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Shahrukh Khan exposes Indian secularism

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Neither will India

The differences is that we have a model system of how to run our government
where as India has fanaticism that will never never accept non high cast Hindus.
Not even their biggest movie stars.

See what hate does to you? Blinds you so completely that you don't realise the inherent contradiction between "the biggest movie stars"(a position that unlike sportsmen depends on public acceptance) and supposed discrimination.
He might be a terrible liar then because I yet have to find one of such nature. I know a person personally who was killed because of an RSS thug in Osmania college. You are from which part of Mumbai, Azazel?

I am from South india.I work in Mumbai.
Neither will India

The differences is that we have a model system of how to run our government
where as India has fanaticism that will never never accept non high cast Hindus.
Not even their biggest movie stars.

Pakistani system model?

Indian system Fanatic?

Doctor ne gate khula chod diya tha kya pagalkhane ka aj raat?
To be an Indian.
Being told to go to Pakistan? That isn't one? I thought at least Shahrukh Khan would be seen as loyal by many. Then why does Shiv Sena attack him.

In any case that is a lengthy topic of debate I have been debating for days upon days. As I said time to look at home. You would notice in the past I considered the Ansaris in Lucknow and other parts an extension of us another arm and used to refer to them as us. Our ties are breaking down and the next generations won't even have this bond. The Indian muslims are growing isolated. This gives them a greater chance to merge in the Indian fabric but it destroys their links to their family members and their relatives and there links to a muslim nation. Its basically up to them to make something for themselves and defend their own rights.

I think we Pakistanis have a hyper-focus on it. It makes sense for me as I have visited Lucknow and Delhi and some other parts a dozen+ times including 1 long trip but others have no link.

Dude, pls be serious. Some shivsena dude - a politician - during a public tiff between the two regarding selection of pakistani players for IPL - telling shahrukh to go to pakistan is NOT a violation of shahrukh's rights. Its a below the belt jibe, yes, but I'm sure you are intelligent enough to know that shahrukh has all his rights intact and not only because ''he does puja''.
Do you have democracy and Secularism in Pakistan ? Because last time I saw that its not even Islamic country.

Shias are prosecuted, Hindus are forcefully converted and telecast is done on LIVE television, 12 yer old Chrisitian is arrested for blasphemy law and who ever speaks for Christian is shot dead.

Also Ahmedis are constitutionally not considered as Muslims. Any minority, Hindu, Sikh, Christian are denied constitutionally to become part of govt.

BTW this actor is facing problem because few Muslim in your country especially brought bad name to Islam and now Indian Muslims are paying the price for it. Same is happening in US and other western countries.

Terrorists did the crime and the innocents pay the price.

Krait, I know you have a slightly higher IQ than most Indians so I will try and explain this to you in the odd chance that you will understad.

I have never made any claims about Pakistan.
Not once did I mention Pakistan, or democracy or how great it is.
I fully acknowledge that in the past 65 years democracy in Pakistan has failed due to bad leaders and military.

BUT that's not the point
The point is "The worlds biggest democracy"

You know that what I said is right and you know that you cannot defend it
So instead of even trying you went to the straw man.
A decent tactic if you are debating against a novice.
But you already know how I debate, so why did you think I would fall for it?
I know you hate Pakistan, Muslims, Islam, topi, shalwar, kameze, etc
you don't need to tell us that every time you speak.
It's almost like even if I ask your name you will just go on an anti Islam tirade.

Having said all that, can you please just address the issue.
Can you defend "the world's largest democracy" when so much anti democratic feeling are prevalent.
Even you biggest super stars are not immune to the bigotry and hatred of the majority.

And instead of having groups that promote peace and harmony, all I really see is groups like RSS, BJP, Modi, etc who promote hatred and bigotry.
I would expect this in Nazi Germany, but not the "world's biggest democracy"
You could live next to a nuclear plant, it won't help you understand nuclear fusion...:lol:

My dear bang Galore you are sensible poster so i don't want to pulls your legs :D

But your analogy is not correct. Secularism is a system of government and i don't know how you relate it with nuclear fusion which is a scientific process. When you live in a system you understand how its work as you observe its working model. If you work in nuclear laboratory then you understand how nuclear fusion work

secondly even if you are living in non secular/non communist nations but still you can understand the concepts and principles of secularism and communism. You dont have to live in these societies to understand these concepts
Neither will India
The differences is that we have a model system of how to run our government
where as India has fanaticism that will never never accept non high cast Hindus.
Not even their biggest movie stars.
Of course you have a model system. After all it brought Pakistan in Most Coveted list of F****d state and T******t nation. :D

A perfect Model.
Dude, pls be serious. Some shivsena dude - a politician - during a public tiff between the two regarding selection of pakistani players for IPL - telling shahrukh to go to pakistan is NOT a violation of shahrukh's rights. Its a below the belt jibe, yes, but I'm sure you are intelligent enough to know that shahrukh has all his rights intact and not only because ''he does puja''.

