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Seven Pakistan Army soldiers killed in cross-border firing across LoC

This madness should stop. India and Pakistan should observe 2003 ceasefire agreement. Scores of civilians and forces on both side are dying for no cause.

Thank you. This was refreshing from across the border.
See man.. Pakistan will be the eventual loser both economically and militarily as India is much richer and stronger than pakistan..it is stupid and nonsensical for pakistan to have enmity with India.
Tomorrow if India and The US go to a war ,we Indians will put pressure on the govt to negotiate it peacefully as india will be the loser in that case(I just gave a hypothesis situation which doesn't going to happen ).

If you really love pakistan and it's people ,you would feel depressed at this moment as pakistan army is provoking India which is very bad for pakistans stability and economy.

One more thing you need to remember is,the person who say on the PM chair of India is a hardcore nationalist and patriot of India..if you think you can get away by doing as you please like in the Congress era,then you are mistaken..the long term loss of pakistan because of its enmity with India would cost it so severely that there won't be any difference between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

We have built up a arsenal of nuclear and conventional weaponry to take care of india

We are a nation of 200 million armed to the teeth

Once Kashmir was occupied war and hostility were guranteed
Looks like ISPR was forced to release these casualties cause 7 in a single day would ve been hard to cover up. The casualties of the previous days of 1 or 2 a day wont be released. Unfortunately this viscous cycle will continue with no clear objective. No one gets to win this type of conflict both sides are at loss. RIP to the PA soldiers.

There is no cover up. Here our martyred soldiers are buried with full official protocol in the presence of lenses and flashes of media . Earlier dozens and dozens of civilian villagers have been killed by Indian firing at LoC and we daily reported that.

Since now the soldiers suffered casualties we also reported this.
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There is no point of all this hoopla along LOC since last 45 days if nothing has happened... We have no intent of hurting ego of Pakistani citizens or your army, GOI is just waiting for right opportunity to release footage, hold on:-).

The fact we have to hold on is the proof you need in of itself
There is no point of all this hoopla along LOC since last 45 days if nothing has happened... We have no intent of hurting ego of Pakistani citizens or your army, GOI is just waiting for right opportunity to release footage, hold on:-).

Who are the actors in that footage? I hope Indians haven't casted old heroes of Bollywood again.
See man.. Pakistan will be the eventual loser both economically and militarily as India is much richer and stronger than pakistan..it is stupid and nonsensical for pakistan to have enmity with India.

U acted like jerk, again? This pathetic argument of yours is just coming from your nationalist mind who can't think except India is shupa powa and everything revolves around India...??? So u're saying Pakistan becomes Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka who can't even sneeze unless India allows so? Pakistan has corrected its path now...CPEC has begun...Your this argument that India is economically stronger and richer so Pakistan, not having parity, can't fight or have enmity with India???? If you're saying this then you really don't know about us....Know your enemy b4 taking your horse towards him....

Tomorrow if India and The US go to a war ,we Indians will put pressure on the govt to negotiate it peacefully as india will be the loser in that case(I just gave a hypothesis situation which doesn't going to happen ).

US vs India and Pakistan vs India.......and you're comparing it by placing India as US ? Since when India becomes US or even close to it? are u out of your mind?

If you really love pakistan and it's people ,you would feel depressed at this moment as pakistan army is provoking India which is very bad for pakistans stability and economy.

If you really love india and it's people ,you would feel depressed at this moment as indian army is provoking Pakistan which is very bad for india's stability and economy

One more thing you need to remember is,the person who is on the PM chair of India is a hardcore nationalist and patriot of India..if you think you can get away by doing as you please like in the Congress era,then you are mistaken..the long term loss of pakistan because of its enmity with India would cost it so severely thay here won't be any difference between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

One more thing you need to remember is, the NATION with whom you are trying to play with may look weaker on paper but on ground we are as hard and solid as iron and titanium ..if you think you can get away by doing as you please like u did in previous months, then you are mistaken..the long term loss of india because of its enmity with Pakistan would cost it so severely that here won't be any difference between Afghanistan and India....

