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shall the burqa be banned??

shall the burqa be banned by the governments ?

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Yes I said they must have been wearing some god damn clothing....and even then the verse says cover your bosoms!

I am going for the principle you are going on the medieval rant!

And there you go again with the Arab culture bit so you think Quran was promoting Arab culture? The websites I gave was explanation of WORDS the principle if you want to think of it that way while you are going on and on with the culture!

WHAT WAS THE ARAB CULTURE before Islam? Can you show me?

Security threat was already tackled in post 2

I am not bothered about what it relates to but I am more interested in it being a freedom of choice!

The Arab culture was pretty much the same (wine, women, prejudice and killings) as it is today except they used to worship a gazillion gods back then.
Arabism does not equal Islam. You can wear an odnjica and still be a better muslimah than some shekha talibana.
Ideally I would (in Pakistan) however the sh*t-storm that every bearded baboon from Skardu to Sukkhur would whip up is going to be difficult to manage !

So I'd much rather that the change is brought in a subtle manner through education or in Urdu -Taleem o Tarbiyat !

Strangely, Armstrong such a subtle change doesn't appear possible because you have hordes of missionaries converting Muslims into Muslims telling them otherwise. You have no choice, for a slight hint of that agenda would send you to oblivion after being labelled secular or liberal or both or a dozen names I am usually called, my preferred one being Communist. Even though it a personal choice but I believe that the face should be visible for very obvious reasons, the covering of rest of the body isn't the problem. Also the banning is counterproductive, it will cause a sharp increase in extremism.
Acha ji so someone is making and eating sandwiches alone.Some people have forgotten their old buddies:sick:
Nhi sir, ap ko kaise bhool sakta hoon? :D
He wished to reinvent himself as a Khomeni in an Arab Spring kinda thing happening in Pakistan; unfortunately for him whereas we Pakistanis are a religious people we severely dislike 'religious parties' in politics plus he isn't Khomeini & we're not Arabs - So his 'drama' wouldn't work - He'd come & make inflammatory speeches while sitting in an air-conditioned carriage & then leave like last year !
I apologize most Canadien I feel do not want this for pakistan and I hope you choose the destiny you want your country to have. Althought I will be careful with my words but your president zardari gives me a bad vibe about him because i feel he is not genuine about democracy and simply wants our money in form of aid(again i do not no all about him, its my perception). I hope pakistan and canada can have some more economic deal in future, aka buy our oil ;) .
Strangely, Armstrong such a subtle change doesn't appear possible because you have hordes of missionaries converting Muslims into Muslims telling them otherwise. You have no choice, for a slight hint of that agenda would send you to oblivion after being labelled secular or liberal or both or a dozen names I am usually called, my preferred one being Communist. Even though it a personal choice but I believe that the face should be visible for very obvious reasons, the covering of rest of the body isn't the problem. Also the banning is counterproductive, it will cause a sharp increase in extremism.

Oh I'd very gladly go Ataturk styled on the lot of them even though I wouldn't want Pakistan to look like Turkiye later on !

Besides I'd rather be sent to oblivion then to see this beautiful country go to the dogs - Wouldn't you ?

Kiyaa muuunh dikhaiiin geiii Quaid ko ?
The Arab culture was pretty much the same (wine, women, prejudice and killings) as it is today except they used to worship a gazillion gods back then.
Arabism does not equal Islam. You can wear an odnjica and still be a better muslimah than some shekha talibana.
I am not the one who is picking the arab culture if it was the same and they were already clad in the burqa why the hell did ALLAH tell us in a verse to tell to cover bosom?

And I dont care about Arab culture the question was for everyone saying burqa is Arab medieval culture where the burqa covers everything yet ALLAH decided to joke with us and say cover your bosom! lovely!
I apologize most Canadien I feel do not want this for pakistan and I hope you choose the destiny you want your country to have. Althought I will be careful with my words but your president zardari gives me a bad vibe about him because i feel he is not genuine about democracy and simply wants our money in form of aid(again i do not no all about him, its my perception). I hope pakistan and canada can have some more economic deal in future, aka buy our oil ;) .

