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Shahrukh Khan exposes Indian secularism

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@Rusty The answer lies in the word you used twice. "World's Biggest Democracy".

Have you ever wondered that India is a nation of 1.2 billion people where Hindus and Muslims have fought against each other, Hindus oppressed by Muslim rulers and Muslims killed in riots. You also have take the past emotional baggage every Hindu and Muslim have which is passed over generation to generation. Only education and tolerance can take some load off but the Politicians keep increasing the load especially in patches of Indian society in various part of country.

Hindus and Muslims fought for centuries, look at France and Germany, or England or France they fought for centuries and they had trouble becoming friends. Hell they fought two WW that claimed more lives than total casualties in Hindu Muslim fight.

Then there comes fault in Hindu society. The caste system and bad practices like Dowry. These play major role in making people indifferent towards some section of society. Even Muslims live better life and get easily live in society than Dalits or lower caste people.

Do you know there is a village in Bihar where Dalits are kept out of village and they eat rats. Just imagine this society with so much hate for their own Hindu brothers gave better place to Muslims.

My point is India is full of social, economical, political problems. You will be surprised to know that there are regions where Muslims oppress Hindus and other minorities. You never saw it because you never thought of this.

Just an example. You always blamed Hindus for Godhara carnage. Ever thought what started it ? It was Muslim mob that locked Train Bogey and burnt Hindus alive. Does anything like this happened in Pakistan where Hindus, Christians or Sikhs did this in past few decades ?

You are also confused with Democracy and Secularism.
In this democracy, people from different religions, caste etc. have got highest posts. Narendra Modi is from backward caste ruling over Muslims and high caste Hindus. Mayawati was also from backward caste.

When there is a population of 1.2 billion and so much diversity, social problems emerge. But look at this, last major riot happened back in 2002.Its been more than a decade. But I can tell you that more Dalits are killed, raped, hands cut off by higher caste Hindus. Muslims, Sikhs and Christians live much better life.

Problem is when any minority in India is killed or even if a Muslim is denied to grow beard, it becomes a major topic on PDF (over 27 pages and 400 posts).

You also quote few cases of Christians persecuted.

I would like you to kindly read about Hindus oppression of Hindus just for once. You will end up with one conclusion that minorities lives much better life than lowest caste Hindus.
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Oh come on Pakistani, stop faking yourself!! You sounds so obvious in any of the comments of yours..
He has never hidden the fact that he has Pakistani roots, now stop getting all personal you emotional wreck :cry:
Pathans don't acknowledge him as Pathan. Muslims don't acknowledge him as Muslim then why is this thread even there.. :undecided:

Because Shahrukh said you all are being mean to him.

Btw, I never said we don't acknowledge him as Muslim. That is a determination left best to God and I don't interfere with God's roles. He can do all the drama poojas he wants, I'll call him a drama, but I won't dispute his Muslimness.
Pata nahi yaar, aap ko aakay batatay hongay personally. I've never been called such. lol @ Kalay. That I can believe you must have heard for the traitor Altaf Hussain.

Hindustani yes, but that's more a language thing. The urdu spoken is slightly different, colloquially its called Hindustani, but nowadays the only thing they are referred to is "Urdu Speaking".

So many people were hurling racist abuses at the Muhajirs..I can name few of them right now..but let it go. The point is when people who were supposed to be a single nation - Muslim nation - can become ethnically conscious and hurl abuses at the Muhajirs who were the main reason behind the creation of Pakistan, then there will be some people on this side of the border who say "Muslims go to Pk" because they apparently believe in Jinnah and Iqbal's philosophy. So I dont see why Pakistanis are getting worked up over this.
He has never hidden the fact that he has Pakistani roots, now stop getting all personal you emotional wreck :cry:

:lol: In every comments of his, he tries to show that he is some what neutral but ends up with his Pakistani colors. Honestly I don't have problem with that but then don't claim to be neutral and be your real self.
Pata nahi yaar, aap ko aakay batatay hongay personally. I've never been called such. lol @ Kalay. That I can believe you must have heard for the traitor Altaf Hussain.

Hindustani yes, but that's more a language thing. The urdu spoken is slightly different, colloquially its called Hindustani, but nowadays the only thing they are referred to is "Urdu Speaking".

