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Sergey Lavrov tells us Bucha massacre is staged

Positions should be taken in fairness:

Shall WE deny Australian war crimes in Afghanistan? NO.

Shall WE deny American war crimes in Iraq? NO.

Shall WE deny Russian war crimes in Ukraine? NO.

Everything is staged in Ukraine?

Ukrainian forces are/were conducting war crimes in locations that were under occupation of Russian forces?

What is next? Russian invasion of Ukraine is staged?

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If one member violates a Forum Rule, you should not follow suit. Your post is
I have to disagree on that. They made no accusation the day russians left. If the dead bodies had already been there it wud be announced.

Also, the bodies had white arm bands pointing to the fact that they were pro russians. And also the video i mentioned.

You made no mentions of these points yet chose to believe the lying mainstream media and the nazis. Have we not learned nothing of false flagz yet? You are a smart dude and know what im talking about. EnUf quoting lying media and their sources.
If Nazi Banderites are hiding in school then said school become legitimate target. Banderites were shelling civilians in Donbass since 2014, but it didn't bother the West.

No country accepts separatist movement by default. Russia did not accept separatist movement in Chechnya for example.

This might surprise you but I understand Russian reasons to prevent cessation of Chechnya. I have mentioned this before.

Similarly, Ukraine had its reasons to prevent cessation of Donbas and Crimea respectively. But Russia annexed Crimea in 2014.

What is fair for Russia, is also fair for Ukraine. This is my view.

WAR is an expression of aggression in itself. It will lead to destruction of infrastructure irrespective of intentions. Urban warfare can lead to cities in ruins because the defending side will use buildings for cover (expected).

Russian army encountered heavy resistance across Ukraine and did what it had to do in response but the outcomes are in front of you and they are mostly controversial and shocking (bad press for Russia). There are cases of excesses against civilians which is in part due to the fact that many Ukranians do not want Russians there (resistance factor).

I will create a thread in which I will explain why battles in Ukraine turned into such a mess for Russians. This is in part due to technologies in use.

Now Russians have no choice but to retreat. And others are finding out what happened in occupied locations.

Nobody here holds a grudge against Russians. Many Russians are good people.

People are simply pointing out that invasion of Ukraine was a significant miscalculation of Putin administration which led to many Ukranians and Russians having paid a price in blood. This mess could be avoided.
An international peaceforce should go to Ukraine to protect the civilians.

Also this must happen in Syria against the criminal Assad.

You need to use a better source if you really want to prove Russia wrong doing against humanity.

HWR is a proven CIA sponsor NGO that serves America interest only.

An international peaceforce should go to Ukraine to protect the civilians.

Also this must happen in Syria against the criminal Assad.
Why no international peaceforce send against US occupation of Iraq and Syria?
No country accepts separatist movement by default. Russia did not accept separatist movement in Chechnya for example.

This might surprise you but I understand Russian reasons to prevent cessation of Chechnya. I have mentioned this before.

Similarly, Ukraine had its reasons to prevent cessation of Donbas and Crimea respectively. But Russia annexed Crimea in 2014.

What is fair for Russia, is also fair for Ukraine. This is my view.

WAR is an expression of aggression in itself. It will lead to destruction of infrastructure irrespective of intentions. Urban warfare can lead to cities in ruins because the defending side will use buildings for cover (expected).

Russian army encountered heavy resistance across Ukraine and did what it had to do in response but the outcomes are in front of you and they are mostly controversial and shocking (bad press for Russia). There are cases of excesses against civilians which is in part due to the fact that many Ukranians do not want Russians there (resistance factor).

I will create a thread in which I will explain why battles in Ukraine turned into such a mess for Russians. This is in part due to technologies in use.

Now Russians have no choice but to retreat. And others are finding out what happened in occupied locations.

Nobody here holds a grudge against Russians. Many Russians are good people.

People are simply pointing out that invasion of Ukraine was a significant miscalculation of Putin administration which led to many Ukranians and Russians having paid a price in blood. This mess could be avoided.

