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Seven Pakistan Army soldiers killed in cross-border firing across LoC

Don't you say these militants have full support and backing of Pakistan army.

Anyways. 14 are dead. 1 captured till today.
RIP to soldiers,
You c you agreed now that you are sponsoring cross border terrorism and terorrist cross the LOC with full support of PA.
I wish we could get a statement (and cutting off of diplomatic relations) from our civ/mil leadership and not just the standard (and quite irritating at this stage) "responded befittingly" ISPR tweet.
I know disrespecting our soldiers is a national policy in India.... but atleast..do tht in house.... while coming on Pakistan forum and doing tht..is height of shamelessness.... but then we should expect no different from you

It has never been so. We even performed last rituals in full military honors for your fallen soldiers in Kargil, when your own country denied accepting their bodies for reasons you know why.
India declared Pakistan a terror state in many conferences. Still, the Pakistani response has been - Nothing.

India is a terrorist state herself so it does not carry any value if a terrorist state declare us the same.

It is like talking to oneself or talking to and discussing with walls just like those Indians on Indian forums where all day they just speak against Pakistan
Without any Indian casualty no response is exeptable. Kill 14 Indian soldiers and show the world 1 Pakistani soldier equivalent to 10 Indian soldier.
I think there is some problem in Math,to consider the ratio 1 : 10 you need to kill atleast 70 to compensate 7 announced.
Who are the actors in that footage? I hope Indians haven't casted old heroes of Bollywood again.

If it would ever be released, it will be backed up with satellite & drone imagery and evidences collected from the operation site that can't be debunked. As of now, GOI has no issues with Avg Pakistani holding their heads high & Avg Indian satisfied that Uri has been avenged.
I know disrespecting our soldiers is a national policy in India.... but atleast..do tht in house.... while coming on Pakistan forum and doing tht..is height of shamelessness.... but then we should expect no different from you

Where did I disrespect your soldiers? The whole point of being on a forum is to know the view point from another view and learn from that. The owners of this very forum have stated that this is an international forum and people come here to exchange view points. Ask the admin here to ban Indian instead of blubbering cr@p. On topic Indian ambassador summoned by Pakistan
Well you are an officially recognized country and being a signatory of WTO, not much could be done with the trade besides, how has it even improved your economy? . As far as Monkey's and Donkey's, we have caught quite a lot from your end too, not to say the Mass POW's from 1971.
LOL the indian mind. Programmed to return to 1971 after a certain point in a debate. Not your fault but may be you were not told we also had Indian POW's in 1971.
May Allah protect our army. Ameen, So sad to hear this.
Revenge would be taken and India will soon loose several soldiers. We would pay them back with interest

This madness is continued since decades on both sides where mutris and gunjas are doing politics of dead bodies.

none of us knows what is the plight of families of those soldiers who are killed daily on both sides.

I remember an officer who fought Kargil war and he was at the Tiger hill, telling me how our soldiers found a letter of an Indian soldiers who wrote his son that he would come home soon and pay his school fee and bring new cloths. The officer was teary and feeling sad for the indian soldier. Similar stories are found on our side.

At times I wish for a bigger power to occupy entire Kashmir and get us rid of losing lives on both sides.

India Pakistan do not deserve it
May ALLAH accept their sacrifice their revenge would be taken just like those two soldiers who were martyred in cross border firing which Indian claimed to be surgical strike was avenged by killing 14 Indian soldiers.

Why bringing religion here?? Which god feel happy after death of human??? Keep your religion at your home , This fight is not for religion..

Next time act well and stop brining God every where.
India is a terrorist state herself so it does not carry any value if a terrorist state declare us the same.

It is like talking to oneself or talking to and discussing with walls just like those Indians on Indian forums where all day they just speak against Pakistan

How are we a terrorist state? We never sponsor terrorism, Osama was not caught from our soil, its not India's name that comes up whenever or wherever a terrorist attack happens, Its not India that created Taliban.

LOL the indian mind. Programmed to return to 1971 after a certain point in a debate. Not your fault but may be you were not told we also had Indian POW's in 1971.

Does it hurt when I bring up 71? How much POW and why, when it was you who signed the instrument of surrender!! o_O
India is a terrorist state herself so it does not carry any value if a terrorist state declare us the same.

Bro, I want some of the shit that you smoke:crazy:. Looks like not Indian news channels but you have banned whole international media or you are lost on some remote island and completely cut off from rest of world.
I pray to God that your source is credible and has good report...The bold part in your post is too good to bear...Fucking amazing and so quick justice was done here if this is true...

Hope the smell of blood of these poor souls reaches to New Delhi and Modi smells it....Army guys and civilians who were hit by Indians will definitely like that smell...

Unlike the Indians, PA never makes daily tall claims of so many enemy soldiers killed or so many posts destroyed.
Albeit India denied any losses on 29th September, however then the PA did claim some half a dozen Indian soldiers killed....and hey presto, see how the Indians have been admitting to almost one loss daily.
The idiots who think that Pakistan hides it's casualties should keep their eyes open over the next coming weeks.

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