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Sex education in schools should be banned, Union health minister Harsh Vardhan says

And you dont want them to have any kind of sex ed, right? What about all the other kids in their school, or their cities, what about the 12 and 14 year old kids who dropped out of school? they dont deserve to know about the horrors of STD's on consequences of teen pregnancy, right?

No, I don't want them to have any kind of sex ed. The elder one used to get pissed off with boyfriend/girlfriend stuff in the cartoons or serials she used to watch, Winx Club and later on Hannah Montana. A few months ago, she brought one of her friend to have a talk with me cause her friend had been getting ideas of running away with boyfriend and my niece wanted me to drill some sense into that girl.

How many drop outs do you come across? How about those kids who drop out in 1st or 2nd std, what about them, do you want to talk about sex to them too? You do know that premarital sex is rare in India and 12-14 year-olds do not as a rule go bed hopping, right? How many unmarried teen pregnancies do you come across in India? How many schools in India have creches attached to them with children coming to school with their children?

You need to understand that how much ever you wish it to be, India is not USA, and the societal conditions are very, very different here.
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No, I don't want them to have any kind of sex ed. The elder one used to get pissed off with boyfriend/girlfriend stuff in the cartoons or serials she used to watch, Winx Club and later on Hannah Montana. A few months ago, she brought one of her friend to have a talk with me cause her friend had been getting ideas of running away with boyfriend and my niece wanted me to drill some sense into that girl.

How many drop outs do you come across? How about those kids who drop out in 1st or 2nd std, what about them, do you want to talk about sex to them too? You do know that premarital sex is rare in India and 12-14 years do not as a rule go bed hopping, right? How many unmarried teen pregnancies do you come across in India? How many schools in India have creches attached to them with children coming to school with their children?

You need to understand that how much ever you wish it to be, India is not USA, and the societal conditions are very, very different here.
ok then, good for you, the minister agrees to your train of thought, I am wrong, i respectfully withdraw my argument.

As per the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2012, 96.5% of all rural children between the ages of 6-14 were enrolled in school. This is the fourth annual survey to report enrollment above 96%. 83% of all rural 15-16-year old were enrolled in school.
So an estimated 13.5% of children in rural india drop out from school after the age of 14. Guess how many dropouts would that make?
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Basic sex education should be made compulsory.
But curriculum should be passed countries education board.
But in early age recognising a child as lesbian, gay and trans is bad.
Lesbian and gay theory is not supported by darwins law of natural selection.
Juli the Hollywood star married to a man and also indulged in homosexuality
ok then, good for you, the minister agrees to you train of thought, I am wrong, i respectfully withdraw my argument.
Look if you want sex education on western way you are welcome But understand the Indian mindset is different if off course you say metro genartion of today wants it but what about the rural mindset which is in majority consists 80% percent of the Indian society you can't neglect there though s for some Liberals wishes. sorry yes sex education nessary but with cultural values of the society please study the universal defination of sex education according to Unicef.
Look if you want sex education on western way you are welcome But understand the Indian mindset is different if off course you say metro genartion of today wants it but what about the rural mindset which is in majority consists 80% percent of the Indian society you can't neglect there though s for some Liberals wishes. sorry yes sex education nessary but with cultural values of the society please study the universal defination of sex education according to Unicef.
I never asked to teach kamasutra in schools, We were taught about Sexually transmitted diseases, sexual reproduction and social aspects of pre marital sex and pregnancy in school in India. We turned out pretty good. Most of my class mates are entrepreneurs, managers , engineers and doctors and did well in their lives most have gotten married, some have kids. Sex Ed did not negatively affect us, if anything it provided a grave concern which overcame raging hormones from time to time.

Educating about STD's and teen pregnancy is cogent safety in this day and age where kids will any how find about this from the internet. But this is my view, and if rest of nation disagrees, then there mus be some flaw in my reasoning.
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I never asked to teach kamasutra in schools, We were taught Sexually transmitted diseases, sexual reproduction and social aspects of pre marital sex in school in India. We turned out pretty good. Most of my class mates are entrepreneurs, managers , engineers and doctors and did well in thier live most have gotten married, some have kids. Sex Ed did not negatively affected us, if anything it provided a grave concern which overcame raging hormones from time to time.

