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Sergey Lavrov tells us Bucha massacre is staged


May 29, 2015
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This is the standard Russian propaganda MO for just about everything.

Step 1: Deny anything happened Step 2: Admit something happened, but that it was the other side that did it Step 3 (Rarely used): Admit they did it, but accuse the West of historically doing similar things

I’ve seen evidences of it being fake, so I don’t really know
Russians asked for forensic analysis of the alleged war crimes, why have the British refused??
It defied logic.

The Russian soldiers have been living with these folks in Bucha for a month since they arrived until Russia announced a systematic withdrawal about a week ago.

Why would the Russian soldiers suddenly killed all these people? Beats me.

Even a journalist from Washington Posts who had visited the area when the Russia were there questioned it.

And now Aussie News are expressing their doubts as they posting pictures of Ukrainian women being stripped naked and tortured by Ukrianian Vigilante and militia.

The Ukrainian Vigilante claimed and alleged that these people were traitors for not resisting the Russians.
So which of these are true?
The same things also happened in Algeria before.

US and Western News Media point their finger and blamed the Islamic fundamentalists but strangely the Algerian victims disagreed and said it was not them.

But the MSM like Al Jeezera, CNN, BBC choose to ignore the accounts of these eye-witnesses.

I’ve seen evidences of it being fake, so I don’t really know

There is no evidence that its fake. Beside that its normal way how russian military operates. They do this in evry conflict and now you think its different?
The same things also happened in Algeria before.

US and Western News Media point their finger and blamed the Islamic fundamentalists but strangely the Algerian victims disagreed and said it was not them.

But the MSM like Al Jeezera, CNN, BBC choose to ignore the accounts of these eye-witnesses.
Wiinie the poh doing same to uigher muslims in china. I dont see chinese media talks about it.
Positions should be taken in fairness:

Shall WE deny Australian war crimes in Afghanistan? NO.

Shall WE deny American war crimes in Iraq? NO.

Shall WE deny Russian war crimes in Ukraine? NO.

It was staged. Those civilians were killed by azov and ukrainian militants. They have white arm band showing they are pro russian civilians. Theres even video of it were a militant "theres sumone with a blue arm band, can i shoot him?" to which a senior replied "F*ck yeah"

And btw since u have such a nice title calling sumone scumbag. I'll say this
" Zelensky is a scumbag...scumbag clown zelensky..scumbag clown Biden.. Scumbag clown Blinken"

Everything is staged in Ukraine?

Ukrainian forces are/were conducting war crimes in locations that were under occupation of Russian forces?

What is next? Russian invasion of Ukraine is staged?

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If one member violates a Forum Rule, you should not follow suit. Your post is unproductive and lacking in evidence.
I'm sure that his wife and lawyer will agree to what he is saying :coffee:
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