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shall the burqa be banned??

shall the burqa be banned by the governments ?

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What principle are you going for ?

How is 'covering yourself up' the same as 'wear a Burqa' ?

@Armstrong @liontk @flamer My only say in this thread from the beginning was to uphold democracy and freedom of rights! From my 1st post till now I have posted why this ban is bad for Europe how it is becoming more Asia in terms of tolerance but no everyone is for becoming intolerance yet they are hypocritical when East does the same but to a different religion!

Now my post to you was how the women who practice burqa see it as! However I feel that is for a different thread as almost time for Iftari!

Should low jeans be allowed. They keep your A** cool in the hot and humid weather. Old men can even wear it without underwear. Why would any woman or gay want to molest an old man above sixty?
No.Burqa ban is one thing,going guns blazing after a minority is another,it won't be tolerated in Europe.
How sure are you? 1 baby step at a time, innit?

A UK soldier was butchered in the streets by muslim extremists ,did anyone went on a rampage ? There were isolated cases sure,but only that.What if a christian would have killed a Pakistani soldier ? Answer me this !-
Heck be he a Christian or a Muslim anyone killing the soldier would get the same punishment!

As for that guy who killed the British soldier never did a right how does that stand in with this thread?
Hence Europe should not follow the footsteps of East by banning this and that ! That was my point but no you want to equate it to Arabs! Then go ahead within years Europe will be no different than Arabs in tolerance! Then you can say to hell with democracy!

Europe won't do that - They don't hate Islam but they sure as hell aren't warm towards Islam either !

Thats precisely why where as a Sikh from India wearing a Turban & sometimes a Kirpan - that dagger thing - won't make them go ape-sh*t; a Muslim from Pakistan wearing a Burqa would even if there is a perfectly educated woman underneath all those layers of cloth !

However this shouldn't be seen in the context of what Europe is or isn't doing - Lets concentrate on the Muslim societies instead because progress & change begins when we start with 'us' & not with 'them' !
Burka may be banned but in selective areas where there r confirmed terrorists like in pakistan, afghanistan,india,middle east but not in europe and america.Also we should consider that in some ares,like FATA,a women cannot leave her house without wearing a burka.
Heck be he a Christian or a Muslim anyone killing the soldier would get the same punishment!
As for that guy who killed the British soldier never did a right how does that stand in with this thread?

You know damn well that churches would burn and innocent christians would suffer pogroms for that.Heck they endure that because some muslim neighbours ratted them out for being disrespectull towards the Koran,don't play naive.
However this shouldn't be seen in the context of what Europe is or isn't doing - Lets concentrate on the Muslim societies instead because progress & change begins when we start with 'us' & not with 'them' !
Unfortunately I am more with them than us why? Coz they stand for everything called freedom of rights that is not found in Pakistan...and I dont want Europe to become Pakistan 1 step at a time!

...dont get me started there!

You know damn well that churches would burn and innocent christians would suffer pogroms for that.Heck they endure that because some muslim neighbours ratted them out for being disrespectull towards the Koran,don't play naive.
No I dont know that! And as for playing naiveness even you dont know that and are just spewing your anger!

As for the neighbours and whatever with disrespect towards the Quran are cases - isolated and condemned by many! No one agrees with any of that shit and that was really unnecessary to bring it in!
Unfortunately I am more with them than us why? Coz they stand for everything called freedom of rights that is not found in Pakistan...and I dont want Europe to become Pakistan 1 step at a time!

...dont get me started there!

I don't want Pakistan to become Europe either; we've got our own road to travel & our own paradigms to come up with !

We can & should learn from Europe but I'd hate it if we imitate them !
I don't want Pakistan to become Europe either; we've got our own road to travel & our own paradigms to come up with !

We can & should learn from Europe but I'd hate it if we imitate them !
Well that depends....yet they hate to allow any change into Europe so they arent very different and the little different they are I dont want that to vanish because of some intolerant bunch!
Well that depends....yet they hate to allow any change into Europe so they arent very different and the little different they are I dont want that to vanish because of some intolerant bunch!

I don't care what they do or do not do ! :bunny:

I'm more worried about Pakistan ! :pakistan:
No it should not be banned nor should it be forced on somebody.
A lady should get her freedom to choose whether she wants to wear it or not.
Forcing it on somebody is completely unacceptable. One of the pics you posted would be a classic example of it.

That lady in burqa looks very very uncomfortable.Shes covered head to toe.Give me one strong reason why she should be forced to do so?

Oopsie Qamar I am not a pakistani. :D


The problem is, in a conservative society a lady is free to wear anything she wants as long as it is a burqa.
I don't care what they do or do not do ! :bunny:

I'm more worried about Pakistan ! :pakistan:

Whats your stance except for what it is or what it isn't?
So how many women in your family wear a Burqa ? :unsure:
Many, on different occasions, it is a logistical nightmare for me to roam freely around the house and get things across:D
Well that depends....yet they hate to allow any change into Europe so they arent very different and the little different they are I dont want that to vanish because of some intolerant bunch!

They don't want to allow change in Europe ? We have allowed millions of muslims in Europe,MILLIONS for God's sake ! Millions who openly practice their religion,a tiny fracture of them even calls us "kaffirs" in our faces,there are literally thousands of mosques and new ones are built every day....yet we are intolerant....oh the humanity.....
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