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Shahrukh Khan exposes Indian secularism

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here comes the fatwas! Beware!!!

Its not a fatwa moron

It even says in the Quran that whichever Muslim marries a non-Muslim is not considered a Muslim anymore

Anyways he wasnt even a Muslim before he married the Hindu because Sharukh STILL worships hindu gods in movies
he do this drama to please Indian hindu janta but still some hindus don't satisfy with his drama and want more from him to prove his secularism or loyalty

He has a Hindu wife and kids so what ever he does is to please his family and not any outsiders.. On the other hand he does not even do the drama Uthak Bethak in Masjid..
A nation which gained Independence totally impoverished by Foreigners, even with 450 million poor people, India is among the fastest developing economies of the world. Even with so much diversity and social problems, it became the one of the largest market of the world with one of the largest middle class in the world.

You see 450 million poor people living in Sub-Saharan poverty but ignored

1. Over 600 million middle class which has home, three time meal, good modes of transportation, education and health facilities.

2. Over 150 million Rich and Ultra Rich section, a part of society which has more per capita income and greater population than your entire country, Canada.

Think about it.

Dude dont make me laugh

Middle class for Indian govt is anyone who earns above rs.36

So imagine what rich class must be.

And good models of education, transportation, and health?
Last I heard 80% of Indian schoolkids did not pass secondary, people still open defecating on Indias metro lines, and the worlds most FAKE degree doctors live in India
@Rusty The answer lies in the word you used twice. "World's Biggest Democracy".

Have you ever wondered that India is a nation of 1.2 billion people where Hindus and Muslims have fought against each other, Hindus oppressed by Muslim rulers and Muslims killed in riots. You also have take the past emotional baggage every Hindu and Muslim have which is passed over generation to generation. Only education and tolerance can take some load off but the Politicians keep increasing the load especially in patches of Indian society in various part of country.

Hindus and Muslims fought for centuries, look at France and Germany, or England or France they fought for centuries and they had trouble becoming friends. Hell they fought two WW that claimed more lives than total casualties in Hindu Muslim fight.

Then there comes fault in Hindu society. The caste system and bad practices like Dowry. These play major role in making people indifferent towards some section of society. Even Muslims live better life and get easily live in society than Dalits or lower caste people.

Do you know there is a village in Bihar where Dalits are kept out of village and they eat rats. Just imagine this society with so much hate for their own Hindu brothers gave better place to Muslims.

My point is India is full of social, economical, political problems. You will be surprised to know that there are regions where Muslims oppress Hindus and other minorities. You never saw it because you never thought of this.

Just an example. You always blamed Hindus for Godhara carnage. Ever thought what started it ? It was Muslim mob that locked Train Bogey and burnt Hindus alive. Does anything like this happened in Pakistan where Hindus, Christians or Sikhs did this in past few decades ?

You are also confused with Democracy and Secularism.
In this democracy, people from different religions, caste etc. have got highest posts. Narendra Modi is from backward caste ruling over Muslims and high caste Hindus. Mayawati was also from backward caste.

When there is a population of 1.2 billion and so much diversity, social problems emerge. But look at this, last major riot happened back in 2002.Its been more than a decade. But I can tell you that more Dalits are killed, raped, hands cut off by higher caste Hindus. Muslims, Sikhs and Christians live much better life.

Problem is when any minority in India is killed or even if a Muslim is denied to grow beard, it becomes a major topic on PDF (over 27 pages and 400 posts).

You also quote few cases of Christians persecuted.

I would like you to kindly read about Hindus oppression of Hindus just for once. You will end up with one conclusion that minorities lives much better life than lowest caste Hindus.

see was that so hard?
A well thought out and informed argument against what I said.
That is all I wanted.

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Its not a fatwa moron

It even says in the Quran that whichever Muslim marries a non-Muslim is not considered a Muslim anymore

Anyways he wasnt even a Muslim before he married the Hindu because Sharukh STILL worships hindu gods in movies

Their are millions of Muslims who don't consider you a Muslim.So I guess its ironic how you judge others faith.You should take a hike.You have no right to judge other people's faith.
.according to 40% of Pakistanis, Icewolf saab is a kaffir. Yes 40% of Pakistanis dont consider Shias as Muslims.
when you conducted survey ?

40 percent of 187 million consider shia as kafir..source please?
Of course you have a model system. After all it brought Pakistan in Most Coveted list of F****d state and T******t nation. :D

A perfect Model.

Who said we were following that model?
if anything it's because we were chasing after the American dream that lead us to where we are.
But hey, at least you can point to our model, Indian model just seems to be "shout down everyone who does not tow our line and kill anyone who descents, :tup:
A nation which gained Independence totally impoverished by Foreigners, even with 450 million poor people, India is among the fastest developing economies of the world. Even with so much diversity and social problems, it became the one of the largest market of the world with one of the largest middle class in the world.

You see 450 million poor people living in Sub-Saharan poverty but ignored

1. Over 600 million middle class which has home, three time meal, good modes of transportation, education and health facilities.

2. Over 150 million Rich and Ultra Rich section, a part of society which has more per capita income and greater population than your entire country, Canada.