The point is Russia couldn't affort to let USA turn the Ukraine into Bandera occupied zone with nuclear and biological weapons. It seems that Russia made final decision to start special military operation after Zelensky declared willingness to acquire nuclear weapons. Then at 2022-02-21 Russia recognized DPR and LPR and gave them security guarantiees, but Banderites not only didn't stop shelling Donbass but in fact intensified shelling. It seems to me that Russia didn't want to start this special military operation. It is USA that wanted this conflict. Bear in mind that this conflict brings a lot of money to USA (both to US military industry and gas industry). I see Zelensky as merely US stooge.
Russia simply had no other choice than to start special military operation. Anyway Banderites planed to invade DPR and LPR in late February or early March.

I know that there are accusations that Russia alegedly comited crimes, but I saw no evidence at all. This is one of many evidence of US crimes in Iraq:

Can you post evidence of alleged crimes comited by Russia ?

HWR is a proven CIA sponsor NGO that serves America interest only.

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Donbass will be rescued soon and russians might even lose crimea. Then war will be over

Donbass doesn't want to be "rescued" by Zelensky and NATO. In fact Zelensky bombarded and murdered Donbass and committed crimes for eight years from 2014 to the start of Russia's operation against Zelensky. You have already watched this vid about Donbass posted by @Foinikas so why are you pretending ? @LeGenD, please watch the vid.

An international peaceforce should go to Ukraine to protect the civilians.

Also this must happen in Syria against the criminal Assad.

Your Erdogan is the real criminal who hosted Al Qaeda, "Muslim" Brotherhood and "I"SIS criminals like Abdulhakim Belhaj to direct the Syria invasion after he did his job of being the puppet of NATO to overthrow the Libyan Jamahiriya system. In 2014 a young engineer in India, Mehdi Masroor Biswas, was arrested because he was running a Twitter account called Shami Witness which ran pro-"I"SIS information including which area of the Syria-Turkey border should "I"SIS followers enter from Turkey into Syria on a certain day so that they are not eliminated by Syrian forces and obviously the Turkish establishment / military / intelligence / police enabled this.
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I have to disagree on that. They made no accusation the day russians left. If the dead bodies had already been there it wud be announced.

Also, the bodies had white arm bands pointing to the fact that they were pro russians. And also the video i mentioned.

You made no mentions of these points yet chose to believe the lying mainstream media and the nazis. Have we not learned nothing of false flagz yet? You are a smart dude and know what im talking about. EnUf quoting lying media and their sources.

Again, tell me a war russia fought where they did not rape, murder and rob through the civilian population?

What we see in Butcha is what always happens when Russia invades, infact compared to other wars, Butcha is small. I expect much bigger crimes and atrocities uncovered. The Kremlin propagabda Ria Novosti openly calls for genocide in Ukraine one day before Butcha was uncovered.

So what makes you think, that for first time ever Russia would not do this?
Donbass doesn't want to be "rescued" by Zelensky and NATO. In fact Zelensky bombarded and murdered Donbass and committed crimes for eight years from 2014 to the start of Russia's operation against Zelensky. You have already watched this vid about Donbass posted by @Foinikas so why are you pretending ? @LeGenD, please watch the vid.

Your Erdogan is the real criminal who hosted Al Qaeda, "Muslim" Brotherhood and "I"SIS criminals like Abdulhakim Belhaj to direct the Syria invasion after he was done in being the puppet of NATO to overthrow the Libyan Jamahiriya system. In 2014 a young engineer in India, Mehdi Masroor Biswas, was arrested because he was running a Twitter account called Shami Witness which ran pro-"I"SIS information including which area of the Syria-Turkey border should "I"SIS followers enter from Turkey into Syria on a certain day so that they are not eliminated by Syrian forces and obviously the Turkish establishment / military / intelligence / police enabled this.
Go away with your dirty lies and propaganda. 7 million Syrians were displaced fled to Turkey and elsewhere and you still ignore the crimes committed by criminal dictator Assad. All this time you ignored the sufferings of Syrians and supported Assad no matter what.

Now you are doing the same about Ukraine ignore everything the innocent angels Russians do and blame the evil bad Nato Zio blabla Ukraine
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Donbass doesn't want to be "rescued" by Zelensky and NATO. In fact Zelensky bombarded and murdered Donbass and committed crimes for eight years from 2014 to the start of Russia's operation against Zelensky. You have already watched this vid about Donbass posted by @Foinikas so why are you pretending ? @LeGenD, please watch the vid.