Educating about STD's and teen pregnancy is cogent safety in this day and age where kids will any how find about this from the internet. But this is my view, and if rest of nation disagrees, then there mus be some flaw in my reasoning.
Sir I'm to favour of sex education but not compromise are cultural values for it yes the minister I wrong here I support that schools are only place we can Learn this but or it we should make are teacher's broadminded Hence it's not possible to educate child through parents our culture mindset not permits Us maybe metro parents not expect it from Rural india specialy minorities.Look western culture and India culture are two parallel lines which we can't meet and we should not also try it specialy liberals .Our are family values and culture is great in its on sense but yes it need some modification with time.gita says it change is needed for as time changes
Sir I'm to favour of sex education but not compromise are cultural values for it yes the minister I wrong here I support that schools are only place we can Learn this but or it we should make are teacher's broadminded Hence it's not possible to educate child through parents our culture mindset not permits Us maybe metro parents not expect it from Rural india specialy minorities.Look western culture and India culture are two parallel lines which we can't meet and we should not also try it specialy liberals .Our are family values and culture is great in its on sense but yes it need some modification with time.gita says it change is needed for as time changes
This is what I am failing to understand, We here are assuming that sex education will compromise cultural values, There is nothing in our culture that restricts us in teaching and spreading awareness about STD's etc that I know of... Even syllabus for philosophy classes are wrt Indian cultural values, we learn history, most part of it w.r.t Indian perspective, I dont see why sex ed has to be any different. Sex ed is not for promoting sexual activity.
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This is what I am failing to understand, We here are assuming that sex education will compromise cultural values, There is nothing in our culture that restricts us in teaching and spreading awareness about STD's etc that I know of... Even syllabus philosophy classes in Indian cultural values, we learn history, most part of it w.r.t Indian perspective, I dont see why sex ed has to be any different. Sex ed is not for promoting sexual activity.
Well may it is with word "Sex" people not accept this word as it is .It's with the mindset i think we should change this word to moral teaching as it is presently the most appropriate thing to do so you will see as the time will pass and the next generation takes over it will be automatically take it's place in the society.
Well may it is with word "Sex" people not accept this word as it is .It's with the mindset i think we should change this word to moral teaching as it is presently the most appropriate thing to do so you will see as the time will pass and the next generation takes over it will be automatically take it's place in the society.
Do you see my point now? it's all about semantics, every person on the thread who is opposed to sex education is doing so out of prejudice, and not the reality.
Rename sex education to abstinence education... and keep the content same...
amazed to see such stone age minds on this thread. When will my country get rid of such people? they shame me

Sex education must be made compulsory in schools and as far as i remember, it is in CBSE, when I was in class X, we had a chapter on it in biology

are you a native of Mauritius native moved to India? :)
And what if the teenager decides to have to sex before he receives adequate education? What if the youth drops out of the school at 16?

I ask you a counter question. What used to happened when Girls were not sent to school and most of the boys were not taking full school education?

Please understand how HIV spreads.

HIV came from the society where the sex education is given in a school.
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Wow, now that is a very strong argument, a few women warriors and leaders prove women empowerment in 5000 year history. As I said you are just trying to obfuscate the ground reality of majority of women are placed in a patriarchial society, in majority of India. Even for a minute if we ignore the reality, even statistically you are on pretty weak grounds propping the female figure heads.
Just because you want your children to do shut their ears and eyes to everyday happenings around them, doesn't mean the whole nation needs to encounter such state. The fact of the matter is, children should get sex education, they need to be aware of STD's and be safe if they do decide to engage in sexual activities. Now if your children based on your teachings have high degree of morality and do not indulge in sexual activities, then good for them.... but for others who do decide, the state should ensure that they know the of the consequences well ahead of time. You dont wear a crash helmet because you plan to crash, you do because you want to get out a crash alive if you have one.
We dont live in medieval ages anymore , society is never stays static, It's better to equip the youth for the challenges ahead of them, than sheltering them from the inevitable.