Zardari hasn't been the President for more than a year now ! :D

Keep the aid...please; it serves little purpose because most of it probably doesn't reach the common man while the perception of taking aid by a proud people such as Pakistanis makes us fill with resentment & then most of the donor countries use aid to arm twist Pakistan into following their strategic interests - So no Aid would be most welcome ! :)
Well there are intolerant bunches everywhere! However trying to compete with Arab and Pakistan is very stupid if you ask me coz neither are democratic! And neither gives proper rights well if you want to compare then most welcome but then dont complain what they do coz you are asking us not to voice it
Look we have had a heated discussion but name calling is not the way akheilos. The burqa is a security barrier and you are simply not refuting it and as well why do you think it belong in a public space when it inhibits others right to see you. Look tolerance goes to a degree but we simply cannot accommodate believes that are in conflict with the western values and more specifically Canadien ones. This has nothing to do with muslim community but rather a fringe element trying to represent muslims.
Oh I'd very gladly go Ataturk styled on the lot of them even though I wouldn't want Pakistan to look like Turkiye later on !

Besides I'd rather be sent to oblivion then to see this beautiful country go to the dogs - Wouldn't you ?

Kiyaa muuunh dikhaiiin geiii Quaid ko ?

Wont work, do not inject antibiotics if they immune system is nonexistent. Turkiye is a different nation with a different mindset, Armstrong. They have horrors in their past which you dont. This beautiful country will head towards another collision course on its day of independence, worried about that.
Zardari hasn't been the President for more than a year now ! :D

Keep the aid...please; it serves little purpose because most of it probably doesn't reach the common man while the perception of taking aid by a proud people such as Pakistanis makes us fill with resentment & then most of the donor countries use aid to arm twist Pakistan into following their strategic interests - So no Aid would be most welcome ! :)
oh my bad and also as far as aid is concerned, I think you mistaking us for yanks because while i cant convince you that canada is genuine but you just have to believe we are ;). Don't worry despite us being a global power, we do not have any ambition sadly aside from the occasional human right speech at UN :)
Honestly talon, you are simply giving emotional responses
I am not giving emotional replies but things people let pass ...

When you advertise democracy you forget to advertise the fine print it doesnt extend over so and so or it is a flexible system where anyone can suddenly stop your freedom? Thats the vibe I get!

As for biting at the rights of those who want to wear a burqa...how is that justified when you allow nude beaches or you allow boys to walk with their jeans down showing much of their underwear or you allow women to wear a top resembling a bra and shorts and miniskirts that are just weird...I could go on at stuff I find weird but never will I sign a petition or voice out that those clothes should be banned...their choice is what I will say coz that is what I believe is what the West is about!!

If you allow everything from that culture why choke at another culture and yet want to claim diversity and tolerance?
Strangely, Armstrong such a subtle change doesn't appear possible because you have hordes of missionaries converting Muslims into Muslims telling them otherwise. You have no choice, for a slight hint of that agenda would send you to oblivion after being labelled secular or liberal or both or a dozen names I am usually called, my preferred one being Communist. Even though it a personal choice but I believe that the face should be visible for very obvious reasons, the covering of rest of the body isn't the problem. Also the banning is counterproductive, it will cause a sharp increase in extremism.

Nhi sir, ap ko kaise bhool sakta hoon? :D
nahi bhai log chairman bun ker buhat baray hogaye hain:cry:

I believe that instead of covering yourself from outside,you must have shame inside your soul as well.If your soul lacks shame then no covering on earth will ever be able to portray you as most honorable and well respected soul on earth.
Wont work, do not inject antibiotics if they immune system is nonexistent. Turkiye is a different nation with a different mindset, Armstrong. They have horrors in their past which you dont. This beautiful country will head towards another collision course on its day of independence, worried about that.

Turkiye was pretty much the same as the rest of us in terms of social conservatism when the Ottoman Empire imploded before Ataturk's Kemalism changed it forever; now I don't favor Kemalism that much but I do like the way things proceeded - How you clamp down on religious fanatics !

This beautiful country has gone through more terrible things than most others have - Our People are resilient....all they lack is a Visionary Leader; if only Our Father had lived a decade into Pakistan - What a country we could've become ?

So the way I see it either we continue jumping ship to greener pastures elsewhere or we work our arses off to realize the dream that was Pakistan & maybe your children & my children will live in a Pakistan better than we do !
Don't give me that AKA that only confuses the matter even more, I don't care what the male equivalent is only BURQA! If there is no clear definition then I can not vote. And any voting on this terminology is invalid.

Is the Burqa religious?
Is the Burqa tribal tradition?
Does the Burqa cover the whole body including face?

Which part of "from shoulders to the ankles" did you not understand?
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