 'Arab Nato'........code for terrorist mercenaries to directly replace US forces in theater.

However Iran knows their moves well having successfully defeated these tactics in Iraq. Velayati has already hinted in the open that Idlib is next to be retaken. The siege will/ should start soon. Iran will mobilize tens of thousands of fighters across the region for this operation.

Next time they will not use old failed tactics. New tactics will deploy like this.


They tried to mobilize one billion people against China and one billion people against IRAN but the two revolutions played and defended well until now. for dealing Russia Nato is there.
The answer of your question depends on many other questions' answer and info that neither I don't have nor have no access to them.
But base on my understanding,
Right now Syria has become a stage which in all sides are trying to impose their own will on other players and project their power. I don't know how much IR is willing to pay or actually could pay, but before putting red lines we should get out of this unbalanced situation or at least make it even. It's becoming a routine to see israel attacks and we wait to retaliate it after while later not at once which means we are not prepared we don't have different scenarios for different situations otherwise our responds should already be done before their jets return to israel. We always react to their act. This would give them time to do their job without any consequence or damage.
Therefore I think first we should have a clear understanding of our objectives in Syria and the willingness of Iran to get involved in Syria then we could discuss our red-line. 'casue so far we've not sent any game changer weapon into the Syria, even Russia have deployed Isakandar, S400, fighter jets, destroyer and submarine .. what we have deployed? some military adviser and drones.

What are Iran objectives in Syria?

Most valuable asset Iran has sent to Syria is manpower. And in terms of Iran sending more high value military assets into Syria I believe the calculations are that such action would further destabilize Syria at this point.
Fact is it really wouldn't be possible unless the Russians agree to it and agree to protect those sites from an Israeli response at least until we have the time to set up our own defenses.... and even then Iran would need to transport a large portion of it's military assets to Syria if they wanna have any hope to protect themselves against an all out Israeli response so far from Iranian territory!

Fact is Iran's main goal right now should be the stabilization of Syria not picking a fight with Israel!
har cheezi vaght khodeshoo dareh allan am vaght dargearri ba onna neest!

I would have to disagree with you I think we are reaching a point where Iran and Russia need to start a joint military action against a Saudi ally who houses U.S. bases in a country where the minority rules over the majority like Bahrain!
I think there needs to be clear consequences for the Saudi-US block!

Maybe Iran can claim the next US attack on its forces in Yemen to be a chemical/biological weapon attack, plant evidence of such an attack, create hell of a drama globally, condemn the US forces for use of inhumane methods of war and then after a few days of intense propaganda, attack the US base/ship from where Iranian forces were initially attacked.....all the while stating that Chemical/Biological attacks on its forces would not be tolerated!

Iran can also claim that the Bahrain people are being oppressed by a Minority ruled dictator and so they are obligated to save them!

And Iran and Russia should joint forces to conduct a massive military strike against the Bahraini Government!

Attacking U.S. forces directly is a futile exercise! Just as the U.S. and Saudi Arabia aren't attacking Iran directly we shouldn't be attacking them directly either!
If you attack our allies then we'll attack yours! It should be as simple as that!
The best response to ignorant Americans is restoring our nuclear programme with full capacity. Establishment of iranian made nuclear power plants, which was dismantled by current losers in the government, that called it a weak nuclear programme. We must give Syrians a full nuclear capability and make them a regional nuclear power. Syrians knows how to deal with their enemies,


Turkey has been supporting terror groups in Syria even at the current moment, continues to slaughtering Syrians by supporting arming terror groups. Usese terrorists to advance on Syrian soil, abusing this Sunni label to fulfill its own ambitions. Ottomans at least were honest but ruthless monarchs, Erdo is a loser hypocrite
I'm not an American nor turkish
And about Iran having Nuclear weapons well anything is possible but for now and at least the next decade or two that's NOT gonna happen period if ever
Now about Turkey and it's involvement in Syria
1) Syria is a neighbour to turkey and turkey is a regional powerhouse so it is a must that Turkey had a play in Syria ( for its interest and national security )
2) the Kurdistan threat in addition to Turkey's complete isolation from Middle East FORCED Turkey to intervene (imagine north iraq and Syria fully Kurdish )
3) Turkey DOES NOT have a responsibility towards Syrians it ONLY has a responsibility to it's own people the turks do whatever they are doing their objectives must come first
4) even considering the third point Turkey still became the number one country in terms of helping Syrians ( how many Syrian refugees are in Iran ??/ how much Aid was delivered ?? )
5) the main reason the partition of Syria was Delayed is thanks to Russia BUT it's now permanently cancelled thanks to Turkey

So hate it or love it but Turkey's actions lately harmed the interests of the west more than anyone ( except Russia which made it possible )
Maybe Iran can claim the next US attack on its forces in Yemen to be a chemical/biological weapon attack, plant evidence of such an attack, create hell of a drama globally, condemn the US forces for use of inhumane methods of war and then after a few days of intense propaganda, attack the US base/ship from where Iranian forces were initially attacked.....all the while stating that Chemical/Biological attacks on its forces would not be tolerated!

At current time if USA nuke a country , all other countries will remain silent ... world is seks slave of USA $
Iran can also claim that the Bahrain people are being oppressed by a Minority ruled dictator and so they are obligated to save them!

And Iran and Russia should joint forces to conduct a massive military strike against the Bahraini Government!

Attacking U.S. forces directly is a futile exercise! Just as the U.S. and Saudi Arabia aren't attacking Iran directly we shouldn't be attacking them directly either!
If you attack our allies then we'll attack yours! It should be as simple as that!

I disagree, the US may not be attacking Iran on Iranian soil but it is attacking Iranian Soldiers in Yemen.

At current time if USA nuke a country , all other countries will remain silent ... world is seks slave of USA $

Then you need to ask your leadership why they abandoned the quest to go Nuclear? That is criminal negligence and should be corrected immediately.
It's starting...

Guess Russia has had enough of Israel

Old S-300 warehouse


Laughable rumor.

The s-300 isn’t a car, you don’t just receive it and jump in it. Syrian Air defense Crews have to be trained on how to use it, tatics have to be established, chain of command, etc.

Man Elijah used to be a decent source of info but now I’m becoming more and more skeptical of him.

He is becoming Debka file lol.

To believe that Iran was going to start out all out war is a bit of a stretch.
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