Your Erdogan is the real criminal who hosted Al Qaeda, "Muslim" Brotherhood and "I"SIS criminals like Abdulhakim Belhaj to direct the Syria invasion after he was done in being the puppet of NATO to overthrow the Libyan Jamahiriya system. In 2014 a young engineer in India, Mehdi Masroor Biswas, was arrested because he was running a Twitter account called Shami Witness which ran pro-"I"SIS information including which area of the Syria-Turkey border should "I"SIS followers enter from Turkey into Syria on a certain day so that they are not eliminated by Syrian forces and obviously the Turkish establishment / military / intelligence / police enabled this.

As for what Donbass wants or not wants let us quote what Putin said when he attacked Ukraine:

Like it or not, you will get it.

Ukraine cant afford to have a russian 5th column and gaza strip right next it. Its that simple.

You need to use a better source if you really want to prove Russia wrong doing against humanity.

HWR is a proven CIA sponsor NGO that serves America interest only.

Why no international peaceforce send against US occupation of Iraq and Syria?
i literally said peaceforce should be send to Syria also. And aren’t you a half a decade too late to ask that question for Iraq?

Also @jamahir i see that you’re from india and if you want to see a real murderer and criminal then look at your own pm Modi the butcher of Gujarat.
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I have to disagree on that. They made no accusation the day russians left. If the dead bodies had already been there it wud be announced.

Also, the bodies had white arm bands pointing to the fact that they were pro russians. And also the video i mentioned.

You made no mentions of these points yet chose to believe the lying mainstream media and the nazis. Have we not learned nothing of false flagz yet? You are a smart dude and know what im talking about. EnUf quoting lying media and their sources.
The Ukrainian army weren't there when the Russian left, in fact, Russian claim they left on the 30th of March, Ukrainian claim they left on the 31st, and Ukrainian only move into the area after April 1 and the news break on April 2. You don't just immediate go into a city your enemy just vacated 30 minutes ago, it take time to move your troop across and secure the area surrounding before you enter the city.

Also, the body show sign of early decomposition, it cannot be there for just a day or 2, Rigor mortis set in on the first 48 hours, which freeze the muscle because the blood stopped pumping, and it take time to build up enzyme as bacteria needs times to literally digest your body to start the decomposition. There are a lot of image showing the body have blacken fingernail but not yet fall off, which indicate 2 to 3 weeks time has pass since death. Because any longer the deposition will start liquidise the body, skins, teeth and fingernail would have fall off if they were killed a month before Russian occupation.
Go away with your lies and propaganda. 7 million Syrians were displaced fled to Turkey and elsewhere and you still ignore the crimes committed by criminal dictator Assad.

take your Gaddafi book and get out of here

1. Syrians also fled to other parts of Europe. Doesn't mean the governments of the countries can be excused of their criminality against Assad's government and Syrian civilians and Syrian forces. Do you think seven million Syrians fled to Turkey and many more to elsewhere right during the very initial days of the Syria war ? I have followed the Syria war right from initial days when a sniper was caught in Damascus shooting at civilians. Terrorizing the citizens. It was first thought he was an Israeli but was later found to be from Turkey. Please don't tel me about the Syria war.

2. You didn't actually answer my post about Erdogan enabling Al Qaeda, "Muslim" Brotherhood and "I"SIS criminals. Who's the mass murderer, Assad or Erdogan ?

3. "Get out of here" ? What are you, the owner of the universe ? And you should try reading Gaddafi's book here.

Also @jamahir i see that you’re from india and if you want to see a real murderer and criminal then look at your own pm Modi the butcher of Gujarat.

Why would you think I am blind to what Modi does or enables ? I have posted thousands of times on PDF about what crimes the Hindutvadis do. I have to deal with Hindutvadi trolls here. Do you also want to unthinkingly support Erdogan the same way they support Modi, Shah, Yogi etc ?

As for what Donbass wants or not wants let us quote what Putin said when he attacked Ukraine:

Like it or not, you will get it.

Ukraine cant afford to have a russian 5th column and gaza strip right next it. Its that simple.

5th column ? What you propose is a genocide, something you accuse Russia of doing.

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