You know, when an Indian uses MQM rubbish to bash Pakistan and claim ethnic wars in our country it really makes me want to tear up that word known as Muhajir. It is the failure of our families. No one elses. Now it is being used as a tool by some Indians. We should either have merged with local ethnic groups or maintained our real culture. We are Lucknowites, Deccani's, Gujaratis, Tamils and others. Somehow we developed a wider identity and it is being used by Altaf. We have no common culture, Hyderabadi married women wear saris, we lucknowites wear shalwar kameez, we even speak different dialects and even other languages. How can a Marathi speaking migrant be called an urdu-speaker? We should have challenged this identity long before.

اوس زه پښتون (Now I am a Pashtun)
We should have merged and I will do it. It may take time particularly for those who have heavy links with ancestral towns to lose them but its the best solution.
Amitabh maybe, but Kareena probably has other reasons. Not religious, but you know Sassural ko khush rakhna hai.

What has this got to do with being insecure about the faith? The faith has some CLEAR dos and don't's and its not really "faith" if you are just doing it for box office hits!

The point is Hindus dont judge Amitabh or they care about what he apparently feels when he visits Ajmer Dargah..but you guys are first in the block to read Sharukh's mind that he is somehow being forced to stand in the muhurat ceremony and that is somehow a conspiracy to undermine his Islamiyat. What if I told you he is standing there willingly and for the same reason you quoted for Kareena ? (remember Gauri is a Hindu)
Because Shahrukh said you all are being mean to him.

Btw, I never said we don't acknowledge him as Muslim. That is a determination left best to God and I don't interfere with God's roles. He can do all the drama poojas he wants, I'll call him a drama, but I won't dispute his Muslimness.

We are mean to him and that is why he is ruling the Indian industry.. You can call Puja dramas or what not but he does not do even drama in Masjids as he is not so religiously inclined. He just say a few things here and there for name sake.
Pathans don't acknowledge him as Pathan. Muslims don't acknowledge him as Muslim then why is this thread even there.. :undecided:

Oh come on Pakistani, stop faking yourself!! You sounds so obvious in any of the comments of yours..

When am i denying that I do not have roots in pakistan, I wouldn't be here if my gramps did not face excessive persecution in indie. I think the point of the thread was that indienne have to come of their high chair and start being self critical too, before I started following politics, I used to be like most candienne believe that indie being large democracy and secular model for the world, we are fed here. Point being that the people your comparing yourselves too, your no better than them. You can put a lipstick on a pig but its still a pig or thats how the saying goes.
Of course you have a model system. After all it brought Pakistan in Most Coveted list of F****d state and T******t nation. :D

A perfect Model.

Perfect role model of all Think Tanks

Presenting KRAIT
Nah, this guy needs to get his *** banned off of PDF so he can go get a life... He's either a 12 year old kid thats given WAY too much time on the internet or a sad jobless scum

Dude ignore him..according to 40% of Pakistanis, Icewolf saab is a kaffir. Yes 40% of Pakistanis dont consider Shias as Muslims.


But Pakistanis dont consider Shias a low class or inferior, or even not human as Hindu Brahmn, Kshatriya do with low cast shudra
umm... Whats so good about your model krait not trying to defend pakistan but seriously indie is currently faring worse than subsahara, well southasia for that matter but indie is leading the stats in term of poverty as far as stats go in the world.
A nation which gained Independence totally impoverished by Foreigners, even with 450 million poor people, India is among the fastest developing economies of the world. Even with so much diversity and social problems, it became the one of the largest market of the world with one of the largest middle class in the world.

You just see 450 million poor people living in Sub-Saharan poverty.
When am i denying that I do not have roots in pakistan, I wouldn't be here if my gramps did not face excessive persecution in indie. I think the point of the thread was that indienne have to come of their high chair and start being self critical too, before I started following politics, I used to be like most candienne believe that indie being large democracy and secular model for the world, we are fed here. Point being that the people your comparing yourselves too, your no better than them. You can put a lipstick on a pig but its still a pig or thats how the saying goes.

You have roots in Pakistan and your grand pa faced excessive persecution in India and that's why you moved to Canada. What are you trying to say? The way you wrote it appears like you have roots in India.. Also the name of country in India so be careful in typing it out correctly next time..
. He can do all the drama poojas he wants, I'll call him a drama, but I won't dispute his Muslimness.

he do this drama to please Indian hindu janta but still some hindus don't satisfy with his drama and want more from him to prove his secularism or loyalty
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