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Sergey Lavrov tells us Bucha massacre is staged

Direct and visual evidence of Russian Nazis murdering the cyclist in Bucha. The one we've seen in the Bucha videos in the street.

This is now undeniable.

If that cyclist was harmed I truly regret the incident but you can't pick out one without-context incident ( when is this from and from where really ? ) and expand it to say that the Russians have committed an all-out war crime. Could it not have been that the cyclist unwisely turned a blind corner without thinking and without audio warning that there might be soldiers round the corner ? US military and US mercenaries have committed countless such crimes.
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No, not a genocide. Population exchange. The russians can move to Russia.

I see. So you think NATO will dare to say to the world that the residents of Donbass have only two choices : Move to Russia or NATO will permit Zelensky to genocide them ?

And what about the Ukranian civilians who did not voice sufficient voice hatred against the Russians or dared to receive food and other emergency supplies from the Russians despite it being the Ukranian military not allowing humanitarian corridors and not delivering supplies to their own civilians ? What about the civilians harmed or angry because the Ukrainian military used civilian areas and facilities to fire from and keep military vehicles ? Should all these Ukrainian civilians also move to Russia ?
well 2 weeks ago i was in Turkey which corresponds to the same period this event took place and it was freezing like -7° degrees i think it was even colder in Ukraine.
It's relatively mild in the Ukraine for the time of year.
Ukraine should surrender to Russia and save its peoples life.

Zelensky was trying to be a celebrity on the grammys in the US whilst his country is literally at war :lol: Terrible leader, probably doesn't care all that much and happy with the attention.

Poland surrendered 1939 and the worst started after that. Ukarine must fight, they are winning. Constant flow of weapons is secured and now even heavy weapons arrive. Russia will be wiped out there.

The ear should also be brought to russian cities. Belgorod got a taste already.

Common sense tell people who have a brain that no aggessors would execute people in big number and have their bodies littering in the street so after they leave their enemies can use these hard evidence to accuse them of genocide, would you do this if you are Russians?

What's wrong with my suggestion that UN investigation team being sent ASAP?

What sense did it make for russia to rape and murder through eastern europe in 1945 up to 1955?

What we see in Butcha is what russian army always does. Tell me why this time, for first time ever, Russia should not murder, rape and pillage. Explain to me why this time they would not do their typical murders?

This is the standard Russian propaganda MO for just about everything.

Step 1: Deny anything happened Step 2: Admit something happened, but that it was the other side that did it Step 3 (Rarely used): Admit they did it, but accuse the West of historically doing similar things

When Nazi-Ukrainians can use MRLS from residential areas, what is to say they wouldn't kill people to garner support from the world. We live in a world of misinformation, which is essentially lies and the greatest proponents of lies is the West. Following this, those who support the West or want to join it, will use the same tactics of lies and deceit, like their Western masters.

Ukrainians have been hijacked by a President who is Jewish, and works under the thumb of Neo-Nazi groups that infest Ukraine. It wasn't Russia who claimed Saddam had WMD and destroyed a country with war and sanctions. Wasn't Russia either who decided that "Qaddafi must go" and then proceeded to use a fellow NATO member state (turkey) to infiltrate and proliferate terrorists to take down the leader of a sovereign state.

Ukraine has been effectively turned into another Syria, by the West. Congrats to all those who keep sucking the Western MSM's ball-sack!!
What you post next? Images of Mars? I dont care about Iraq. Not my people, not my business, Ukraine is Europe.

Oh is that so ?

Ever thought about which country's forum are you on ?

This is the place that Alexandar's armies couldn't conquer.
Oh is that so ?

Ever thought about which country's forum are you on ?

This is the place that Alexandar's armies couldn't conquer.

They did conquer it. King Porus became a vasall. But thats not the point.

This topic is about Ukraine, nothing else.

When Nazi-Ukrainians can use MRLS from residential areas, what is to say they wouldn't kill people to garner support from the world. We live in a world of misinformation, which is essentially lies and the greatest proponents of lies is the West. Following this, those who support the West or want to join it, will use the same tactics of lies and deceit, like their Western masters.

Ukrainians have been hijacked by a President who is Jewish, and works under the thumb of Neo-Nazi groups that infest Ukraine. It wasn't Russia who claimed Saddam had WMD and destroyed a country with war and sanctions. Wasn't Russia either who decided that "Qaddafi must go" and then proceeded to use a fellow NATO member state (turkey) to infiltrate and proliferate terrorists to take down the leader of a sovereign state.

Ukraine has been effectively turned into another Syria, by the West. Congrats to all those who keep sucking the Western MSM's ball-sack!!

No, Ukraine has become Russias tombstone. Russia never again will have the power to hurt its neighbors.
Oh is that so ?

Ever thought about which country's forum are you on ?

This is the place that Alexandar's armies couldn't conquer.

Bro. Just let the Europeans fight and kill themselves and learn to have no remorse even if a child of there dies, because as you've seen his mentality you should also have a no shits mind set. Let them cry about Russia, etc.
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