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Shahrukh Khan exposes Indian secularism

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Feb 2, 2007
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Mumbai: Bollywood king Shahrukh Khan has exposed so-called secular face of world largest democracy India, expressing his agony he is facing for being born as a Muslim.

SRK wrote an article titled Being a Khan for Outlook Turning Points magazine.

Khan said in an article for Outlook Turning Points magazine, many politicians asked him to go back to his native homeland: Pakistan, after 9/11 incident.

“I sometimes become the inadvertent object of political leaders who choose to make me a symbol of all that they think is wrong and unpatriotic about Muslims in India".

"There have been occasions when I have been accused of bearing allegiance to our neighboring nation (Pakistan) rather than my own country – this even though I am an Indian, whose father fought for the freedom of India. Rallies have been held where leaders have exhorted me to leave and return what they refer to my ‘original’ homeland.”

“I gave my son and daughter names that could pass for generic (pan-India and pan-religious) ones – Aryan and Suhana,”Shahrukh Khan said.
“The Khan has been bequeathed by me so they can’t really escape it.
Khan said that he pronounced names of his children with his epiglottis when asked by Muslims and throw the Aryan as evidence of their race when non-Muslims enquire. "I imagine this will prevent my offspring from receiving unwarranted eviction orders or random fatwas in the future,” said Khan.

Khan said that he was pressed to make the film My Name is Khan to prove a point after being repeatedly detained in US airports because of his last name.

He said he was grilled at the airport for hours about my last name when he was going to promote the film in America for the first time.

Shahrukh Khan exposes Indian secularism - thenews.com.pk
Why do stupid pakistanis link everything to secularism? Their incredible ignorance of the word can only be compared with their incredible obsession with fairytales.

Secularism means as per india's laws, he is treated the same as anyone else. It does not mean people in india do not follow religion or are above the horrible things religion makes people do, including hate and discriminate against others. At the same time he is a billionaire star today from middle class origins because of love from all indians, not just muslims, for whom movies are undesirable anyway.
@JonAsad Look I told you. People in Pakistan are obsessed with India especially with Indian Muslims and keep trying to prove that Indian Muslims are oppressed. I don't want this thread to be closed. Lets discuss it. Discuss with people who themselves believe in Secularism, don't believe in Quaid's dream and keep pointing fingers on Indian secularism.

They don't see that we never forcefully convert Indian Muslims unlike Pakistan who converted Pakistani Hindus and even showed it on LIVE television.

This is what Shahrukh Khan says about being an Indian Muslim. 9/11 terrorists and their supporters did one crime and Indian Muslims, who are not even involved in any terrorist activity except few, are paying the price of wrong Image created by Pakistan too.

This is how he defends Muslims. This is how he creates good image of Muslims, not only Indian, but all around the world.

Shahrukh Khan Interview with Fareed Zakaria on CNN - Part 1/2 - HD - YouTube
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I won't comment on this as I have been doing so too extensively for a while and it creates friction and people suspect me of purposely attacking India when the idea is more of minority rights in the sub-continent including Pakistan. My views are well known on the matter and will not share.

This is an issue for the Indians to deal with. A secular mindset can help.
Watch this video, SRK has a temple at his house where he prays.


Why do stupid pakistanis link everything to secularism? Their incredible ignorance of the word can only be compared with their incredible obsession with fairytales.

Secularism means as per india's laws, he is treated the same as anyone else. It does not mean people in india do not follow religion or are above the horrible things religion makes people do, including hate and discriminate against others. At the same time he is a billionaire star today from middle class origins because of love from all indians, not just muslims, for whom movies are undesirable anyway.
The other word they use is democracy. They surely do not know what either means. Will you have a world where everyone is perfect? No. What individuals said does not matter, what the country did matter.
The fact is he is living life of a king have access to best of best in India.
Why should Muslims have to prove their religion to the people Muslims previously ruled over?
I won't comment on this as I have been doing so too extensively for a while and it creates friction and people suspect me of purposely attacking India when the idea is more of minority rights in the sub-continent including Pakistan. My views are well known on the matter and will not share.

This is an issue for the Indians to deal with. A secular mindset can help.

Can you tell us which of shahrukh's minority or otherwise rights were denied?
Why do stupid pakistanis link everything to secularism? Their incredible ignorance of the word can only be compared with their incredible obsession with fairytales.

Secularism means as per india's laws, he is treated the same as anyone else. It does not mean people in india do not follow religion or are above the horrible things religion makes people do, including hate and discriminate against others. At the same time he is a billionaire star today from middle class origins because of love from all indians, not just muslims, for whom movies are undesirable anyway.

Why do stupid pakistanis link everything to secularism? Their incredible ignorance of the word can only be compared with their incredible obsession with fairytales.

Secularism means as per india's laws, he is treated the same as anyone else. It does not mean people in india do not follow religion or are above the horrible things religion makes people do, including hate and discriminate against others. At the same time he is a billionaire star today from middle class origins because of love from all indians, not just muslims, for whom movies are undesirable anyway.

No point. Many here simply have no idea that secularism is a state concept, not an individual one. Individuals (mainly) can only be tolerant, not secular. No religious person is secular, something that these chaps have seemingly no ability to understand.
Lots of muslims hate shahrukh for marrying a hindu and not converting her, for letting his children follow their mother's religion along with islam etc etc, even when its his personal matter.

Its easy to advice hindus to follow a secular mindset, when the fact is india is secular BECAUSE of Hindus.

Shahrukh Khan is not a Muslim according to Islam & Qur'an anymore because he married a non Musim
Shahrukh Khan exposes as if we dont know Indian model of secularism :P

Its already been exposed many times on PDF :D
Why should Muslims have to prove their religion to the people Muslims previously ruled over?

I guess being a Dawoodi Bohra gives you an inferiority complex.You never ruled over anybody.Most Mughal emperors persecuted your ancestors more than any other religious group.I feel sad for you kiddo.
I guess being a Dawoodi Bohra gives you an inferiority complex.You never ruled over anybody.Most Mughal emperors persecuted your ancestors more than any other religious group.I feel sad for you kiddo.

Aww little Indians have to go off topic & personal :tdown: :tdown:
@isro2222 please comment here. Please. I will type Om and post it to the car and make many mantras. Pleajjjjj...............

Shahrukh Khan is not a Muslim according to Islam & Qur'an anymore because he married a non Musim

That is like wanting to be attacked. Jinnah did the same. And your previous comment attacks hindus. There are muslims in India, Hindus in Pakistan. We hate each other our own nations get destabilized.
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Shahrukh Khan is not a Muslim according to Islam & Qur'an anymore because he married a non Musim

Then what's the point of this thread.:lol:

Aww little Indians have to go off topic & personal :tdown: :tdown:

I only said an uncomfortable truth.Now get used to it.
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