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Shahrukh Khan exposes Indian secularism

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I believe he is very emotional. He even gets angry at other people who try to discuss India. But you should stop provoking him too!!
Dude, you gossip and bit*h a lot. :lol:
Its not a fatwa moron

It even says in the Quran that whichever Muslim marries a non-Muslim is not considered a Muslim anymore

Anyways he wasnt even a Muslim before he married the Hindu because Sharukh STILL worships hindu gods in movies

I don't care if he is a Muslim or Hindu. All I care about is .....if he is a good human being.
Lolzz... Completely silent now on the matter

What matter? Yeah I did, and I will do it again if some Pakistani thinks he can get away with insulting another religion. Say something insulting about another religion and the pics come out :tup:
When Pakistanis open threads like this, it makes me wonder: Is there even a single Pakistani that actually knows what the word what Secularism means?

On topic:
There are many Muslims in India (the Ji-ha-di $cum type like MIM) who do not deserve to live in India and should move to another country, whether Pakistan or Saudi is their choice. But Shah Rukh Khan sure as hell aint one of them.

Its not us, but your hindus suggesting Shahrukh Khan 'should go back to Pakistan'.
Stop blaming us and apna keechar khudee samhalo. :police:
By your logic every survey is worthless as it does not survey the entire population.

Its just an insight into the Pakistani mindset.

Feel free not to accept, though the recent events do point out that the survey results indeed have some merit.

Well depends on where you survey.

For example, in the United States the majority of Americans said they were fed up of Obama in a recent survey

Guess who got the most popular votes & the electoral votes?
I know that's why i am saying its wrong to count opinions of 100 or 200 people as 40/50 percent of PakistanThis is the main flaws in such surveys
The sample size of 1450 people. I have given the link

But wait a minute, aren't you guys generalizing entire India of 1.2 billion people over interview of JUST 1 Indian ?

Is 1 Indian Muslim actor = 1450 Pakistani Muslims ?

Don't you think you just mocked at entire thread's purpose. :D
Its not us, but your hindus suggesting Shahrukh Khan 'should go back to Pakistan'.
Apna keechar khudee samhalo. :police:

I am specifically talking about the title. Do you know what secularism means? Because I am 100% sure you dont, going yb thread title...

And if you dont know the meaning of a word, why expose your ignorance by using the word you have no idea about...
Accelerating Household Income in India
Average household disposable income
(thousands, Indian rupees, 2000)


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Your living in india and you don't understand the severity of problem, your growth can be much higher if you start tackling the core issues, mortality rates are still too high and i don't see the urgency in contrast to the amount that the local NGOs here in canada fundraise regularly. You can live in delusion or face the reality, the amount of money indie spends on defence and its sad that pakistan does too, when you guys do not even tackle the problem of excessive poverty, mortality rates and lack of availability when it comes to contraceptives.

If you don't understand the urgency : 330000 children dieing of malnutrition , source pg 5 in the world bank report.
What matter? Yeah I did, and I will do it again if some Pakistani thinks he can get away with insulting another religion. Say something insulting about another religion and the pics come out :tup:

Oh wow Im so scared!!!

Btw just remember you are on a Muslim majoirty forum

And anti Islam stuff will not be tolerated and Muslims can post 10x worst stuff about Hinduism after that

Dont cry then

Please leave this forum and go to your forum if you wanna insult Islam cause I may hurt your feelings & Ill be ashamed to talk to any Hindus at my job next morning

(Btw ur a fagot)
Oh wow Im so scared!!!

Btw just remember you are on a Muslim majoirty forum

And anti Islam stuff will not be tolerated and Muslims can post 10x worst stuff about Hinduism after that

Dont cry then

Please leave this forum and go to your forum if you wanna insult Islam cause I may hurt your feelings & Ill be ashamed to talk to any Hindus at my job next morning

(Btw ur a fagot)

I will do whatever I please fag. Thanks for the warning but no thanks...
Dude, you gossip and bit*h a lot. :lol:

See this is your problem, ready to fight everyone. You are talking about icewolf but you misuse your position to swear at others openly.

I wasn't even commenting much on India because of your sensitivity even though I have right because you are occupying my Lucknow which our family members here in Pak call chota Pakistan. I am surely going to get attached to the place but even I am trying to end that link to strengthen position in Pakistan and look at problems here. How are you posting statistics about what will happen in 2030 and that also only if growth remains constant which rarely happens?
The thing is even here in canada we are being constantly self critical of ours and our governments action, on the other hand our americanne friends are always #1 and look at the mess they have gotten themselves into. I think being self-critical is important before sensitizing others and believe me pakistan even with all its problem is doing better. You guys do not have malnutrition problems in contrast to indie does, but still continue being self-critical and i promise you pakistan will do good in future.

Pakistan facing acute malnutrition: WHO

UNICEF combats malnutrition in Pakistan with EU support
The support comes at a critical time as nutrition is a key concern in Pakistan, where up to 10 million children suffer of malnutrition. Nearly 3.5 million children are hit by acute malnutrition, and another 1.4 million by severe acute malnutrition, weakening their immune system and often causing death

I will do whatever I please fag. Thanks for the warning but no thanks...

Then goodbye off this forum :wave:

This besharmi & bathameezi infront of your previous masters will not be tolerated.

You were a slave, you will remain a slave.
I know that's why i am saying its wrong to count opinions of 100 or 200 people as 40/50 percent of Pakistan

This is the main flaws in such surveys

Its all depends on the method of such polls.If you do good sampling of the population you can get very accurate results.
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