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shall the burqa be banned??

shall the burqa be banned by the governments ?

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why does the "their country their law" rule doesn't apply here? If certain countries want it banned they have full right to go ahead and do that.

17 pages to defend the sovereign right of wearing a burqa in Europe.

2 pages in a "thousands of Christian Pakistanis forced to leave Pakistan because of opression"

People have their priorities in order allright.
Yea and niqaab ban started from France and now is spreading too...so how secure are Muslims about Switzerland intolerance not spreading?

i didnt call you racist! That is you and your thinking but I will call Europeans intolerant and discriminatory!
I never said it was oppressive...I pointed out some things that you guys have done and cant deny it! And that was damn racist as compared to anything I said!

Its not a tiny fringe for the one using it!

It is not a tiny fringe for the one to whom it means something

It def is not a tiny fringe when it is getting banned!
Like i said, we do not need your advice of intolerance. may be we are intolerant but atleast in l'europe and north america, we have certain degree to enlightment compare to the east. Forexample i thought simply six month ago that there were no sects present in islam but then I started seeing daily news of orthodox(shia ) muslims being slaughtered daily in my pakistan including losing extended family members. So please do not givee us the speech about being intolerant as I can roam free in Canada and practice my religion, which I am thankful to my country and motherland for.
Yea and niqaab ban started from France and now is spreading too...so how secure are Muslims about Switzerland intolerance not spreading?

i didnt call you racist! That is you and your thinking but I will call Europeans intolerant and discriminatory!
I never said it was oppressive...I pointed out some things that you guys have done and cant deny it! And that was damn racist as compared to anything I said!

Its not a tiny fringe for the one using it!

It is not a tiny fringe for the one to whom it means something

It def is not a tiny fringe when it is getting banned!

And this is an outright lie ! Europe is a beacon of democracy and human rights and if more muslim countries would be like Europe we would live in a far better world.
17 pages to defend the sovereign right of wearing a burqa in Europe.

2 pages in a "thousands of Christian Pakistanis forced to leave Pakistan because of opression"

People have their priorities in order allright.
Well their priorities reflect their current conditions. Even some moderates defends regressive things like a burkha, which further makes it hard to distinguish between sane and insane voice from their community. I am not saying that we Indians are any better but atleast we respect the law of our host country.
Well their priorities reflect their current conditions. Even some moderates defends regressive things like a burkha, which further makes it hard to distinguish between sane and insane voice from their community. I am not saying that we Indians are any better but atleast we respect the law of our host country.

Yep,the Indians like everybody else,Vietnamese,etc.I'm not saying we're perfect,there will always be haters,Romanians have a bad rep in the UK for example but you can't just call Europe "intolerant".....what is Pakistan,China,Saudi Arabia than ? Really people....
I simply brought up the T-Shirt to emphasize that one doesn't need to wear a Burqa or any similar dress to cover one's self up - Even a T-Shirt does that !
Yes I said they must have been wearing some god damn clothing....and even then the verse says cover your bosoms!

Its not in the Koran !
We took the 'covering up bit' & drew endless extrapolations from it & said to ourselves 'Hey this is what the Medieval Arab women used to wear so this must be Islam' - Its not !
Go for the 'principle' not the 'cultural attire' !
I am going for the principle you are going on the medieval rant!

Its Arab Culture & their expression of 'chastity' !
And there you go again with the Arab culture bit so you think Quran was promoting Arab culture? The websites I gave was explanation of WORDS the principle if you want to think of it that way while you are going on and on with the culture!

WHAT WAS THE ARAB CULTURE before Islam? Can you show me?

I am for banning the Burqa because in my opinion it has no justification in Islam & so I'm not going to listen to someone else (not you) emotionally blackmailing others that this is 'religious discrimination'; furthermore its a security threat & should not be allowed as such !
I can't imagine why wearing a head-scarf doesn't fulfill any Muslim's religious sensibilities ?
Security threat was already tackled in post 2

I am not bothered about what it relates to but I am more interested in it being a freedom of choice!
And this is an outright lie ! Europe is a beacon of democracy and human rights and if more muslim countries would be like Europe we would live in a far better world.
Hence Europe should not follow the footsteps of East by banning this and that ! That was my point but no you want to equate it to Arabs! Then go ahead within years Europe will be no different than Arabs in tolerance! Then you can say to hell with democracy!
Yes I said they must have been wearing some god damn clothing....and even then the verse says cover your bosoms!

I am going for the principle you are going on the medieval rant!

And there you go again with the Arab culture bit so you think Quran was promoting Arab culture? The websites I gave was explanation of WORDS the principle if you want to think of it that way while you are going on and on with the culture!

WHAT WAS THE ARAB CULTURE before Islam? Can you show me?

Security threat was already tackled in post 2

I am not bothered about what it relates to but I am more interested in it being a freedom of choice!

What principle are you going for ?

How is 'covering yourself up' the same as 'wear a Burqa' ?

Go make me a sandwich ! :D
Like i said, we do not need your advice of intolerance. may be we are intolerant but atleast in l'europe and north america, we have certain degree to enlightment compare to the east.
And Hence I am standing up for that enlightenment and do not want an intolerant West which wants to equate itself to Arabia and compare itself everytime!

Forexample i thought simply six month ago that there were no sects present in islam but then I started seeing daily news of orthodox(shia ) muslims being slaughtered daily in my pakistan including losing extended family members. So please do not givee us the speech about being intolerant as I can roam free in Canada and practice my religion, which I am thankful to my country and motherland for.
Again I am saying Europe should NOT turn into Asia but you are hell bent on equating the 2...
17 pages to defend the sovereign right of wearing a burqa in Europe.

2 pages in a "thousands of Christian Pakistanis forced to leave Pakistan because of opression"

People have their priorities in order allright.
Excellent point mon ami, the thing is I used to be naive about Pakistan but recently my world view has changed as you likely pointed out. Here is a mini story I will tell you that happened recently,I was at a mosque congregation for prayers so I decided to lead the prayers as usually i sit back ahah. Before I even started, someone comes up to me and says that you are not a muslim and I will not pray with you, "sorry." It was a shock to me as I thought I practiced islam like the rest of the canadien community, now put this into context with middle easterns that have shia backgrounds(a sect of islam) and if you follow the news then you know what kind of bloodbath that is happening. So long story short, I think our pakistani friends have their priorities wronged and in fact Pakistan last year condemned Canada for our human rights violation.
Hence Europe should not follow the footsteps of East by banning this and that ! That was my point but no you want to equate it to Arabs! Then go ahead within years Europe will be no different than Arabs in tolerance! Then you can say to hell with democracy!

No.Burqa ban is one thing,going guns blazing after a minority is another,it won't be tolerated in Europe.

A UK soldier was butchered in the streets by muslim extremists ,did anyone went on a rampage ? There were isolated cases sure,but only that.What if a christian would have killed a Pakistani soldier ? Answer me this !-
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