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Seven Pakistan Army soldiers killed in cross-border firing across LoC

Sir,very sane post i completely agree with you.

Lets start with stopping cross border terrorsim and handing us Hfeez Sayeed and Dawood Ibrahim as a souvenir to us.

Why don't you hand over your Modi ;) he is wanted in Pakistan also

Register FIR against Modi for destabilising Balochistan, ex-interior minister urges govt8-)
Are you sure India never sponsored TERRORISM?

Damn sure!! LTTE was not an Indian creation, it was influenced by India to break the US-SL nexus at the height of cold war as we were aligned with USSR then. We did not let it bite the world, we suppressed it along with SL.

In fact the very first suicide bombers in the world namely LTTE walas were trained and sponsored directly by India against Sri Lanka.


As far as Taliban creation indeed it was not India rather it was the work of more powerful CIA along with ISI.

So stay calm nobody is blaming you for that brand.

Take the pride, nobody wants a pie out from it.
RIP to soldiers,
You c you agreed now that you are sponsoring cross border terrorism and terorrist cross the LOC with full support of PA.

I am just reporting what Indian official position is.

Where is the agreement?
Don't you say these militants have full support and backing of Pakistan army.

Anyways. 14 are dead. 1 captured till today.
Using your logic, Pakistan claims India supports TTP & Baloch rebels, so we should count the four Pakistani soldiers killed two days back in incidents in Waziristan and Orakzai and Khyber in the tally.
india has huge advantage here. they trust their PM while on the other hand pak is at serious disadvantage. our PM is indian. he is a businessman who has business all over the world including india. he cant do anything because his empire will get adversely affected . PA is committed on both eastern and western borders. 99% of our political leaders have the ability to sell their mothers if they have to for their political gains and they get support of the gen public. we need a leader on urgent basis but probably we wont get him as we dont deserve . jaisi qaum wasay leader.
Sir,Completely agree with your post,However i believe this madness at border should stop.
poor soldiers from both side are getting died for the ambition of our politician and your army .
Looks like ISPR was forced to release these casualties cause 7 in a single day would ve been hard to cover up. The casualties of the previous days of 1 or 2 a day wont be released. Unfortunately this viscous cycle will continue with no clear objective. No one gets to win this type of conflict both sides are at loss. RIP to the PA soldiers.
Fighting for the country and countrymen is a reason enough to fight for us, no matter how long it takes or how many martyrs are made.
Using your losing, Pakistan claims India supports TTP & Baloch rebels, so we should count the four Pakistani soldiers killed two days back in incidents in Waziristan and Orakzai and Khyber in the tally.

You can include anyone you want to. Anyone dying in border with Pakistan is our kill. We don't say TTP consists of Indian soldiers. You say BAT consist of Pakistani soldiers.

We don't believe in your spins. WE don't even believe or accept that militants work across LOC.
Sir,Completely agree with your post,However i believe this madness at border should stop.
poor soldiers from both side are getting died for the ambition of our politician and your army .
at least modi and nawaz are doing good siyasat here.
I am quoting to your previous post,please check may be in emotion you have posted.

I quoted your army and your government position who say that BAT who kill your soldiers are actually guys from SSG and not some irregular militant organization
india has huge advantage here. they trust their PM while on the other hand pak is at serious disadvantage. our PM is indian. he is a businessman who has business all over the world including india. he cant do anything because his empire will get adversely affected . PA is committed on both eastern and western borders. 99% of our political leaders have the ability to sell their mothers if they have to for their political gains and they get support of the gen public. we need a leader on urgent basis but probably we wont get him as we dont deserve . jaisi qaum wasay leader.

true.... our PM is a security threat.... this is the reason, I wanted PA to act on security breach issue.... by not doing anything and accepting the toothless committee to investigate dawn leaks, our security instituitions have given the message, tht anyone can get away with treason in pak..its no big deal..in future, again, ppl can try this...

and the bigger comedy will be PM chairing National security meeting again on tensions with India.....we might be witnessing this comedy in few days ahead, while our sensitive institutions will again be briefing the same PM, who is an accused in dawn leaks
Listen hammer head, first work out how many losses average each month and then think how many were ever actually admitted.....your wishlist will come true.

Over 4,500 soldiers killed along LoC in Pak firing since 2001: Army


This is approx. one soldier per day on average! Amazing. But there must be peaceful times in the last fifteen years. I think only two to three years can be considered as the timeline when 4500 actually lost their dear lives.
I hope this will be enough to ruin your mental masturbation about 1971. :lol:

I ain't received anything. If its a video, I cant see it on my mobile now. I'll reply to it post checking out in the evening. Besides, I dont believe its even remotely close to the 90,000 POW's we captured.
lolz.. Do you seriously believe that IA could resist the temptation of releasing the footage if it has one?
In India army dsnt deside unlike Pakistan,politicians will deside when to release ,thats is when they can get the maximum milage politically.
at least modi and nawaz are doing good siyasat here.
In our case its PM Modi,but in your case all power rested to Raheel Sharif,going to retire on 29 nov,hope not escalating the border situation to get extension.

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