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Should Beef Be Banned In India?

No. All this "no beef" is lies. Indian's love nothing better then eating huge steaks, meat kebabs, meat keema, meat, meat. It is open secret that India is the biggest beef eater in the world.

Beef and India are opposite words of each other.
well as the debate continues, I think the one beef things needs banning is free roaming of cattle on Indian roads, ve seen so many videos of people dying injuring after colliding with cows. One can live without eating Beef, but to allow the animals roam freely on roads is just too much of shitholeness
well as the debate continues, I think the one beef things needs banning is free roaming of cattle on Indian roads, ve seen so many videos of people dying injuring after colliding with cows. One can live without eating Beef, but to allow the animals roam freely on roads is just too much of shitholeness
Funnily my eldest cousin had this kind of accident, twice ! :lol:
well as the debate continues, I think the one beef things needs banning is free roaming of cattle on Indian roads, ve seen so many videos of people dying injuring after colliding with cows. One can live without eating Beef, but to allow the animals roam freely on roads is just too much of shitholeness

you are right .
I eat all kind of meat lamb, Chicken, eggs etc but no beef.

...the dichotomy and hypocrisy is getting clearer by the day. Esp. in Kerala its part of their culture to consume Beef. ... Hindus don't eat Beef is a false assumption. Hindus eat Beef but those Hindus who brings religion everywhere try to avoid it. Even now a days they also eat Beef when they visit other countries.


...Hindus do eat Beef....come out of your hypocrisy.

‘I am a Hindu and I eat beef; it’s my right’

...the dichotomy and hypocrisy is getting clearer by the day. Esp. in Kerala its part of their culture to consume Beef. ... Hindus don't eat Beef is a false assumption. Hindus eat Beef but those Hindus who brings religion everywhere try to avoid it. Even now a days they also eat Beef when they visit other countries.


...Hindus do eat Beef....come out of your hypocrisy.

‘I am a Hindu and I eat beef; it’s my right’

Edgy librandus do, and I am currently in South India so you don't have to tell me what people here do or eat.

Kerala is Minority majority anyway.
Pork, do you eat it ?

It's mostly religious reason but I don't care.

In ancient times Beef was favorite food of Brahmins and we used to say a Brahmin that doesn't eat or like beef is not a pure Brahmin.

Than something happened, death of animal sacrifice, Veda and something else came to fill the void. New gods, new books and Muripooja.

Reason for all this ? Buddhism.
Edgy librandus do, and I am currently in South India so you don't have to tell me what people here do or eat.

Not just libtards, they are Hindu though, just because they don't follow the religion to the extreme doesn't mean they aren't Hindus...Commies and others too in Kerala..

Also to my knowledge Kashmiri Hindu Pandits also eat Beef...it is just a hogwash that they, the Hindus don't eat Beef, Dalits and other OBC/SC/ST caste also eat Beef....yes Brahmins don't eat it. But what is the total population of Brahmins in India, hardly 6-7%.


Beef has long been the king of the table in Kerala, and for the simple reason that it is appetizing. It accounts for more than 40% of all meat consumed in the state. Around 80% of the people here regularly eat beef, not just in Christian and Muslim homes, and not just the rich either. There are no precise figures, but there is enough anecdotal evidence to suggest that more Hindus could be eating it regularly than Christians and Muslims put together.

  • Hindus, it must be noted, do not practice their religion in Kerala with any less vigour than their counterparts in other parts of India. The state is dotted with temples, including famous ones such the Padmanabha temple at Thiruvananthapuram, Vishnu temple at Guruvayur, Ayyappan’stemple at Sabarimala and so on.
In ancient India, killing and consuming animals was part and parcel of life of all. Hindus then were overwhelmingly non-vegetarian. There are historians who have pointed out that back then Hindus ate beef.
India is the second/third largest exporter of Beef to the world...hypocrites, their posturing about not eating Beef is hilarious.
India is as much a meat eating country as Pakistan is a alcoholic drinking country. Depending on the context Indian's will play a differant tune. Fact is India is majority vegetarian country insofar as Pakistan is a teetotaler country. I am sure if you listen to @Imran Khan [I hope I tagged the right guy] you would think all of Pakistan is swimming in the stuff. Indian meat consumption is amongst the lowest in the world.

But often in the west Indians in order to spin on the "Indian cuisine" theme will make it out like every Indian table has sizzlking seekh kebabs, ghosht karai, meat pillau, keema on nan every morning and evening every day of the week.

Of course I know even the fcukin Sikhs eat dhal, dhal and dhal every day ....

Veggie map. Look who is bright green.


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