Everyone does this... now tell me one thing. Why are you having to speak for the Muslims? Why isn't a Muslim coming here and telling me this personally. What is the problem? Are the Muslims too backward? Is it because of that?

You would have noticed I do not take part in any discussion about Hindu's status in Pakistan because it is not fair to them that someone else is saying how their state is.
Everyone does this... now tell me one thing. Why are you having to speak for the Muslims? Why isn't a Muslim coming here and telling me this personally. What is the problem? Are the Muslims too backward? Is it because of that? You would have noticed I do not take part in any discussion about Hindu's status in Pakistan because it is not fair to them that someone else is saying how their state is.
May be you are hearing voices in your head. Try Clonazepam and Lorazepam. It will help you. :D

Ever wondered if they (assuming they exist) say these things to get accepted in the Pakistan. After all who speaks bad about India is considered as brother. :enjoy:
AH man another tit for tat thread, man both of your countries are impoverished and don't follow the vision that either founders intended for those countries but rather both sides to me appear to be confused. Pakistan from my readings was a safehaven for all the minorities of south asia with a primary emphasis on muslim minority of subcontinent including my gramps that escaped persecution indienne. However pakistan did not become what the Mr. Jinah intended from my analysis though experienced guys in historie like @haviZsultan or @Armstrong, correct me if I am wrong. Also indienne was suppose to be rather a secular republic, which was to prove the two nation theory concept wrong, while some say that creation of people republic of bangladesh validates that, I beg to disagree with khalistan movement, plus exporting terrorism to canadian soil and the riots over the decade do not necessarily prove the point that ghandi envisioned. While indienne might enjoy a good economy right now, it is facing some problems and same goes with pakistan. I think ideologies aside, I might sound racist but I think the problem in subcontinent over 2 years of studying at college level electives(not much i know but still) plus observation through literature/economie classes suggest that there is an inherit cultural problem on either side that has nothing to do with religion or nationalism but rather the work ethic and culture in the countrie. In both sides of subcontinent while laws appear to be similar to modern healthy democracies(exclude some indienne slaughter laws and pakistani blasphemy laws), the problem is neither side pay taxes which are essential to governments, excessive tax evasion and no accountability. While i might be going offtopic but whatever the actor says does not matter as the core problem I believe lies in the culture rather than other factors(corruption is just ridiculous from top to bottom_. This is not to say that factors like insurgency and foreign policy dont have an impact, they do however even if they were gone the corruption in the culture from top to bottom will simply always be a . You guys can have the 10% or 20% growth on either side of the border but as long as the culture doesn't change, you guys will always remain instable and the masses will still suffer whether you introduce democracy, military dictatorship,secularism, pure capitalism, or any combination, the culture has to change before anything happens sadly and some tolerance would not hurt. Just look at japonaise, they are perfect example of changing some aspects to their culture yet retaining there identity.

Anyways back to my text book, 3 more years of engineering hell to go
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May be you are hearing voices in your head. Try Clonazepam and Lorazepam. It will help you. :D

Ever wondered if they (assuming they exist) say these things to get accepted in the Pakistan. After all who speaks bad about India is considered as brother. :enjoy:

Say what things? I haven't even talked about the Hindu community. I specifically stated that they could talk about their condition better and explain their problems. I was asking why a Muslim isn't saying he is treated fairly in India and there is no bias. Why are people of other faiths having to speak on his behalf?
Dude, pls be serious. Some shivsena dude - a politician - during a public tiff between the two regarding selection of pakistani players for IPL - telling shahrukh to go to pakistan is NOT a violation of shahrukh's rights. Its a below the belt jibe, yes, but I'm sure you are intelligent enough to know that shahrukh has all his rights intact and not only because ''he does puja''.

They have problem with one politician saying some non-sense to Shahrukh but what happens to Muhajirs in Pakistan? They are called Indians and asked to go back to India even today and this is what one Pakistani Muslim does to another Pakistani Muslim. The same thing they did with Bangladeshis which resulted in their divorce with them.

Now can that be called rights violation? Majority of population of Pakistan do not consider them Pakistani and called them Muhajirs. TBH, that does not sound like most amazing thing for them to hear on a daily basis.. That's blatant discrimination, racism and violation of their rights as Pakistani.. This happens to Muslims and now just imagine what minority would be facing there?
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