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Seven Pakistan Army soldiers killed in cross-border firing across LoC

you are right to an extent....

but will our traitors also be ever punished? do we really deserve them? have we gotten so low as a nation really to deserve them?

why have our security instituitions become so impotent tht anyone can get away with treason in Pakistan? why have our politicians been emboldened enough...tht they know tht they cant be punished? its the silence of our security instituitions tht is more hurting and disappointing....
the answer to your questions is "yes" . we are corrupt at every level. there is no merit in any institute. just look at recently appointed governor sindh. every individual tries to fraud the other one and become rich asap. our education is for degree and job. no grooming at all. religious scholars of today fit the description in a hadith "the worst people on the earth will be the scholars of islam". there is absolutely no justice in society. ladies are being killed in the name of honor while others roam around semi nude depicting "soft image" of pak. our media people wear hijab and topi in ramzan and vulgar dresses rest of the year. a large faction can slaughter the other in the name of Allah. sectarianism is on the rise. we fit the description of bani israel and exactly following their traits we expect glory. we have only two ways either make taubah or get ready for the ultimate punishment.
it is just a propaganda . i admit coas in pak has authority but PM has very important job to do.he is representative of a country at international level . nawaz is weak, corrupt and under confident. he was unable to have an eye to eye contact with the audience at the UNGA. modi also has rich history of doing some comedies at many occasions but at least your army trusts him.

Our army was loyalty has trust from whoever is the elected goverment Congree,BJP or any political party,doesnot matter.
Our army does not involve in day to day running of country and we dont have any army rule or coup since independence.
Its in my post,they will when they will get the maximum out of it,for politicians getting elected is everything.you can expect that released just before elections.

I doubt he will release,becoz he dont want that they knw our SF tactics and strategy.
he will forgo the election benefit for that,true leader.
How many Michaels, Ram, Gurmeets have exploded themselves to kill in your country? They are your people only, stop blaming India and set your house in order first. If RAW has thrown in some money that is because people are up for sale there. It just reactive approach to your funding terrorists/separatists with fake Indian currency. It's laughable if you believe there is some freedom fight is going on in Kashmir. Since last 4 days after currency demonetization, there is pin drop silence in Kasmir, lol! It was just a matter of time before India decides to pay back... if you want it to stop then initiator has to do take the initiative.

First read my post again. Then read your post.

Then realize that your post has no connection with my post that you answered to.
Since last 4 days after currency demonetization, there is pin drop silence in Kasmir, lol!

if those freedom fighters are nothing but just a bunch of "sell outs" than why didn't India just pay them higher than what Pakistan was paying them and ta da no insurgency in the entire Kashmir...peace achieved forever
I mean surely u guys have money since u guys harp about it so much every single day. So there u go, easy solution. Why blind those poor children with pellet guns?
In fact u don't even have to spend extra money on those "sell outs". The cost of keeping a huge military presence and curfews and all is much higher than if u were to just flat out pay those "sell outs" instead to keep calm. That's some nice savings.
Now u must be thinking why didn't this thought cross my baniya mind or someone else's in this hugely populated country. Well that's bcuz there is no such thing as Pakistan paying them. It's utter BS

This is Azadi train of Pakistani showing solidarity with a terrorist who was responsible for killings of security personnel. Do we need any other proof of Pakistan's involvement.

Same terrorist is revered by people of Kashmir. You had to impose curfew for 70+ days to quell uprising after his death.
More than 7 bodies on Indian side will fall.. and killers and getting killed wouldn't even have an idea that none of their leaders give a damn to their deaths.

On Indian side, Butcher Modi is responsible but on Pakistan's side, a b!tch corrupt PM is letting it happen because army may feel pain for it. God d@mn them both and forever so!
This madness is continued since decades on both sides where mutris and gunjas are doing politics of dead bodies.

none of us knows what is the plight of families of those soldiers who are killed daily on both sides.

I remember an officer who fought Kargil war and he was at the Tiger hill, telling me how our soldiers found a letter of an Indian soldiers who wrote his son that he would come home soon and pay his school fee and bring new cloths. The officer was teary and feeling sad for the indian soldier. Similar stories are found on our side.

At times I wish for a bigger power to occupy entire Kashmir and get us rid of losing lives on both sides.

India Pakistan do not deserve it
This will continue until Kashmir issue is resolved and soon India will loose hundreds of its soldiers. Revenge of these 7 soldiers would be taken and it would be ruthless
This is wrong reporting .

All these 4500 deaths were the total loss of Indian army in J&K since 1980s Kashmir insurgency days to till now including those who died in kagil war and at Siachen .

Include deaths of 1965 and 1971 war too in these 4500 dead.

You really think only 4500 soldiers died since 1980 including Siachen and Kargil war??? :rofl:
Same terrorist is revered by people of Kashmir. You had to impose curfew for 70+ days to quell uprising after his death.
Its not good,i will never termed your terrorist as a freedom fighter,how will you feel if i say people behind quetta attackers are freedom fighter.
Let there be some sanity.
Its not good,i will never termed your terrorist as a freedom fighter,how will you feel if i say people behind quetta attackers are freedom fighter.
Let there be some sanity.

You are already hosting terrorists in your capital. What more do you want??
This is wrong reporting .

All these 4500 deaths were the total loss of Indian army in J&K since 1980s Kashmir insurgency days to till now including those who died in kagil war and at Siachen .
Hi new troll... It is since 2001 check report and I am reporting you for starting irrelevant trolling...
This is wrong reporting .

All these 4500 deaths were the total loss of Indian army in J&K since 1980s Kashmir insurgency days to till now including those who died in kagil war and at Siachen .

No, you are wrong. 4500 deaths were the total loss of Indian army since 1947.

Can't you read your own source properly?
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