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Separatist leader Asiya Andrabi booked for waving Pak flag, making anti-India speech

@randaam janmam is talking about this band


"I myself play a guitar," I was quite hurt to know what happened to the band.
really ? (0_0)
To quote that Bollywood song, "Ab manzil se behtar lagne lage hain yeh raste ?"

I like the spirit that you showoff at the cost of others...
Going by ur logic, ur are also enjoying the freedom on the cost of others.... Ironic, :coffee:
Thank you for the detailed post but my friend many people want but only few act that was the reason only hardcode comes on street and your 700000 thousand army also present their to suppress their demand.

And here it comes, the absurd 700,000 army claim.

For the millionth time - the army presence in Kashmir is far, far lower, and guess what? They are there only to prevent foreign countries attacking. The Indian army's conventional units do not engage in counter insurgency. Only the Rashtriya rifles, and state police forces fight insurgents. The Rashtriya rifles is under the command of the home ministry, and their total number is 65,000 - including in Kashmir and other states.

So even if you think the Indian army is "suppressing" them, the total number of armymen deployed in active duty is less than one tenth of what your teacher taught you.

The number of times this has been pointed out on this forum is probably greater than the number of armymen deployed in Kashmir.
And here it comes, the absurd 700,000 army claim.

For the millionth time - the army presence in Kashmir is far, far lower, and guess what? They are there only to prevent foreign countries attacking. The Indian army's conventional units do not engage in counter insurgency. Only the Rashtriya rifles, and state police forces fight insurgents. The Rashtriya rifles is under the command of the home ministry, and their total number is 65,000 - including in Kashmir and other states.

So even if you think the army is "suppressing" them, the total number is less than one tenth of what your teacher taught you.
What about 90000 Kashmiri people who got killed by your Army.

What about 90000 Kashmiri people who got killed by your Army.
Sopore massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What about 90000 Kashmiri people who got killed by your Army.

Sopore massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gawkadal massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Human rights abuses in Jammu and Kashmir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
@randaam janmam is talking about this band


I myself play a guitar, I was quite hurt to know what happened to the band.

This lady Asiya Andrabi wanted to pursue higher studies but her father didn't allowed her and during this time she got radicalized and joined terrorism. Having said that she is lost soul now, I hope she meets her maker ASAP.
What about 90000 Kashmiri people who got killed by your Army.

Sopore massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's what happens when a neighbouring country stokes an insurgency - many civilians die in the crossfire. Most of them were killed by your own terrorists. An entire ethnic group of Kashmiris were driven out of Kashmir by your groups, using these tactics.

BTW use the same wiki to see how many massacres your people have done in Kashmir.

Chittisinghpura massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1998 Wandhama massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2002 Qasim Nagar massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BTW, how is this a response to my post? Will you display some intellecctual integrity and stop mouthing that ridiculous 700,000 figure in future?

What do you expect to happen, when you throw rocks at armed security forces? Roses in return? From your own link:

According to the J & K police, on approaching the wooden bridge a large crowd of demonstrators started pelting stones, after which the security forces fired on the crowd, leading to the death of several protestors.[2]

On the other hand, all the massacres done by your "freedom fighters" was on peaceful Pandits and labourers and other civilians. Not against rock pelters. There are plenty of such massacres by Pakistanis and their jihadi followers.
That's what happens when a neighbouring country stokes an insurgency - many civilians die in the crossfire. Most of them were killed by your own terrorists. An entire ethnic group of Kashmiris were driven out of Kashmir by your groups, using these tactics.

BTW use the same wiki to see how many massacres your people have done in Kashmir.

Chittisinghpura massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1998 Wandhama massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2002 Qasim Nagar massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BTW, how is this a response to my post? Will you display some intellecctual integrity and stop mouthing that ridiculous 700,000 figure in future?
You are typical idiot no need to argue with you because your head is full of filth. Go check your self on net how many Indian armed forces are there.
Thank you for the detailed post but my friend many people want but only few act that was the reason only hardcode comes on street and your 700000 thousand army also present their to suppress their demand.

Err.. time and again, I see that 7L figure hovering around this forum. Last time I checked, with some proper sources, and I will not lie to you, the figure is around 1.1L, presently. Indian Army is a poor army at the end of the day and it frankly does not have the resources to maintain that kind of active military buildup for longer period of time.

There are also few other things that usually gets drowned by the usual jingoism that we are fed on daily basis by our respective media and state propaganda, and our mind does not even go in to thinking about that. Those things are the actual ground realities, what a person actually wants.

the basic demand of a person is what we in South Asia summarize as 'Roti-kapda-makkan'. When a typical Kashmiri will think of what makes his life better, he will think about that. If he does not get that, he is unhappy. If he gets that he is content. So, that brings us to the question, "What can Pakistan provide that India cannot provide better ?". With the opportunities India provides and the kind of economic progress India has been doing for the past two decades, you will be hard pushed to find an answer for that.
It is religious freedom ? India already provides that. In context, there is a saying in my mother tongue, which roughly translates as, "When your stomach is empty, religion is the first thing that goes out of the window"!!
Had I been a Pakistani, probably I would have focused more on that, rather than ignoring ground realities and taking a ride on religious factor only.
The people in your GHQ realize that well. That's why they need to artificially keep the issue alive. That's why there has been covert or brazen support for militancy in Kashmir, which was not there before the 90s. It's a political, artificially created issue! It has no connect with the people. That's why it keeps failing. Otherwise, tell me, how many days it took to create Bangladesh ? one year in protesting and 16 days of action ?
Err.. time and again, I see that 7L figure hovering around this forum. Last time I checked, with some proper sources, and I will not lie to you, the figure is around 1.1L, presently. Indian Army is a poor army at the end of the day and it frankly does not have the resources to maintain that kind of active military buildup for longer period of time.

I politely and patiently explained that to him, and this was his response:

You are typical idiot no need to argue with you because your head is full of filth. Go check your self on net how many Indian armed forces are there.

I bet you can't counter that, can you!

Thanks for admitting. This is the only thing i find in your post reason able.

@nForce : There, now how does that feel? He demolished your long, reasoned post with just a single line. That's how smart he is. Feel like continuing to indulge him? Or have you, like me, decided to have a sympathetic chuckle about his intellectual prowess, and move on?
I politely and patiently explained that to him, and this was his response:

I bet you can't counter that, can you!
See if i want to prove my point doing some search ok after that effort you will simply counter claim it. So there is no need for that.
Good decision by govt of kashmir ....never seen his/her face though.
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