Think about it.
@KRAIT KRAIT your proud that you have 150 million ultra rich while alteast close to half a billion people are living below a dollar. Its sad that indie's gross domestic product is barely higher than ours and we are a nation of 35 million. Krait, I am criticising indie because there is an excessive people in poverty, while half a billion might seem small number to you, i dont see the urgency in india to get over that problem, forexample during great depression there was an urgency in the canadienne government to get nearly 30% of population out of poverty. Even if you achieve your super power status in future, the wealth inequality will prevent indie from becoming something a prosperous nation, indie has to solve the problem as i don't see trickled down effect and this is based on lots of my friend volunteering in orphanges all across inde. Also I do understand the reasons behind poverty and if it weren't for your strict visa laws in your country people especially in canada would do alot more to help but sadly if you have some prior military service, you cannot come to india and yes i was rejected along with 5 of my buddies for visa because of the stupid visa laws. See in comparision, pakistan looks over my prior background and allow my buddies to participate in the NGOs projects in collaboration min haj foundation or any NGo we want to work with seriously. On the other hand indie is terrible when it comes to foreign NGO, way too many laws when you have excessive poverty. Remember someone living in glass door....
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when you conducted survey ?

40 percent of 187 million consider shia as kafir..source please?

Even Afghans are way better than you guys in this regard.


He has a Hindu wife and kids

so what he is not hindu but his wife. why he need to take part in pooja phaat?

so what ever he does is to please his family and not any outsiders.. On the other hand he does not even do the drama Uthak Bethak in Masjid..

why his wife even ask him to do this tamsha or natuk when she know that he is Muslim not hindu. I mean its like sharukh asking her wife to please him by keeping fasting or wearing burqa lol
A nation which gained Independence totally impoverished by Foreigners, even with 450 million poor people, India is among the fastest developing economies of the world. Even with so much diversity and social problems, it became the one of the largest market of the world with one of the largest middle class in the world.

You see 450 million poor people living in Sub-Saharan poverty but ignored

1. Over 600 million middle class which has home, three time meal, good modes of transportation, education and health facilities.

2. Over 150 million Rich and Ultra Rich section, a part of society which is more wealthy than your country, Canada.

Think about it.

Man Krait what is this. This is just glorious self-glorification I see in MQM guys. 600 Million? Bas kar dey yaar. Thats what it is predicted to be that number in 2030 if growth continues.

According to Aseem, different definitions yield numbers for India’s middle classes ranging from 5 million ($10-$20 per day) to 214 million ($2-$4 a day). What’s not disputed, however, is that the numbers are rising rapidly as India’s economy continues to boom.

Check this too: Next big spenders: India's middle class | McKinsey Global Institute | McKinsey & Company

@liontk what we are seeing is a result of certain events in the region as well. India is becoming more and more assured of its footing due to increasing US support. US offered a nuclear deal a few years ago and in 2012 they offered F16's of better quality. Their role in Afghanistan is increasing too. Then their economy is growing at a faster rate than ours. This has made them more assertive. US doesn't want us and the signs have been there right since the cold war when India was Soviet ally and Pakistan American. In Siachen conflict US said nothing when India took 1000 miles of territory. In Kargil which was a response to it they demanded us to go back to our posts. Its happening fast now.

I used to talk just like Indians with lots of pride early in 2008 but bombs going off and you being promoted negatively in the world media just you know makes you kind of think of yourself critically as a society. I cannot forget the links I have which is also again makes it more important for us migrant families not to play a part in ethnic tensions locally. It is therefore a solid solution that we merge. We have no common culture. I explained how this identity is self-imposed.

By percentage the figure for Pakistani and Indian middle classes are the same. Question is can India leave Pakistan behind now?
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when you conducted survey ?
40 percent of 187 million consider shia as kafir..source please?
Will you accept Pew Survey Report ?

On the other hand, in Pakistan, where 6% of the survey respondents identify as Shia, Sunni attitudes are more mixed: 50% say Shias are Muslims, while 41% say they are not.

The World' s Muslims: Unity and Diversity - Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life

But I will give you a point that Sample Size is too small to make a generalization for over 180 million people. Only 1450 Muslims took part in this Survey.
Even Afghans are way better than you guys in this regard.



Dont be stupid KS

when you say 40 percent it mean 40 percent of total population of Pakistan

its not just 100 random guys took part in survey and you call it 40 percent of pakistani..

Its like me conducting survey from 100 hinduvata nationalists and make them representative of all Indians
when you conducted survey ?

40 percent of 187 million consider shia as kafir..source please?

You shouldn't have asked that because the figure was 50%+. This figure also comes from World Muslims report about how Muslims think. Shias thought the same actually but their % of sunnis are kaffir responses were lower. But in some countries they were higher.

This is why secularism is in our favor. We are just promoting Wahabism and murder of minorities, learning to speak on their behalf from neighbors.
@Icewolf if you are indeed a Shia do note that I and most middle class Pakistanis stand against sectarian killings of LEJ and others. I guess I do not need to tell you this but people often divide our countrymen on the basis of ethnicity and religion and the only way to stop it is to sympathize and look at a situation from another ethnic groups eyes.
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