Suck it, bakht.....:)
The fact we have to hold on is the proof you need in of itself
Message has been long delivered to the people, it was not meant for. It was not for Avg Pakistani or Indian because none of them involved into terrorists activity so There is absolutely no obligation to release any proof whatsoever. However i sincerely believe that Modi Govt will chose to release some clips + Satellite Photo's to take advantage in upcoming elections in UP.
and u say this, while commenting on a PAKISTANI forum? Pakistanis should remain silent, while Indians can blabber all they want...and disrespect our soldiers? have some shame.... oh I forgot...u are an Indian

Is there a rule on PDF wherein Indians cannot contribute or air their opinion on PDF? I just aired something which has been spoken since the last few days in India
Who says? -Indians.
If we were that bad the world wouldn't be looking forward to trade with us. As far as proxies are concerned I would have posted the picture of your monkey caught in Balochistan who confessed to have been involved in terrorism in Pakistan, but he's not so easy on the eyes.

Well you are an officially recognized country and being a signatory of WTO, not much could be done with the trade besides, how has it even improved your economy? . As far as Monkey's and Donkey's, we have caught quite a lot from your end too, not to say the Mass POW's from 1971.
Master Yoda, me(I don't know what to say). Actually we can accuse each other for the whole day and nothing constructive will come out of it. It's a bloody madness and must stop. Just for fuel for thoughts, Modi is not fighting at the border he just gave free hand to Indian army which Pakistani army enjoyed from day 1.
Lol I called u Yoda bcuz u said "Utter Bullshit it is", the whole talking backwards is Yoda's signature style.
And yes while I agree the whole accusing back and forth would go on forever and this madness must be stopped.

The reason I mentioned Modi's policy is responsible for this is bcuz as u know this escalation started after Uri attack, which was blamed at Pakistan. My only complaint is that how easily Indians just accepted that it must be Pakistan's doing and therefore lets go to war BS.
1) Did anyone stop to consider that just maybe it was due to our unhappy citizens(Naxalites, Kashmiries, etc.)
2) Or if indeed those attackers were Pakistanies. Could it be that it was just some assholes who had no regard for human life and acted without Pakistan's help? In that case is it ok to try to punish a state bcuz of some asshole that happens to be from there? Bcuz remember there are plenty of assholes in India as well and every other nation on earth.
3) if it was definitely Pakistan bcuz there is "irrefutable evidence" to rule out the top 2 scenarios above why not take up the evidence to other countries(US, Russia, etc.) bcuz they have been inclining towards u in general(Russia historically, U.S. recently). They would eat it up like hot cakes and for sure join forces(sanctions, isolation, etc.) with u to punish Pakistan for that.

I haven't heard any Indian even consider any other possibility other than Pakistan is responsible. Not to mention this new culture of where they are bashed for being unpatriotic and are told to go to Pakistan if they happen to deviate from the goverment's position.

What Modi did is
Show no evidence.
Say Pakistan is behind it
Escalate tensions and show bravado of how he has truly unleashed India's power and that the previous government was cowardly.

U gotta admit that he used this at least to some extent to gain brownie points to ensure his reelection.

And before u accuse me of being blind due to nationalism. Let's analyze Pakistan's side of things
Why would Pakistan want to provoke India by something like an Uri attack while it is bogged down in an internal insurgency with committed troops/assets and India is widening the military capability gap, not to mention the economy? People on top(Pak government/military) would have to be utterly stupid to do such a thing.
Is there a rule on PDF wherein Indians cannot contribute or air their opinion on PDF? I just aired something which has been spoken since the last few days in India

I know disrespecting our soldiers is a national policy in India.... but atleast..do tht in house.... while coming on Pakistan forum and doing tht..is height of shamelessness.... but then we should expect no different from you
We lost 7 of ours dew to Indian Heavy Guns (Artillery) , As on LOC the way is we will fire back same what u fire , so now India use the big Guns now we will use The Big Guns , we lost 7 , IA will lose way more then that.

RIP To Our Shaheeds ,,:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

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