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Should China export J 20 to Pakistan and if yes when?

Should China export J 20 to Pakistan and if yes when

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Won't happen in the near future... but.. what if India and China started the 6th Gen fighter together considering both would have had enough experience with 5 gens :D (and somehow solved all their border problems)
Won't happen in the near future... but.. what if India and China started the 6th Gen fighter together considering both would have had enough experience with 5 gens :D (and somehow solved all their border problems)

Sure but you're paying.
14 years is not bad. Most countries don't get fifth gen fighters.

most countries dont have a nuclear power neighbour across its border either -

our militery procurements are governed by indian arms buildup ---- whenever pakfa is inducted and paf sees its numbers and capabilities a serious problem , paf will get a 5th gen fighter.

if pakistan doesnt have strong conventional weapons , it will use the nukes on day1 -- so in the interest of peace , countries should come forward to maintain balance of conventional power in the region
Why would the U.S. freak out about it? This may be their only chance to gather info on Chinese tech.

No chance, just like the American equipment is kept far away from the Chinese, the same is true with Chinese equipment. The security measures are very strict, the Americans are not allowed near the newer Chinese equipment. The Americans wanted to take a peak at the C602 and C803 Anti Ship Missiles as they are the latest versions of Chinese technology, but were strictly denied.

On topic, the Chinese will provide Pakistan with J20 if it feels its necessary for the balance of power in South Asia. Right now their is no threat as the PAK FA is no way near as low observable as the F22 and F35. What Pakistan needs is extensive radar coverage, newer version of BVRAAMS/WVRAAMS and 5th Generation of HMS. PAF is going for all these things, so for now we are pretty safe.
going by the dates given in the poll, the J20 will roll out in 2018.

at the time china will be facing s couple of squadrons of F22 in the east. also F35 will start rolling out by then and might get added to those numbers.

PLAAF will need all the J20 it can get to counter that balance of forces.

China wont have J20 to spare before 2022. At that point PAF will get J20.
going by the dates given in the poll, the J20 will roll out in 2018.

at the time china will be facing s couple of squadrons of F22 in the east. also F35 will start rolling out by then and might get added to those numbers.

PLAAF will need all the J20 it can get to counter that balance of forces.

China wont have J20 to spare before 2022. At that point PAF will get J20.

We are at overcapacity in building fighters. We could easily build hundreds each year if needed.
going by the dates given in the poll, the J20 will roll out in 2018.

at the time china will be facing s couple of squadrons of F22 in the east. also F35 will start rolling out by then and might get added to those numbers.

PLAAF will need all the J20 it can get to counter that balance of forces.

China wont have J20 to spare before 2022. At that point PAF will get J20.

If this helps you sleep at night.
can anyone post the evolution and function of jh-7? fighter/bomber/interceptor? i always mix it up with j8 [mig21 evolution]


j10b, j10c , j20 would replace what fighters?
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