Do you have statistics for marginalization of woman for the last 5000 years in India with you? If not, your argument is even weaker than mine. Reality is not that which Marxists produced in the communist laboratory of WB. Maybe it is time you started looking for sources elsewhere too.

It is your viewpoint which is a minority viewpoint. India remains largely tradition. Just because you grew up on a diet of sex (education) in your home does not mean that other children should be brought up likewise.

Also you have yet to provide statistics for your claim that sex education prevents STDs. You should also know that most developed countries with sex education have the highest number of people with STDs. You need look no further than your country of residence where more than 1/3rd the population suffers from STDs. Are you saying that these Americans did not have sex education?

No I do not want the state interfering in the matters of how my child is to be brought up, neither do most Indians. Any morality lecture should and would come from the family.

Do you smoke? Have warnings against smoking stopped you from smoking?

As per the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2012, 96.5% of all rural children between the ages of 6-14 were enrolled in school. This is the fourth annual survey to report enrollment above 96%. 83% of all rural 15-16-year old were enrolled in school.
So an estimated 13.5% of children in rural india drop out from school after the age of 14. Guess how many dropouts would that make?

You think the moment these 13.5% drop out from school after the age of 14, they go seeking sexual liaisons? Most of these children are from even more rigidly traditional families, e.g Muslims. Quite a few of them get married too by the time they are 16-17. So their sexual education begins within matrimony with mostly a monogamous spouse. Of course now you would look down at marriages as something disgusting and primitive while sexual experimenting as something modern and desirable.
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Do you have statistics for marginalization of woman for the last 5000 years in India with you? If not, your argument is even weaker than mine. Reality is not that which Marxists produced in the communist laboratory of WB. Maybe it is time you started looking for sources elsewhere too.

It is your viewpoint which is a minority viewpoint. India remains largely tradition. Just because you grew up on a diet of sex (education) in your home does not mean that other children should be brought up likewise.

Also you have yet to provide statistics for your claim that sex education prevents STDs. You should also know that most developed countries with sex education have the highest number of people with STDs. You need look no further than your country of residence where more than 1/3rd the population suffers from STDs. Are you saying that these Americans did not have sex education?

No I do not want the state interfering in the matters of how my child is to be brought up, neither do most Indians. Any morality lecture should and would come from the family.

Do you smoke? Have warnings against smoking stopped you from smoking?

You think the moment these 13.5% drop out from school after the age of 14, they go seeking sexual liaisons? Most of these children are from even more rigidly traditional families, e.g Muslims. Quite a few of them get married too by the time they are 16-17. So their sexual education begins within matrimony with mostly a monogamous spouse. Of course now you would look down at marriages as something disgusting and primitive while sexual experimenting as something modern and desirable.

There is no marginalization of women in india according to you. Great then! Onus is on your argument as you proposed the magnanimity of women warriors and leaders representing the exceptional track record of gender equality in India. Now if you go propose this to any "sane" women in India there sentiment will obliterate your argument

you imply sex education doesn't will not prevent STD's, do you the about the advent of STd's especially Hiv? if you are sure no sex ed is the best way to go, then good luck.

you don't want state to interfere with your child's education then home school them.

Most drop outs are muslims according to you...... Wow

"begin sex education with your spouse"... best of luck with that....

I ask you a counter question. What used to happened when Girls were not sent to school and most of the boys were not taking full school education?
State can control syllabus, not what happens in your household.

HIV came from the society where the sex education is given in a school.
So did every medical vaccine you know of that exists

Just because you grew up on a diet of sex (education) in your home does not mean that other children should be brought up likewise.
I grew up in an educated family with progressive values, and we had sex education in our school. I would appreciate if you do not make snide remarks on my upbringing, as i haven't made any such on yours.
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i see that ppl here dont have any idea about what's taught in sex education class,,,,,,,,rest assured its not kamasutra:p:
very very bad move unless we want our society to regress into a medieval system like pakistanis.
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